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5 Predictions For An Economic ‘Soft Landing’ That Were Totally Wrong

Updated Feb 7, 2023, 01:23pm EST

If you listen to financial news these days, you’re bound to hear one term over and over again: soft landing. That’s the hope shared by many economic forecasters that the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes—an attempt to slow inflation by throwing people out of their jobs—won’t push the economy into a brutal recession.

The term “soft landing” was first coined by Professor Herman I. Liebling in 1973. Liebling worked at Lafayette College and was a top forecaster at the U.S. Treasury when he predicted a soft landing in the mid-1970s, which turned out to be horribly wrong. The recession of 1973-1975 saw unemployment peak at a whopping 9% and there was a 3.2% decline in GDP.

The future is notoriously hard to predict. I should know, since I’ve been writing about past visions of the future since 2007. And it turns out, nobody really knows whether the Fed’s actions will actually produce the desired result—that magical soft landing.

Inspired by a Twitter thread from user Michael Kantro, a chief investment strategist at Piper Sandler, I decided to look through newspaper archives to see just how common the term “soft landing” has been in recent history. And it seems like many experts are always predicting a soft landing, no matter how turbulent that landing actually turns out.


The Sept. 3, 1973 edition of the New York Times introduced its readers to Liebling and the now common term under the headline “Economists See a ‘Soft Landing’ When Boom Ends.”

“Herman I. Liebling, a senior Treasury economist, recently spelled out some of the ‘strengths’ in the economy that ‘were absent in earlier episodes’ when government‐ fiscal and monetary restraints helped turn booms into recessions: An ‘ongoing capital good, boom’ — meaning business investment in plant and equipment,” the New York Times wrote.

“This positive factor was reinforced last week by the latest conference board report on capital investment appropriations by large manufacturing companies, which reached record level in the second quarter. The appropriations precede actual investment spending,” the New York Times continued.

But the mid-1970s turned out to be anything but a soft landing with soaring unemployment and an oil crisis hitting the economy hard.


During the recession of 1980 unemployment peaked at 7.8% and GDP declined 2.2%. But in the lead up to that downturn, there were plenty of respected economists predicting that a soft landing was on the horizon.

Under the headline “Soft landing economy seen,” the Sept. 15, 1978 edition of the Desert Sun newspaper quoted Prof. Liebling and his prediction that a soft landing was coming.

“A capital goods boom will provide a cushion and I don’t see an early ending of that boom,” Liebling was quoted as saying.


The recession that started in the middle of 1981 after a brief respite in late 1980 and early 1981 was even more brutal on workers, with unemployment peaking at 10.8% and GDP dipping 2.8%. But there were predictions in 1980 that the economy would remain resilient enough for a soft landing.

“The financially strapped consumer, at some point, will simply run out of money, the experts say. As evidence, the economists point to developing weaknesses in two of the most critical consumer sectors: the auto and housing markets. They also point to declines in both real personal consumption expenditures and real disposable income,” an article in the January 17, 1980 News-Journal explained.

“Their conclusion: we’ll have about a 1.5 percent decline in real GNP this year, in effect, a modest recession (or, as some put it, a ‘soft landing’),” the article continued.


The U.S. economy went into a recession in 1990 and unemployment peaked in 1992 at 7.8%. And yet in May 1989 the Associated Press ran a story about how the economy was headed for a soft landing.

“The soft-landing thesis has gained many adherents. Brokers are calling old customers with new tips. Market letter writers are talking about 3,000 points on the Dow Jones industrial average. Business Week magazine declares, ‘A Soft Landing Will Send the Market Soaring.’ Stocks are exciting once again,” the AP wrote.

But as early as October 1989, people were already arguing that a soft landing was all in how you looked at it, especially if you looked at how many people were being thrown out of work.

John Crudele, writing a syndicated column that appeared in a October 1, 1989 newspaper pointed out that the thousands of people who were losing their jobs wouldn’t characterize the landing as soft.

“Don't expect any of the 3,200 workers at General Motors Corp.'s assembly plant in Lakewood, Ga., to be thrilled that the nation's economy is headed for a soft landing. All of them are headed for a hard landing on the unemployment line in the spring when the automaker shuts the plant because it isn't selling enough cars,” Crudele wrote at the time.


The U.S. economy saw unemployment hit a peak of 10% in 2009 during the Great Recession and GDP slipped by 5.1%. But back in 2007, there were plenty of predictions that Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke was going to guide the economy into a soft landing, even with the implosion of housing in the U.S.

“Since becoming the chairman of the Federal Reserve last Feb. 1, Ben S. Bernanke has steered the U.S. economy to an apparent soft landing amid a housing recession, stepped out from his predecessor’s long shadow and made decision-making more democratic atop one of the world’s most powerful but little-known institutions,” one glowing article that appeared in the Jan. 21 Billings Gazette read.

It didn’t turn out that way, as anyone who lived through the Great Recession can tell you, it wasn’t exactly a soft landing.

Is there any other way to fight inflation than throwing millions of people out of work? Yes, say some economists. There’s a new piece at Vox by Rachel M. Cohen that explains making more people unemployed isn’t the only option. In fact, the medicine of destroying jobs may be worse than the disease of inflation, as some people would argue.

But whatever happens in the wake of the Fed’s decision to hike interest rates, you can bet the economy will continue to be the most important political issue of the day. And even when things are going well, people are going to complain. For example, one Fox News commentator I saw after the jobs numbers came out last week insisted there were still too many people who didn’t have a job, despite unemployment sitting at a 53-year low. These are the same people who blame President Joe Biden for soaring inflation.

Whether or not we dip into a recession, it’s important to remember that whatever happens has been engineered. It’s not a force of nature. Jacking up interest rates has real consequences and millions of people could quickly lose their jobs if the Fed does too much. The only thing I know for certain is that people are going to continue to make predictions—and many of those predictions, whatever they look like, will turn out to be dead wrong.

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