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Flipping Tiles (memory game) using Python3

Last Updated : 13 Sep, 2021
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Flipping tiles game can be played to test our memory. In this, we have a certain even number of tiles, in which each number/figure has a pair. The tiles are facing downwards, and we have to flip them to see them. In a turn, one flips 2 tiles, if the tiles match then they are removed. If not then they are flipped and placed back in the position. We keep on doing this until all the tiles have been matched and removed.

To simulate this game in Python, we will be using the turtle and random modules.


  1. Import turtle and random module. Python offers the random module that can generate random numbers, and turtle module is being used in making different objects.
  2. Set the screen and also choose the background color of your output screen window.
  3. Define a function for making a square for the base of your game.
  4. Define a function to keep a check of the index number.
  5. Define a function to make your game user-friendly i.e user click.
  6. Write a function to draw tiles on the square base defined in step 3.
  7. Finally use the shuffle() function to shuffle the numbers placed on the square tiles in the square box.


# import modules
from random import *
from turtle import *
# set the screen
screen = Screen()
#choose background color
# define the function
# for creating a square section
# for the game
def Square(x, y):
    goto(x, y)
    color('white', 'green')
    for count in range(4):
# define function to
# keep a check of index number
def Numbering(x, y):
    return int((x + 200) // 50 + ((y + 200) // 50) * 8)
# define function
def Coordinates(count):
    return (count % 8) * 50 - 200, (count // 8) * 50 - 200
# define function
# to make it interactive
# user click
def click(x, y):
    spot = Numbering(x, y)
    mark = state['mark']
    if mark is None or mark == spot or tiles[mark] != tiles[spot]:
        state['mark'] = spot
        hide[spot] = False
        hide[mark] = False
        state['mark'] = None
def draw():
    goto(0, 0)
    for count in range(64):
        if hide[count]:
            x, y = Coordinates(count)
            Square(x, y)
    mark = state['mark']
    if mark is not None and hide[mark]:
        x, y = Coordinates(mark)
        goto(x + 2, y)
        write(tiles[mark], font=('Arial', 30, 'normal'))
    ontimer(draw, 10)
tiles = list(range(32)) * 2
state = {'mark': None}
hide = [True] * 64
# for shuffling the
# numbers placed inside
# the square tiles


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