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Decision Tree Classifiers in R Programming

Last Updated : 23 Dec, 2021
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Classification is the task in which objects of several categories are categorized into their respective classes using the properties of classes. A classification model is typically used to,

  • Predict the class label for a new unlabeled data object
  • Provide a descriptive model explaining what features characterize objects in each class

There are various types of classification techniques such as,

Decision Tree Classifiers in R Programming

A decision tree is a flowchart-like tree structure in which the internal node represents feature(or attribute), the branch represents a decision rule, and each leaf node represents the outcome. A Decision Tree consists of,

  • Nodes: Test for the value of a certain attribute.
  • Edges/Branch: Represents a decision rule and connect to the next node.
  • Leaf nodes: Terminal nodes that represent class labels or class distribution.

And this algorithm can easily be implemented in the R language. Some important points about decision tree classifiers are,

  • It is more interpretable
  • Automatically handles decision-making
  • Bisects the space into smaller spaces
  • Prone to overfitting
  • Can be trained on a small training set
  • Majorly affected by noise

Implementation in R

The Dataset: 

A sample population of 400 people shared their age, gender, and salary with a product company, and if they bought the product or not(0 means no, 1 means yes). Download the dataset Advertisement.csv.


# Importing the dataset
dataset = read.csv('Advertisement.csv')
head(dataset, 10)


  User ID Gender Age EstimatedSalary Purchased
0 15624510 Male 19 19000 0
1 15810944 Male 35 20000 0
2 15668575 Female 26 43000 0
3 15603246 Female 27 57000 0
4 15804002 Male 19 76000 0
5 15728773 Male 27 58000 0
6 15598044 Female 27 84000 0
7 15694829 Female 32 150000 1
8 15600575 Male 25 33000 0
9 15727311 Female 35 65000 0

Train the data

To train the data we will split the dataset into a test set and then make Decision Tree Classifiers with rpart package.


# Encoding the target feature as factor
dataset$Purchased = factor(dataset$Purchased,
                           levels = c(0, 1))
# Splitting the dataset into
# the Training set and Test set
# install.packages('caTools')
split = sample.split(dataset$Purchased,
                     SplitRatio = 0.75)
training_set = subset(dataset, split == TRUE)
test_set = subset(dataset, split == FALSE)
# Feature Scaling
training_set[-3] = scale(training_set[-3])
test_set[-3] = scale(test_set[-3])
# Fitting Decision Tree Classification
# to the Training set
# install.packages('rpart')
classifier = rpart(formula = Purchased ~ .,
                   data = training_set)
# Predicting the Test set results
y_pred = predict(classifier,
                 newdata = test_set[-3],
                 type = 'class')
# Making the Confusion Matrix
cm = table(test_set[, 3], y_pred)

  • The training set contains 300 entries.
  • The test set contains 100 entries.
Confusion Matrix:
[[62,  6],
 [ 3, 29]]

Visualizing the Train Data:


# Visualising the Training set results
# Install ElemStatLearn if not present
# in the packages using(without hashtag)
# install.packages('ElemStatLearn')
set = training_set
# Building a grid of Age Column(X1)
# and Estimated Salary(X2) Column
X1 = seq(min(set[, 1]) - 1,
         max(set[, 1]) + 1,
         by = 0.01)
X2 = seq(min(set[, 2]) - 1,
         max(set[, 2]) + 1,
         by = 0.01)
grid_set = expand.grid(X1, X2)
# Give name to the columns of matrix
colnames(grid_set) = c('Age',
# Predicting the values and plotting them
# to grid and labelling the axes
y_grid = predict(classifier,
                 newdata = grid_set,
                 type = 'class')
plot(set[, -3],
     main = 'Decision Tree
             Classification (Training set)',
     xlab = 'Age', ylab = 'Estimated Salary',
     xlim = range(X1), ylim = range(X2))
contour(X1, X2, matrix(as.numeric(y_grid),
                       add = TRUE)
points(grid_set, pch = '.',
       col = ifelse(y_grid == 1,
points(set, pch = 21, bg = ifelse(set[, 3] == 1,


Visualizing the Test Data:


# Visualising the Test set results
set = test_set
# Building a grid of Age Column(X1)
# and Estimated Salary(X2) Column
X1 = seq(min(set[, 1]) - 1,
         max(set[, 1]) + 1,
         by = 0.01)
X2 = seq(min(set[, 2]) - 1,
         max(set[, 2]) + 1,
         by = 0.01)
grid_set = expand.grid(X1, X2)
# Give name to the columns of matrix
colnames(grid_set) = c('Age',
# Predicting the values and plotting them
# to grid and labelling the axes
y_grid = predict(classifier,
                 newdata = grid_set,
                 type = 'class')
plot(set[, -3], main = 'Decision Tree
                        Classification (Test set)',
     xlab = 'Age', ylab = 'Estimated Salary',
     xlim = range(X1), ylim = range(X2))
contour(X1, X2, matrix(as.numeric(y_grid),
                       add = TRUE)
points(grid_set, pch = '.',
       col = ifelse(y_grid == 1,
points(set, pch = 21, bg = ifelse(set[, 3] == 1,


Decision Tree Diagram:


# Plotting the tree


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