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Difference Between Shoot and Stem

Last Updated : 12 Jan, 2024
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Shoot and Stem are generally considered as one but in the botanical aspect, they are slightly different from each other. By considering the structure and function, a shoot is a visible part of a plant that is present above the ground and responsible for performing photosynthesis. On the other hand, a stem is an axis of a plant that bears the organs of a tree. In this article, we will study the Difference between Shoot and Stem, and shoot and stem in brief.

Difference Between Shoot and Stem

In this table, we will discuss the difference between Shoot and Stem as mentioned below.





A shoot is a visible part of a plant that bears flower buds, lateral buds, and flowering stems.

A stem is a plant axis that is made by some nodes and so many internodes.


Stems, leaves, buds, and flowers.

Nodes, internodes, buds, and leaves.


Photosynthesis, reproduction, and the transport of water, nutrients, and sugars.

Support structure for leaves, flowers, and fruits.


Above the ground and is exposed to light.

Extends both above and below the ground.


Apical (terminal) and lateral (axillary)

Apical (terminal) growth.

What is Shoot?

A shoot is a visible part of a plant that bears flower buds, lateral buds, and flowering stems. The primary work of the shoot is to produce food through the photosynthesis process. A shoot is a young part of a plant which includes leaves and stems. New grown shoots are rich in fibers. Generall if we see, the stem is a part of the shoot system of a plant. Here are the different parts of shoot as mentioned below:

  • Stem: It is the structural axis of the shoot that supports the leaves, flowers, and fruits.
  • Leaves: They are the primary places to perform photosynthesis.
  • Buds: Buds are underdeveloped embryo that grows into branches, leaves, and flowers.
  • Node: It is the place where leaves, buds, or branches grow.
  • Internode: This is the place between adjacent nodes.
  • Flowers: Flowers are reproductive structures of the plant. It contains stamens (male parts) and pistils (female parts) which are the reproductive organs of a plant. They are important for pollination and the production of seeds.

What is Stem?

A stem is a plant axis that is made by some nodes and so many internodes. It helps in the transportation of different minerals and water which are essential to perform photosynthesis. Besides that, it provides support to the plant. Strawberry is a modified stem that is known as stolons. Other modified stems are tubers, bulbs, and rhizomes which grow underground as roots. For the woody plants the fibers of the stem became hard.

  • Apical Bud: It is found at the tip of the stem which leads and helps to grow the stem.
  • Axillary Bud: It is located in the axil of a leaf which angles between the leaf and stem.
  • Leaf Scar: These are the small and raised areas that contain vascular bundle scars.
  • Vascular Bundles: They are transportation cell that transports the essential matters for photosynthesis.

Also Read: Monocot and Dicot Stems 

Conclusion - Difference between Shoot and Stem

Today we have learned about the difference between stem and shoot in detail. Stem and shoot are different. The shoot is a young part including the stem as a part into it. Flower is developed on shoots as buds. It contains stamens (male parts) and pistils (female parts) which are the reproductive organs of a plant. They are important for pollination and the production of seeds. As the flowers are the extension of the shoot, it is called a modified shoot. Stems are responsible for food production and photosynthesis in plants. They also help transport water, minerals, and food to all parts of the plant. 

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FAQ's - Shoot and Stem

What is the Shoot of a Plant called?

Plumule is the part of a plant embryo. It formed at the time of germination. It is the shoot of a baby plant. It develops into the shoot system in adult plants.

What are Stems and Shoots in Vegetables?

A shoot is a visible part of a plant that bears flower buds, lateral buds, and flowering stems and produce food through the photosynthesis process. A stem is a plant axis that is made by some nodes and so many internodes. It helps in the transportation of different minerals and water which are essential to perform photosynthesis.

What are the Similarities Between a Shoot and a Stem?

A shoot is a visible part of a plant that bears flower buds, lateral buds, and flowering stems. Shoot and stem are found above the ground. They both take part in photosynthesis. They both show phototropic movement and both living and able to grow.

Is the Stem the Main Part of the Shoot?

The shoot system of the plant comprises the parts of the plant that rise above the ground. These parts include buds, leaves, flowering buds, flowering stems, and the main stem.

Are Stems a Root or a Shoot?

Stems are not a root. It is a part of a shoot system. A stem is a plant axis that is made by some nodes and so many internodes. It helps in the transportation of different minerals and water which are essential to perform photosynthesis.

What is the Difference Between a Stem and a Branch?

A stem is the central structural axis of a particular plant. On the other hand, branches are parts of the stem that divide further. The stem is a supporting structure of a plant. On the other side a branch is an extension of the main stem. It usually bears the leaves and other plant organs.

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