Lava has just launched its latest budget 5G smartphone in India, the Lava Yuva 2 5G, priced aggressively at Rs 9,499. This new device aims to disrupt the entry-level segment by offering impressive features like a 50MP AI camera and a large display, directly challenging popular models like the Redmi 12 5G, Nokia G42 5G, Realme Narzo 70x 5G, and Poco M6 Pro 5G.
Lava Yuva 2 5G: Key features and specifications
The Lava Yuva 2 5G is the successor to last year’s Yuva 2 4G and brings several significant upgrades to the table. While the Yuva 2 4G featured a 6.5-inch HD+ IPS LCD, Unisoc T606 processor, 3GB RAM, and a 13MP rear camera, the Yuva 2 5G steps up the game with a larger 6.67-inch HD+ punch-hole display, a more powerful UNISOC T760 5G chipset, 4GB of RAM (expandable with virtual RAM), and a 50MP AI rear camera. Additionally, it offers 18W fast charging, a 5000mAh battery, and the latest Android 14, making it a more powerful, future-proof device with 5G capabilities. , catering to users looking for a budget-friendly 5G smartphone.
The Lava Yuva 2 5G comes in two colours – Marble Black and Marble White. The connectivity options include dual SIM, 5G support, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0, and USB Type-C.
Pricing and availability
Lava’s Yuva 2 5G is available at an introductory price of Rs 9499. The smartphone is available at Lava’s retail outlets across India, and it comes with a 1-year warranty and free home service.
Lava Yuva 2 5G vs. competitors
The Lava Yuva 2 5G competes directly with popular models like the Xiaomi Redmi 12 5G, Nokia G42 5G, Realme Narzo 70x 5G, and Poco M6 Pro 5G, all of which offer similar features in the budget segment.