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Sea of Thieves is getting a Pirates of the Caribbean crossover next week

New story campaign arriving as part of Season 3.

Two swashbuckling worlds are set to collide next Tuesday, 22nd June, when Sea of Thieves joins forces with Disney's Pirate of the Caribbean to go on a grand new adventure with Captain Jack Sparrow and friends.

Arriving alongside the third season of content for Rare's multiplayer pirate game, Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life, as the crossover is known, sends players on a new five-episode story campaign, playable either solo or in a crew, involving the world's greatest Pirate Treasure, which Jack Sparrow just so happens to have stolen.

Davy Jones, inevitably, isn't far behind, and the adventure will see players setting sail to visit new locations from both universes - including some from the Pirates of the Caribbean theme park rides that didn't quite make it into the movies.

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life - Announcement Trailer.Watch on YouTube

"Players will also be facing grave danger from deadly new enemies wherever they sail," teases Rare. "Terrifying Phantoms will require swift reflexes to deal with, while Sirens swarm beneath the waves and wield devastating new weapons of their own. Even the decks of ships might not be safe if there are lumbering Ocean Crawlers around". These new threats will also be making their way to the Sea of Thieves at large "in future updates".

A Pirate's Life will be available to all players for free when Sea of Thieves' third season of content comes to Xbox and PC on 22nd June.

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