Fifth annual EUROJUST ICM on the Evaluation of EUROJUST’s activities (LIBE), 2 December 2024, Brussels

The fifth Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on the "Evaluation of Eurojust's activities" took place on Monday, 2 December 2024, from 15:00 to 18:00, at the European Parliament in Brussels.

The fifth Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on the "Evaluation of Eurojust's activities" took place on Monday, 2 December 2024, from 15:00 to 18:00, at the European Parliament in Brussels.

In accordance with Article 85(1) TFEU and Article 67(3) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1727 on the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust), the President of Eurojust shall appear once a year for the joint evaluation of Eurojust's activities by the European Parliament and national Parliaments, within the framework of an interparliamentary committee meeting, to discuss the agency's current activities and to present its annual report or its other key documents.

As a consequence of the war in Ukraine, the Eurojust Regulation has been amended with new provisions providing it with capacity to store and analyse and share evidence on core international crimes, outcome of which is the establishment of the Core International Crimes Evidence Database (CICED). In addition to setting up a Joint Investigation Team with Ukraine, six EU Member States and International Criminal Court, International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine (ICPA) has been established within Eurojust. The Agency's responses to the war was therefore one of the main focuses of the ICM. Moreover, organised crime and in particular drug trafficking is one of the most serious security threats facing Europe today. The situation is escalating, with an unprecedented increase in illicit drugs available in Europe. The drug trade continues to be one of the main profit-generating activities of organised crime. It has therefore been one of the top crimes dealt with by the Eurojust agency in the last year and has also been discussed during the meeting.

Against this background, the Committee of Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) organised together with the Legislative Dialogue Unit of the Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments, the 5th interparliamentary committee meeting on "The evaluation of Eurojust activities".
