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Dragon’s Dogma 2 best Magick Archer build, skills, and augmentations

Deadly and beautiful.

In the late game, Dragon’s Dogma 2 introduces some unique Vocations that reward you once mastered. Among them, Magick Archer is by far one with the highest potential for causing damage to single or multiple targets.

Magick Archer, as the name already indicates, is a mixture of Archer with Mage/Sorcerer. You wield a special type of bow that allows you to shoot magical arrows that follow targets and can have different effects. Unfortunately, to unlock Magick Archer in Dragon's Dogma 2, you need to visit the last area in the game, so it might take a while before you can start leveling up this Vocation.

To give you a good idea of this Vocation, we’ve prepared this guide, where we explain how to player Magick Archer in Dragon’s Dogma 2, listing all the best skills, core skills, and augments.

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How to play Magick Archer in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Magick Archer focuses on ranged combat and magical damage. The core concept of this Vocation is to stay safe long enough to charge the maximum number of magical arrows before shooting them.

Due to this Vocation’s Core Skill Conversion, you have two stances. You can set the Pinpoint Volley stance to target multiple targets or points on an enemy to hit with your arrows. On the other hand, Rivet Shot should be used in case you want to aim only one target or a single point on an enemy. By swapping these two stances, you can face all battle scenarios without too much trouble, from a group of harpies to a massive dragon whose heart is exposed.

As a Magick Archer, you also have the potential to inflict some debilities to enemies which are of great help. As an example, Frostseeker Bolt might freeze enemies that are weak to this element or those who become wet after crossing a creek. In addition, Magick Archer has some healing abilities as well as support ones that reduce damage received in their kit.

Freeze enemies with magical arrows in Dragon's Dogma 2

With all this potential, you might feel invincible playing Magick Archer. However, you should always remember that this Vocation causes damage based on Magick. When facing Magick-resistant enemies such as golems, you are quite useless. So, try to balance your party composition with a melee physical DPS to compensate for Magick Archer’s lack of damage in situations like this.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 best Magick Archer skills

When it comes to skills, Magick Archer offers a solid list of abilities for different playstyles. The best approach is to experiment with all of them and see how you feel during fights. However, with the goal of covering as many hypothetical fighting scenarios as possible, we’ve selected what we consider the best Magick Archer skills. Take this list into consideration when choosing the skills you want to use for the next hours of the game:

  • Martyr’s Bolt: Martyr’s Bolt is the Magick Archer Maister skill and by far the strongest one you have. This ability shoots a bunch of magical arrows that zip around a large area, hitting all of those within it. If you hold and charge it, Martyr’s Bolt causes more damage. But, there is a price. It reduces your maximum Health. While this skill has the potential of one-shooting dragons and griffins, you might have only one chance to use it.
  • Frostseeker Bolt: Shoots up to six freezing arrows that hit enemies for a period of time. These arrows have the chance of inflicting frostbite, which means that enemies might get frozen, giving you and the rest of your party a chance to attack them. A great ability with some utility potential.
  • Sagittate Downpour: This is one of the best skills in the Magick Archer kit when it comes to aiming for a single target or point on an enemy. Sagittate Downpour fires multiple magic arrows after being charged. This is an amazing ability for when you need to cause high damage quickly since the charging time is quite short.
  • Learn what are the best skills for Magick Archer in Dragon's Dogma 2
  • Vimtaking Arrow: Among the support skills that you find in Magick Archer, Vimtaking Arrow is one of the best if you want to help the party and still be safe. Using this ability will fire an arrow at enemies, taking their Health and granting it to your pawns. This is basically a life steal arrow and the amount of Health stolen depends on how many targets the arrow hits. Having this ability when facing groups of enemies or when your Mage is incapacitated is a game changer.
  • Ricochet Seeker: Considering that Dragon’s Dogma 2 has an almost endless list of caves, being prepared for fighting in narrow spaces is crucial. Magick Archer can’t handle a lot of damage and in small spaces, you want to finish off enemies fast enough before they get to you. Ricochet Seeker fires magical arrows that will ricochet off walls, dealing damage to all enemies they hit. This is your go-to ability when facing groups of goblins in caves who are too fast for you to aim normally. Use Ricochet Seeker and let the walls do the job.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 best Magick Archer Core Skills

Like with all the other Vocations, the Magick Archer Core Skills are abilities that improve how some basic features or skills work. The list isn’t long and many of the important ones are already available to you once you unlock the Vocation. There are, however, a few that you should unlock as soon as possible:

  • Tracker’s Sight: Since part of the fun of playing Magick Archer is firing multiple arrows and seeing them hitting enemies, this Core Skills is mandatory when it comes to maximizing this Vocation potential. Tracker’s Sight increases the number of targets that you can lock on when using Pinpoint Volley or Rivet Shot. In other words, this means causing more damage!
  • Protracting Arrow: With this Core Skill, whenever you cast a fire, ice, or lightning weapon skill, your next Quickfire, Pinpoint Volley, and Rivet Shot will deal the same type of elemental damage. This Core Skill is useful to prevent you from depending on spending lots of Stamina to keep using skills only to exploit the enemy’s elemental weakness.
  • Magick Archer can deal a large amount of damage to enemies in Dragon's Dogma 2
  • Scopic Sight: As a ranged Vocation, Magick Archer wants to stay out of danger to fire their magical arrows. With Scopic Sight, you have the lock-on extended when using Pinpoint Volley or Rivet Shot. This puts more space between enemies and you, which is great. Nonetheless, the farthest you’re from targets, the easiest dodging your shots is for them. So, look for enemies that aren’t aware of your presence.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 best Magick Archer Augments

Although Magick Archer can help the rest of the group with their healing abilities, it’s unquestionable that your focus is on causing damage. Taking this into consideration, when selecting the Augments to run with this Vocation, it’s important to pick the ones that will maximize your damage. Below, you find all the best Magick Archer Augments:

  • Endurance: With Endurance, you increase your maximum Stamina. Considering all weapon skills consume Stamina, having more of it means that you can use more skills in sequence. Equipping this ability will also help you in running for longer periods. To unlock this Augment, you need to level up Archer.
  • Asperity: One of the first Augments you unlock when leveling Sorcerer up, Asperity is great to use with Magick Archer. This Augment increases the chance of your attacks inflicting debilitations. Thinking specifically about Frostseeker Bolt, equipping Asperity helps you in freezing enemies more constantly.
  • Pick the right Augments for the Magick Archer in Dragon's Dogma 2
  • Voracity: You unlock Voracity as you level up Magick Archer. With this ability equipped, whenever you land a killing blow to a foe, you recover a small amount of Stamina. Running this Augment goes toward our goal of dealing as much damage as we can and to do that we need to cast more abilities. Voracity gives you the chance to recover Stamina while you set your aim for your next target.
  • Sagacity: As mentioned, the Magick Archer attacks cause magical damage. Because of that, running Sagacity is just perfect since it increases your Magick status. A simple and yet powerful Augment to equip when playing Magick Archer.

Have fun shooting magical arrows and looking cool in Dragon’s Dogma 2!

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