
Get 100% Extra Google Search Traffic

"We saw roughly a 100-percent increase in the typical year-over-year growth of traffic from Google Search to our event listing pages"

You getting a huge Google search engine traffic boost is exactly why eventrac automatically publishes your event content online using structured data mark-up language.

Structured data mark-up is critical for Google because it can’t crawl the entire web, with over 3.23 billion pages that's expensive and time consuming and there is a lot of duplication and low-quality content that Google wants to avoid so it uses structured data to help it find content and understand it better. 

FYI search engine optimisation experts use structured data to target achieving enriched search results that appear before organic listings on Google.

 ".. we saw roughly a 100-percent increase in the typical year-over-year growth of traffic from Google Search to our event listing pages, according to Google Analytics." The enriched search experience "definitely has been helpful for driving traffic and getting additional ticket sales." *

Why Target A Rich Search Result?

When eventrac automatically adds structured data to an event landing page, the search engine result will change for the better.

For example it will become much “richer” besides the title, the URL and the description of the search result, you can see a gold starred review rating too.

Here’s a rich search result with a gold starred review below.

Why Target An Enriched Search Result?

In addition to standard rich results, Google Search supports a more interactive and enhanced class of rich results called enriched search results.

Enriched search results often include a popup experience like the image below

Enriched search enables the user to refine their search across the various properties of a structured data item; for instance, in the image below date is offered as a filter.

Here’s an enriched search result in an event listing popup on Google

eventrac Automatic Structured Data Benefits

Your Event Is Indexed Faster

Google can’t crawl the entire web, which has more than 3.23 billion pages. Crawling is expensive and time consuming and there is a lot of duplication and low-quality content that it wants to avoid so structured data helps Google find your event content and understand it better.

Higher CTR (Click-through Rate)

Having our gold starred rich event listings results show up for your events in the search engine results pages is a great way to increase click-through rates and draw more attention to your listings, especially if you have great event reviews too.

More Conversions

Having gold starred rich and enriched event listings results can also increase your conversion rates. If more people see your event listings and the listings are positive, the likelihood that they will enter your event will increase.

Get Enriched Search Results

Getting enriched search results is the top target for SEO experts. Your site will appear at the top of the search engine result page, before the organic listings.

Control Your Event Information

Structured data is a foundation with which search engines understand your event content, it saves them bandwidth and time because you are giving information in a format they can quickly and easily understand.

Future Proof Your Search Engine Results Page Performance

It is also important to understand search engines are playing a long game called “data retrieval,” as opposed to the traditional and expensive exercise of “information retrieval.”  because now with structured data they have an efficient way to effectively answer search queries with more personalised and factual results which is what we all want!


Structured data is no longer just nice to have – we make sure your events are published with structured data mark-up because it helps Google understand your event and make your event stand out in the Search Engine Results Pages.

Get Your EXTRA Traffic Boost Now

Schedule a call with one of our structured data experts today to see how eventrac’s structured data implementation could increase your event visibility on Google search engine results pages and get you more clicks too.