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How to Use Package Managers in Linux? APT and YUM

Last Updated : 05 Aug, 2024
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Package managers like APT and YUM are essential tools for managing software on Linux systems. They allow you to install, update, and remove packages easily, ensuring your system is up-to-date and secure. APT is commonly used in Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu, while YUM is used in Red Hat-based distributions like CentOS and Fedora. This guide will walk you through the basics of using APT and YUM, providing you with the commands and knowledge needed to manage your Linux system efficiently.

To know more about the Package Manager on Linux, you can check the article Understanding Package Managers and systemctl.

APT Package Manager (Quick Highlights)

  • The APT Package Manager stands for the Advanced Package Tool.
  • The APT Manager was first introduced in 1998 and started gaining popularity to manage applications.
  • APT Manager can work on the Debian, Ubuntu & other Linux Distributions.
  • The APT Manager handles the DEB Packages in the Linux distributions.
  • APT provides the output after execution with the description of the package.

How to Use Package Manager like APT on Linux?

The APT Package Manager on Linux can be executed for three major cases. One is for Updating, one for Installing & last one for Removing Applications. Let us see the way to use APT Manager on Linux for these cases.

1. Use APT Package Manager on Linux for Updating Purposes

To update the whole application package, the following command will be used on the Linux Terminal. The Command will take time & update all the packages present on the device.

Command: sudo apt update


2. Use APT Package Manager on Linux for Installing Purposes

To install any certain application on the device, using the APT Package Manager, the following Linux commands will be used. It will take some time to complete the process.

Command: sudo apt install <App-Name>


3. Use APT Package Manager on Linux for Removing Purposes

If you want to remove any existing Application on Linux, the below-mentioned command will be used. It will take some time to complete the process.

Command: sudo apt remove <App-Name>


YUM Package Manager (Quick Highlights)

  • The full form of YUM Package Manger is the Yellowdog Updater, Modified.
  • YUM Manager works as the front-end for Linux Package Manager.
  • The YUM is particularly a software repository that can be used as the Package Manager.
  • The YUM is the Red Hat Package Manager and can only on such distributions.
  • The YUM can do automatic updates of the installed packages & distributions.

How to Use Package Manager like YUM on Linux?

The YUM Package Manager on Linux also can be executed for Updating, Installing & Removing Application purposes. We will start with the Updating Purpose with YUM Manager on Linux.

1. Use YUM Package Manager on Linux for Updating Purposes

To update the packages on the device using the YUM Manager, the following Linux Command will be used as it is mentioned on the terminal.

Command: yum update


2. Use YUM Package Manager on Linux for Installing Purposes

If you want to install any application using the YUM Manager, the below-mentioned command will be efficient to do that. Use it properly as it is mentioned there.

Command: yum install <App-Name>


3. Use YUM Package Manager on Linux for Removing Purposes

To remove applications from the device using YUM Manager, the command mentioned in the following will be better to execute as it is mentioned there to bypass any kind of errors.

Command: yum remove <App-Name>


Using package managers like APT and YUM in Linux simplifies the process of managing software on your system. By mastering these tools, you can ensure your system remains updated, secure, and free of unnecessary packages. Whether you're using a Debian-based or Red Hat-based distribution, understanding how to use APT and YUM will enhance your Linux experience and system administration skills.

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How to Use Package Managers like APT and YUM in Linux - FAQs

How to use YUM Package Manager on Linux?

To use the YUM Package Manager for different purposes, the following guidelines can be used.

  1. To update any packages or the entire one, use the command yum update.
  2. To install any application, use the command yum install <App-Name>.
  3. To remove any application, use the command yum remove <App-Name>.

What is YUM in Linux?

YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) is a package manager used in Red Hat-based distributions like CentOS and Fedora for managing software packages.

How to use APT Package Manager on Linux?

The steps to use the APT Package Manager for different purposes on Linux are the following.

  1. For installation of apps, use the command sudo apt install <App-Name>.
  2. For removing apps, use the command sudo apt remove <App-Name>.
  3. For updating purposes, the command sudo apt update will be used.

What is APT in Linux?

APT (Advanced Package Tool) is a package manager used in Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu for installing, updating, and removing software packages.

Why do we need to use Package Manager on Linux?

The use of Package Managers like APT & YUM is developed only to reduce the work pressure on Linux Users. If the Package Managers are not present, you have to search for any certain application on the internet & go a long way to install it. However, with Package Managers, this can be simply done with a few commands.

To know more about the necessity of a Package Manager, check the article Need of Package Managers in Developer's Life.

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