Define and Call Methods in a Python Class
Last Updated :
14 Feb, 2024
In object-oriented programming, a class is a blueprint for creating objects, and methods are functions associated with those objects. Methods in a class allow you to define behavior and functionality for the objects created from that class. Python, being an object-oriented programming language, provides a straightforward syntax for defining and calling methods within a class. In this article, we will explore the concepts of methods in a class in Python and will see how to define and call methods in a class with examples and explanations.
What are Methods in a Class in Python?
A method in a class is a function that is associated with an object. It defines the behavior and actions that objects of the class can perform. Methods are essential for encapsulating functionality and promoting code reusability. They are defined inside a class and can access the attributes (variables) of the class.
Syntax of Method
class ClassName:
def method_name(self, parameter1, parameter2, ...):
# Method body - code goes here
# Creating an object of the class
object_name = ClassName()
# Calling a method on the object
object_name.method_name(argument1, argument2, ...)
Define And Call Methods In A Class In Python
Let's look at how to define and call methods in a class with the help of examples.
Example 1: Simple Class with a Method
In this example, we define a class GeeksClass with a method say_hello. The say_hello method simply prints the message "Hello, Geeks!" when called. We then create an instance of the class (geeks_object) and call the say_hello method on that instance.
class GeeksClass:
def say_hello(self):
print("Hello, Geeks!")
# Creating an object of GeeksClass
geeks_object = GeeksClass()
# Calling the say_hello method
Example 2: Class with Parameterized Method
In this example, we define a Calculator class with an add method that takes two parameters (num1 and num2) and returns their sum. We create an instance of the Calculator class (calculator_object) and call the add method with arguments 5 and 7.
class Calculator:
def add(self, num1, num2):
return num1 + num2
# Creating an object of Calculator
calculator_object = Calculator()
# Calling the add method with parameters
result = calculator_object.add(5, 7)
print("Result of addition:", result)
OutputResult of addition: 12
Defining and calling methods in a class in Python is fundamental to object-oriented programming. Methods enable us to encapsulate functionality within objects, promoting code organization and reusability. By understanding how to define and call methods, you can build powerful and modular code structures in Python. As demonstrated with GeeksforGeeks examples, these concepts are not only fundamental but also applicable in real-world coding scenarios.