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Pass by Value and Pass by Reference in Javascript

Last Updated : 22 Jan, 2025
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JavaScript handles variables in different ways when passing them to functions. Variables in JavaScript can either be passed by value or passed by reference, depending on the type of data they hold.

“Pass by Value” in JavaScript

When a variable is passed by value, a copy of the actual value is passed to the function. Any changes made to the parameter inside the function do not affect the original variable.

In JavaScript, primitive data types are passed by value. These include:

let n = 10;

function modify(x) {
    x = 20;
    console.log("Inside function: ", x);

console.log("Outside function: ", n); 

Inside function:  20
Outside function:  10

In this example

  • The value of n (10) is copied to x.
  • Modifying x inside the function does not affect n because x is a separate copy.

“Pass by Reference” in JavaScript

When a variable is passed by reference, a reference to the actual data is passed. This means changes made to the parameter inside the function affect the original variable.

In JavaScript, non-primitive data types (such as objects and arrays) are passed by reference.

let obj = { name: "Ravi" };

function modify(o) { = "Arun";
    console.log("Inside function: ",;

console.log("Outside function: ",;

Inside function:  Arun
Outside function:  Arun

In this example the obj reference is passed to the function, allowing changes to the original object.

Difference between Pass by Value and Pass by Reference

FeaturePass by ValuePass by Reference
Applies ToPrimitive data typesNon-primitive data types (objects, arrays)
Data CopyCreates a copy of the actual valuePasses a reference to the original data
Effect of ChangesChanges inside the function do not affect the original variableChanges inside the function affect the original variable
Use CasesNumbers, strings, booleans, etc.Arrays, objects, functions

Important Clarification: Does JavaScript Truly Support “Pass by Reference”?

JavaScript does not have “true pass by reference.” Instead:

  • Primitive types (like numbers, strings, booleans) are always passed by value—a copy of the value is passed.
  • For objects and arrays, JavaScript passes the reference value, which is essentially a pointer to the memory location of the data. This allows modifications to the object or array but does not allow reassigning the original variable within the function.
let obj = { name: "Ravi" };

function reassignReference(o) {
    // Reassigning the reference
    o = { name: "Arun" }; 
    console.log("Inside function: ",; 

console.log("Outside function: ",;

Inside function:  Arun
Outside function:  Ravi

In this example

  • The function receives a reference to the original object.
  • However, reassigning o creates a new object, leaving the original object untouched.

Thus, JavaScript passes reference values for objects but not “by reference” as in languages like C++.

Common Pitfalls

1. Unexpected Side Effects

When working with objects or arrays, be cautious of unintended changes to the original data.

let config = { theme: "dark" };

function updateTheme(c) {
    c.theme = "light";


2. Cloning to Avoid Reference Issues

To avoid modifying the original object, create a shallow or deep copy.

Shallow Copy

let original = { name: "Ravi" };
let copy = { ...original }; = "Arun";


Deep Copy

let original = { name: "Ravi", details: { age: 25 } };
let deepCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(original));
deepCopy.details.age = 30;


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