This manual is part of the publications programme of the Fisheries Department Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It is a synthesis of the current methodologies applicable to the intensive hatchery culture of bivalve molluscs covering similarities and differences in approach in rearing clams, oysters and scallops in different climatic regions. All aspects of the culture process are described, together with considerations in choosing a site for hatchery development and in the design of suitable facilities. The manual also includes the post-hatchery handling of "seed" bivalves in land- and sea-based nursery culture preparatory to on-growing. This publication is intended to assist both technicians entering this field as well as investors interested in evaluating the complexity of intensive hatchery production.
The authors bring together a combined 80 years of experience in the biology, management and operation of hatcheries encompassing a range of the more commonly cultured bivalve species in different parts of the world. Preparation of the manual has been under the overall coordination of Alessandro Lovatelli, Fishery Resources Officer (Aquaculture).
The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of their many colleagues past and present and industry leaders, without which this publication would not have been possible.
Unless otherwise acknowledged, all photographs were taken by the authors.
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Fisheries Department
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