Welcome to the Data Protection Register of Records of data processing operations in the European Parliament

This central register gathers records on the processing of personal data carried out by the Institution.

Use the Search Box by entering the key words of the processing operations you are interested in (e.g. recruitment, questionnaire, evaluation etc.), name, surname of the data controller or the service responsible for the processing (e.g. Budget Unit, Directorate for Media, etc.).

The search engine will retrieve all the records having the key word in their content.

In the record, which will be retrieved by the search engine, you will find some very useful information on the personal data processing operations in compliance with Article 31 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 carried out by the European Parliament. The information includes identity of the data controller, legal basis and purpose of the operation, data subjects whose data are being processed, categories of the data, period and modalities of storage and the recipients to whom data are disclosed in case of data transfer.

You can rely on the Advanced Search to use more specific search fields and to search by consulting the lists of operations, data controllers and services contained in the register.

Please refer to "search help" for more detailed information.

