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Check If it is Possible to Convert Binary String into Unary String

Last Updated : 11 Dec, 2023
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Given a binary string S of length N. You can apply following operation on S any number of times. Choose two adjacent characters, such that both are 1's or 0's. Then invert them, Formally, if both are 0's then into 1's or vice-versa. Then your task is to output YES or NO, by checking that using given operations, Is it possible to convert S into either all 0's or 1's ?


Input: N = 6, S = "110110"
Output: YES
Explanation: The operations are performed as:

  • First operation: S1 = 1 and S2 = 1. Both are same, therefore invert them. Then updated S = 000110
  • Second operation: S4 = 1 and S5 = 1. Both are same, therefore invert them. Then updated S = 000000

All the string is converted into 0s. Therefore, output is YES. Note that S also can be converted into all 1s by following the sequence: 110110 → 110000 → 110011 → 111111. Both conversions are valid.

Input: N = 7, S = 0101010
Output: NO
Explanation: It can be verified that S can't be converted into all 1s or 0s by using give operation.

Approach: To Solve this problem follow the below idea

It's an observation-based problem. It must be observed that, All occurrence of either number (zero or one) must be existed in pair in order to change the entire S to 1 or 0. Let us take some examples:

  • 001100 = Possible as both 0 and 1 are occurred in pair.
  • 00100 = Possible because 0 occurred in pair.
  • 00101 = Not possible as none of the element occurred in pair.
  • 1100111 = Possible as 0 occurred in pair

Now, we can use Stack to solve this problem:

  • First, we have to create a Stack.
  • Iterate on String and follow below steps:
    • If stack is empty or peek and current characters are different then put current character into Stack
    • Else If current character and peek character of Stack is same, then pop out the peek element from stack.
  • If number of elements in stack is either 0 or 1, Then output YES, else NO.

Steps were taken to solve the problem:

  • Create a Stack of Character data type let say Stk.
  • Iterate over each character of S using loop and follow below mentioned steps under the scope of loop:
    • If (Stk is not empty && Peek character == current character)
      • Pop out the peek character from Stk
    • Else
      • Insert character into Stk
  • If (Size of Stk is less than or equal to 1)
    • Output YES
  • Else
    • Output NO

Below is the code to implement the approach:

// code added by flutterfly
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;

// Function to check the possibility
void Is_possible(long long N, string S)
    // Initializing Stack
    stack<char> st;

    // Iterating over String S
    for (char x : S) {
        // If current and peek characters are same
        // Then removing that peek element from Stack
        if (!st.empty() && == x) {
        // Else putting the current character into Stack

    // If there is at max one character in
    // Stack, Then output YES else NO
    if (st.size() <= 1)
        cout << "YES" << endl;
        cout << "NO" << endl;

// Driver Function
int main()
    // Inputs
    long long N = 6;
    string S = "110110";

    // Function call
    Is_possible(N, S);

    return 0;
// Java code to implement te approach

import java.util.*;

// Driver Class
public class GFG {
    // Driver Function
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Inputs
        long N = 6;
        String S = "110110";

        // Function_call
        Is_possible(N, S);

    // Method to check the possibility
    public static void Is_possible(long N, String S)
        // Initializing Stack
        Stack<Character> st = new Stack<>();

        // Iterating over String S
        for (char x : S.toCharArray()) {
            // If current and peek characters are same
            // Then removing that peek element from
            // Stack
            if (!st.empty() && st.peek() == x) {
            // Else putting current character
            // into Stack

        // If there is at max one character in
        // Stack, Then output YES else NO
        if (st.size() <= 1)
# code added by flutterfly
# Python code to implement the approach

# Method to check the possibility
def is_possible(N, S):
    # Initializing Stack
    st = []

    # Iterating over String S
    for x in S:
        # If current and peek characters are the same
        # Then removing that peek element from Stack
        if st and st[-1] == x:
        # Else putting the current character into Stack

    # If there is at max one character in
    # Stack, Then output YES else NO
    if len(st) <= 1:

# Inputs
N = 6
S = "110110"

# Function call
is_possible(N, S)
// code added by flutterfly
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class GFG
    // Method to check the possibility
    public static void Is_possible(long N, string S)
        // Initializing Stack
        Stack<char> st = new Stack<char>();

        // Iterating over String S
        foreach (char x in S)
            // If current and peek characters are the same
            // Then removing that peek element from Stack
            if (st.Count > 0 && st.Peek() == x)
            // Else putting the current character into Stack

        // If there is at max one character in
        // Stack, Then output YES else NO
        if (st.Count <= 1)

    // Driver Function
    public static void Main()
        // Inputs
        long N = 6;
        string S = "110110";

        // Function call
        Is_possible(N, S);
// JavaScript code added by flutterfly

// Method to check the possibility
function isPossible(N, S) {
    // Initializing Stack
    let st = [];

    // Iterating over String S
    for (let x of S) {
        // If current and peek characters are the same
        // Then removing that peek element from Stack
        if (st.length > 0 && st[st.length - 1] === x) {
        // Else putting the current character into Stack
        else {

    // If there is at max one character in
    // Stack, Then output YES else NO
    if (st.length <= 1) {
    } else {

// Inputs
let N = 6;
let S = "110110";

// Function call
isPossible(N, S);


Time Complexity: O(N).
Auxiliary Space: O(N).

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