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Difference between AES and DES ciphers

Last Updated : 03 Oct, 2024
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Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a highly trusted encryption algorithm used to secure data by converting it into an unreadable format without the proper key while Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a block cipher with a 56-bit key length that has played a significant role in data securityIn this article, we are going to discuss the differences between AES and DES.

What is AES?

AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standard and is a widely used encryption algorithm designed to secure data, developed in 2001. As triple-DES was found to be slow, AES was created and is six times faster than the triple-DES. It is one of the most widely used symmetric block cipher algorithms used nowadays. It works on bytes rather than bits. It encrypts information using a symmetric key, meaning the same key is used for both encryption and decryption.

AES is known for its high speed and strong security, making it ideal for protecting sensitive data in various applications, such as online banking, file encryption, and wireless security. Understanding AES and its importance in cybersecurity helps ensure that your data remains safe from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

Applications of AES

  • Wireless Security : AES is widely used in securing wireless networks, including Wi-Fi networks . It ensures data confidentiality and prevents unauthorized access.
  • Data Storage and Transmission : AES is employed for secure data storage and transmission. It’s commonly used in applications where sensitive information needs protection.
  • VPN (Virtual Private Network) : AES secures VPN connections , allowing users to access private networks securely over the internet.
  • Disk Encryption : AES encrypts data on hard drives, USB drives , and other storage devices.
  • Secure Messaging Apps : Many messaging apps use AES to encrypt chat messages and attachments.

What is DES?

DES stands for Data Encryption Standard, is an encryption algorithm used to secure data by converting it into unreadable code, developed in 1977. It is a multi-round cipher that divides the full text into 2 parts and then works on each part individually. It includes various functionality such as Expansion, Permutation, and Substitution, XOR operation with a round key. It uses a symmetric key, meaning the same key is used for both encryption and decryption.

Although DES was widely used for many years, it has since been deemed less secure due to its shorter key length, making it vulnerable to brute-force attacks. Despite this, understanding DES is important as it laid the groundwork for more advanced encryption methods like AES, helping to shape modern data security practices.

Applications of DES

  • Triple DES (3DES) : A more secure variant of DES, 3DES applies DES encryption three times sequentially. It’s still used in legacy systems.
  • Financial Transactions : DES was once used for securing financial transactions, but it has largely been replaced by AES.
  • Legacy Systems : Some older systems still rely on DES for compatibility reasons.

Difference Between AES and DES

AES and DES are two widely used encryption algorithms, but they differ significantly in terms of key length, block size, and security. While DES has become outdated due to its shorter key length, AES remains a standard for secure encryption. For those looking to strengthen their understanding of cryptography and its applications, especially in competitive exams, the GATE CS and IT – 2025 course offers an in-depth exploration of encryption algorithms like AES and DES, ensuring you’re well-prepared with both theoretical knowledge and practical problem-solving skills

1. AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standard DES stands for Data Encryption Standard
2. The date of creation is 2001. The date of creation is 1977.
3. Byte-Oriented. Bit-Oriented.
4. Key length can be 128-bits, 192-bits, and 256-bits. The key length is 56 bits in DES.
5. Number of rounds depends on key length: 10(128-bits), 12(192-bits), or 14(256-bits) DES involves 16 rounds of identical operations
6. The structure is based on a substitution-permutation network. The structure is based on a Feistel network.
7. The design rationale for AES is open. The design rationale for DES is closed.
8. The selection process for this is secret but accepted for open public comment. The selection process for this is secret.
9. AES is more secure than the DES cipher and is the de facto world standard. DES can be broken easily as it has known vulnerabilities. 3DES(Triple DES) is a variation of DES which is secure than the usual DES.
10. The rounds in AES are: Byte Substitution, Shift Row, Mix Column and Key Addition The rounds in DES are: Expansion, XOR operation with round key, Substitution and Permutation
11. AES can encrypt 128 bits of plaintext. DES can encrypt 64 bits of plaintext.
12. It can generate Ciphertext of 128, 192, 256 bits. It generates Ciphertext of 64 bits.
13. AES cipher is derived from an aside-channel square cipher. DES cipher is derived from Lucifer cipher.
14. AES was designed by Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen. DES was designed by IBM.
15. No known crypt-analytical attacks against AES but side channel attacks against AES implementations possible. Biclique attacks have better complexity than brute force but still ineffective. Known attacks against DES include Brute-force, Linear crypt-analysis, and Differential crypt-analysis.
16. It is faster than DES. It is slower than AES.
17. It is flexible. It is not flexible.
18. It is efficient with both hardware and software. It is efficient only with hardware.


In conclusion, while both AES and DES are important encryption algorithms, AES leads DES in terms of speed, security, and versatility. AES, created in 2001, has longer key lengths and a more complex structure, making it more secure and frequently used in modern applications. In contrast, DES, which was introduced in 1977, has shorter key lengths and recognized errors, hence it has been replaced by AES in most security applications.

Frequently Asked Questions on AES and DES – FAQs

What is the AES encryption code?

The AES encryption algorithm, also known as the Rijndael algorithm, is a type of symmetric block cipher that works with 128-bit blocks of data. It uses keys of 128, 192, or 256 bits to encrypt these blocks. After encrypting each block, it combines them to create the final encrypted message or ciphertext.

How is the 48-bit subkey generated for each round in DES?

The 48-bit subkey for each round in DES is derived from the 56-bit key through a process of circular shifting and permutation, ensuring key diversity.

Where is AES used?

The AES algorithm is commonly used in various areas, like wireless security, protecting processors, encrypting files, and securing internet connections with SSL/TLS. It’s used frequently by government agencies, businesses, and other organizations to keep sensitive data safe.

What should be considered as an alternative to DES for data encryption?

For modern data encryption needs, consider using stronger encryption algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).

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