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HTML big Tag

Last Updated : 27 Nov, 2024
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The <big> tag in HTML was used to increase the font size of text by one level compared to the surrounding text.

  • However, it has been deprecated in HTML5. Instead, it’s advisable to use CSS for styling text sizes.
  • Instead, it’s advisable to use CSS for styling text sizes.
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <p>This is paragraph text</p>

    <big>This is big Tag text</big>



<big> Text line </big>

Alternative of <big> Tag

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <p>This is normal paragraph text</p>
    <div style="font-size:40px; ">
        style font using css properties


Related article: CSS Font Size

HTML <big> Tag-FAQs

Is the <big> tag still supported in HTML5?

No, the <big> tag is obsolete in HTML5 and is not recommended for use in modern web development.

What is the alternative to the <big> tag in HTML5?

The alternative is using CSS with the font-size property to control text size. For example: <span style=”font-size: larger;”>Text</span>.

Why was the <big> tag deprecated?

The <big> tag was deprecated due to the introduction of CSS, which offers more flexible and consistent control over text styling.

How did the <big> tag affect nested text elements?

The <big> tag could be nested to make text incrementally larger each time it was used, but this is now considered poor practice.

Can the <big> tag be replaced with heading tags like <h1> to <h6>?

For important content, use heading tags (<h1>, <h2>, etc.) instead of <big>, but for minor text size changes, use CSS.

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