Guidelines for accepting guest posts

Are you interested in writing for the Foleon blog?

Guest Post Guidelines

Please follow these guidelines as it will increase the likelihood your contributed post will be accepted and published quickly.

Relevant Content

Our blog caters toward B2B marketing and communication professionals. Posts should be relevant and engaging for this audience and aim to deepen their understanding of a topic related to their profession. 

Some topics we’re interested in:

  • B2B Content marketing
  • B2B Content strategy
  • B2B Content ops
  • B2B Content creation
  • B2B Sales enablement
  • B2B Account-based marketing
  • B2B Lead generation
  • B2B Customer success

Any (self) promotional or advertorial content will be rejected. 

Quality Content

Our blog aims to be an expert and authoritative source of educational content. Please back up any claims with data or links to relevant sources, and explain your points thoroughly (though without getting into too much technical detail).


Blog posts on Foleon should be a minimum of 1,200 words, and a maximum of 2000 words. 

Style and Language

Submitted posts must be in American English and be free of spelling or grammatical errors.

Be succinct: Use short sentences that are to the point. Make paragraphs short and scannable. A paragraph should not have more than 5 lines.

Be specific: Don’t use vague or meaningless language. Cut the excess fluff and say what you mean. No points for using extra words.


Please include a bio of approximately 30 words along with a headshot. It should be a person, not a brand. You may include a link to your website in the bio.


There’s no need to include a masthead image. You may, however, include images within the body of the post. Images need to be royalty free and have the correct source.


Please send us your submission in a Google Doc.


To submit contributed content for publication on the Foleon blog, you must agree to the following conditions: 

  • Content must be 100% unique, not appearing anywhere else on the web
  • You agree not to reuse the same piece of content elsewhere in the future
  • You agree to give Foleon ownership over the submitted content
  • Content must be vendor-neutral and non-promotional
  • We reserve the right to edit and revise as we deem necessary 
  • If for some reason we decide not to publish, we’ll let you know.
  • No more than three backlinks to partner websites.
  • Note: We will not accept links to home, landing pages or product pages. 

We look forward to seeing your content!

Get in touch

Send us your suggestions

If you want to submit a guest post or propose some other type of content collaboration, send us a message with a few topics you'd like to write about.

Note: Due to the large number of submissions, we only reply to a select number of requests. If you don't hear back from us, please don't track us down and email us. Thanks!
