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GDP per capita (USD)

Explore and compare GDP per capita data across over 195 countries worldwide with our indispensable insights from FocusEconomics. Access accurate historical data on GDP per capita in USD terms for various nations, providing a comprehensive view of economic performance over the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. This information is valuable for evaluating countries’ economic performances and identifying business opportunities. Our GDP per capita data and forecasts can empower your business with critical insights.

What does GDP mean?

To understand GDP per capita, it is first necessary to understand the concept of GDP, or gross domestic product. GDP includes the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given time period. It includes private and public consumption, public and private investment, and exports minus imports.

GDP is the most widely used measure of economic activity and is a strong representation of the economic health of a country. However, there are some elements of economic activity that GDP does not encapsulate, including non-market transactions.

What does GDP per capita mean?

GDP per capita stands for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita (per person). It is derived from a straightforward division of total GDP (see definition of GDP) by the population. Per capita GDP is typically expressed in local current currency, local constant currency or a standard unit of currency in international markets, such as the U.S. dollar (USD). At FocusEconomics, we express GDP per capita in USD terms.

GDP per capita is an important indicator of economic performance and a useful unit when making cross-country comparisons of average living standards and economic well being. However, GDP per capita is not a measure of personal income and using it for cross-country comparisons also has some known weaknesses. In particular, GDP per capita does not take into account the income distribution in a country. In addition, cross-country comparisons based on the U.S. dollar can be distorted by exchange rate fluctuations and often don’t reflect the purchasing power in the countries being compared.

Why our reports with GDP per capita data and forecasts are valuable for businesses

Data on GDP per capita is useful for several reasons:

  • Investment Opportunities

For businesses considering international expansion or investment, GDP per capita is a key indicator. Higher GDP per capita often signifies a more affluent market, making it an attractive destination for investments in sectors like luxury goods or high-end services. Meanwhile, markets which are forecast to have increasing GDP per capita can be ripe business opportunities to capitalise on.

  • Risk Assessment

GDP per Capita provides a snapshot of consumers’ economic well-being. Businesses can use this information to assess the economic stability of a market, helping them make informed decisions and mitigate risks associated with economic downturns or tightening consumer budgets.

  • Consumer Understanding

GDP per capita is often correlated with consumer spending patterns; GDP per capita is one economic factor that influences demand for luxury goods, for example. Businesses can anticipate trends in consumer behavior, preferences, and demand by analysing GDP per capita data data and forecasts, enabling more effective product planning and marketing strategies.

GDP per Capita by Country

This chart displays GDP per Capita (USD) for Major Economies, Euro Area, South Asia, Latin America, Middle East & North Africa from 2010 to 2023.

GDP per capita (USD) Data

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Afghanistan 503 514 303 355 463
Albania 5,458 5,373 6,411 6,849 8,562
Algeria 4,452 3,760 4,181 4,976 5,214
Andorra 40,449 36,987 41,563 41,171 43,859
Angola 2,560 1,644 2,069 3,174 2,431
Antigua and Barbuda 17,272 14,470 15,605 17,527 -
Argentina 9,942 8,485 10,603 13,660 13,865
Armenia 4,598 4,266 4,687 6,661 8,128
Aruba 30,979 23,344 28,575 32,944 36,661
Australia 54,329 53,082 64,164 65,433 64,570
Austria 49,997 48,710 53,763 52,451 56,194
Azerbaijan 4,830 4,272 5,447 7,824 7,144
Bahamas, The 33,723 25,535 28,783 32,840 35,402
Bahrain 27,182 24,276 27,064 30,448 29,142
Bangladesh 2,153 2,269 2,499 2,729 2,558
Barbados 20,168 17,946 18,254 21,652 23,084
Belarus 6,848 6,545 7,503 7,433 8,666
Belgium 46,845 45,884 51,768 50,985 54,903
Belize 6,140 5,159 6,021 7,117 7,533
Benin 1,171 1,240 1,362 1,306 1,433
Bhutan 3,291 - - - -
Bolivia 3,560 3,153 3,428 3,686 3,715
Bosnia-Herz. 5,990 5,948 6,967 7,055 8,128
Botswana 6,689 5,880 7,243 7,722 7,381
Brazil 9,009 7,059 7,948 9,259 10,348
Brunei 29,865 27,165 31,756 37,486 33,470
Bulgaria 9,872 10,203 12,337 14,031 15,887
Burkina Faso 765 827 886 826 -
Burundi 293 - - - -
Cabo Verde 4,499 3,626 4,062 4,437 4,963
Cambodia 2,282 2,131 2,217 2,375 2,489
Cameroon 1,533 1,537 1,653 1,588 1,722
Canada 46,423 43,574 52,912 56,341 54,392
CdI 2,171 2,207 2,476 2,319 2,534
Central African Republic 462 511 484 - -
Chad 935 893 940 928 -
Chile 14,549 13,070 16,010 15,235 16,805
China 10,125 10,402 12,612 12,676 12,631
Colombia 6,541 5,363 6,233 6,683 6,963
Comoros 1,511 1,519 1,575 1,458 1,553
Congo 9,154 8,021 9,435 10,970 -
Costa Rica 12,662 12,147 12,504 13,214 16,381
Croatia 15,119 14,291 17,781 18,431 21,958
Cuba 9,232 9,605 2,043 2,386 -
Cyprus 29,901 28,723 33,880 34,165 36,791
Czech Republic 24,011 23,461 27,655 27,865 31,626
Denmark 59,483 61,101 69,881 68,425 68,597
Djibouti 3,430 - - - -
Dominica 8,494 6,907 7,504 8,205 8,838
Dominican Republic 8,574 7,545 8,969 10,728 11,377
DR Congo 589 537 590 680 664
Ecuador 6,199 5,470 6,099 6,581 6,664
Egypt 3,213 3,801 4,146 4,586 3,744
El Salvador 4,280 3,960 4,600 5,049 5,344
Equatorial Guinea 8,385 7,577 7,982 8,145 -
Eritrea 567 - - - -
Estonia 24,016 23,879 27,937 28,396 30,137
Ethiopia 969 974 1,143 1,511 -
Euro Area 40,315 39,214 44,151 42,586 46,347
Fiji 6,084 4,921 4,752 5,478 5,989
Finland 48,383 48,775 53,138 50,421 53,110
France 41,869 40,471 45,216 42,446 46,352
Gabon 7,834 7,453 8,083 9,128 8,748
Gambia, The 772 749 822 852 890
Georgia 4,739 4,307 5,062 6,788 8,250
Germany 47,617 47,289 52,238 49,595 53,545
Ghana 2,208 2,220 2,484 2,119 2,195
Greece 19,326 17,818 20,431 20,887 23,380
Grenada 10,739 9,234 9,849 10,742 11,450
Guatemala 4,647 4,610 5,053 5,508 5,932
Guinea 959 961 1,204 1,348 -
Guyana 6,544 6,901 9,638 18,263 -
Haiti 1,279 1,245 1,719 1,651 1,608
Honduras 2,548 2,349 2,781 3,051 3,281
Hong Kong 48,280 46,451 49,848 48,003 50,591
Hungary 16,872 16,223 18,825 18,322 22,157
Iceland 70,711 61,123 72,143 78,790 83,531
India 2,050 1,915 2,250 2,367 2,497
Indonesia 4,195 3,930 4,355 4,783 4,922
Iran 2,909 2,327 3,442 4,432 4,347
Iraq 5,929 4,490 5,009 6,740 5,612
Ireland 81,479 86,212 103,655 104,457 103,423
Israel 44,311 44,892 52,584 55,245 52,368
Italy 33,767 31,899 36,698 35,541 39,013
Jamaica 5,789 5,050 5,352 6,234 7,072
Japan 40,542 40,161 40,120 34,079 33,831
Jordan 4,165 4,004 4,159 4,325 4,499
Kazakhstan 9,807 9,097 10,354 11,449 13,208
Kenya 2,109 2,062 2,205 2,259 2,094
Kiribati 1,838 1,884 2,383 2,195 -
Korea 33,812 33,663 37,488 34,813 35,538
Kosovo 4,415 4,312 5,267 5,288 5,959
Kuwait 31,518 25,566 35,196 38,265 33,638
Kyrgyzstan 1,388 1,194 1,314 1,787 2,018
Laos 2,599 2,593 2,536 2,069 2,090
Latvia 17,237 17,461 20,161 20,229 22,435
Lebanon 8,906 5,561 4,045 3,654 3,350
Lesotho 1,161 1,008 1,155 1,116 1,052
Liberia 624 600 677 749 808
Libya 10,530 7,063 5,312 6,395 -
Lithuania 19,726 20,502 23,921 25,107 27,674
Luxembourg 113,812 117,505 134,707 126,344 129,725
Macao 81,008 37,108 45,340 37,144 67,260
Madagascar 532 477 513 520 530
Malawi 552 568 581 569 -
Malaysia 11,227 10,405 11,470 12,484 12,090
Maldives 15,199 9,703 13,437 15,536 -
Mali 840 823 881 830 885
Malta 33,068 31,809 38,190 36,852 40,978
Marshall Islands 5,295 5,500 6,167 6,171 -
Mauritania 1,944 1,985 2,165 2,196 2,389
Mauritius 11,378 9,014 9,080 10,223 11,452
Mexico 10,257 8,741 10,199 11,288 13,688
Micronesia, Federated States of 4,245 4,247 4,229 4,453 -
Moldova 4,475 4,407 5,302 5,688 6,647
Mongolia 4,324 3,961 4,478 4,952 5,796
Montenegro 8,923 7,684 9,432 9,837 11,894
Morocco 3,623 3,377 3,909 3,569 3,901
Mozambique 513 458 505 574 619
Myanmar 1,421 1,485 1,239 1,155 1,232
Namibia 4,802 3,943 4,477 4,406 4,213
Nauru 7,713 7,821 9,676 7,877 -
Nepal 1,188 1,117 1,205 1,264 -
Netherlands 53,742 53,468 60,310 59,384 64,806
New Zealand 42,276 41,342 48,829 47,673 48,247
Nicaragua 1,938 1,952 2,163 2,368 2,671
Niger 554 571 592 590 618
Nigeria 2,365 2,100 2,087 2,205 1,636
North Macedonia 6,729 6,671 7,620 7,480 8,605
Norway 76,291 68,304 92,870 108,863 87,169
Oman 19,044 17,054 19,432 22,235 20,472
Pakistan 1,506 1,377 1,567 1,654 1,463
Palau 15,611 14,333 12,500 12,500 -
Panama 16,539 13,335 15,540 17,355 18,711
Papua New Guinea 2,314 2,118 2,209 2,632 2,501
Paraguay 5,297 4,872 5,414 5,610 5,696
Peru 7,251 6,329 6,841 7,318 7,931
Philippines 3,513 3,314 3,578 3,642 3,906
Poland 15,874 15,971 18,588 18,850 22,029
Portugal 23,341 22,257 24,859 24,898 28,018
Puerto Rico 31,972 31,483 32,714 35,041 36,367
Qatar 62,993 50,941 65,363 80,830 70,442
Romania 12,958 13,042 14,913 15,557 18,405
Russia 11,453 10,077 12,512 15,117 13,753
Rwanda 835 802 855 1,007 1,046
Saint Kitts and Nevis 23,063 18,418 17,886 20,448 -
Saint Lucia 11,705 8,376 10,372 12,943 -
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8,205 7,830 7,858 8,529 -
Samoa 4,384 4,334 4,172 3,981 4,460
San Marino 47,533 45,536 54,494 53,597 -
Sao Tome and Principe 1,952 2,186 2,360 2,391 2,951
Saudi Arabia 27,889 23,256 28,390 34,410 32,514
Senegal 1,434 1,466 1,599 1,561 1,699
Serbia 7,754 8,101 9,674 10,017 12,276
Seychelles 19,824 14,434 15,676 20,359 22,253
Sierra Leone 835 838 879 850 754
Singapore 66,107 61,486 79,504 88,429 84,663
Slovakia 19,418 19,701 22,075 21,291 24,479
Slovenia 25,902 25,421 29,159 28,390 32,661
Solomon Islands 2,276 2,119 2,057 2,074 -
Somalia 1,038 1,008 1,074 1,134 -
South Africa 6,585 5,635 6,935 6,626 6,111
South Sudan 302 392 409 543 469
Spain 29,791 27,184 30,856 30,323 33,883
Sri Lanka 4,084 3,849 4,006 3,335 3,824
Sudan 984 1,973 677 - -
Suriname 7,128 6,935 5,455 6,136 5,454
Swaziland 4,162 3,957 3,864 3,729 -
Sweden 51,532 52,557 60,912 55,085 55,440
Switzerland 84,472 86,165 93,925 94,798 101,504
Syrian Arab Republic 128,341 80,017 54,665 85,734 -
Taiwan 26,008 28,864 33,345 32,804 32,466
Tajikistan 893 858 925 1,090 1,205
Tanzania 1,037 1,084 1,130 1,195 1,231
Thailand 7,811 7,165 7,230 7,074 7,339
Timor-Leste 1,599 1,676 2,767 2,409 1,540
Togo 848 879 962 914 1,002
Tonga 4,933 4,761 4,751 4,899 -
Trinidad and Tobago 17,040 14,874 17,412 21,253 19,264
Tunisia 3,535 3,556 3,902 3,679 3,954
Turkey 9,137 8,595 9,609 10,607 13,062
Turkmenistan 7,460 7,383 8,804 10,420 -
Tuvalu 5,421 5,233 6,231 - -
UAE 43,973 37,644 43,430 48,892 48,136
Uganda 948 921 1,008 1,077 1,142
Ukraine 3,420 3,493 4,498 3,909 4,720
United Kingdom 42,671 40,220 46,717 45,912 49,582
United States 65,561 64,462 71,258 77,980 82,715
Uruguay 17,670 15,190 17,130 19,720 21,636
Uzbekistan 2,026 1,957 2,237 2,554 2,818
Vanuatu 3,217 3,014 3,113 3,026 -
Venezuela 5,367 3,789 4,055 4,804 -
Vietnam 3,439 3,548 3,757 4,101 4,276
West Bank and Gaza 3,443 3,045 3,465 3,572 -
Yemen 702 633 594 706 -
Zambia 1,261 956 1,136 1,454 1,364
Zimbabwe 1,705 1,725 2,265 2,004 -


While a high Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is generally indicative of a large and active economy, it alone does not necessarily mean a good economy. GDP measures the total value of goods and services produced but does not account for the distribution of wealth, equity, or overall well-being.

Additionally, factors like inflation, unemployment, and household debt levels need consideration. Therefore, while a high GDP is positive, a comprehensive analysis that includes other metrics is essential to determine the overall health and sustainability of an economy.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is calculated through three approaches: production (output), income, and expenditure. The production approach sums the value of all goods and services produced. The income approach totals incomes generated, including wages and profits. The expenditure approach adds up consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports. These approaches provide different perspectives on economic activity, aiming to ensure consistency in GDP measurements.

GDP per capita measures the total economic output of a country divided by its population, reflecting overall economic activity. Income per capita specifically refers to the average income earned by individuals within a population, offering insight into personal earnings. While related, GDP per capita considers all economic activities, while income per capita focuses solely on personal earnings.

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