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How to deploy web applications using Nginx on Remote server (Ubuntu based) – Set 2

Last Updated : 01 Aug, 2021
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In the last article,  we got the idea about Nginx and how we can leverage its benefits, further we installed it on our device or remote server. In this article, we will see how to deploy a web application stored in the remote server using Nginx.

We need to follow the given steps in order to deploy web applications using Nginx.

Step 1: Open the terminal, and change the directory where your web application is stored using the cd command.

# Example: Suppose test is a web application 
# folder stored in downloads, I'll open terminal 
# in home screen 
cd  ../Downloads/test/

# Check the contents once here

Step 2: Installing Curl, OpenSSH-server, and vim editor in your distro for easy setup using the following commands. But before that, I’ll explain what are they and why need to use them.

Curl: CLI tool used to transfer data from a web server.

OpenSSH-server:  OpenSSH-server is a collection of tools that are used for the remote control and transfer of data between remote networked computers.

Vim-editor: It is an editor that is used to create and modify text files in ubuntu.

# Commands to install all the above-required libraries in terminal 
sudo apt-get install curl
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
sudo apt-get install vim

Now we have finished with our pre-requisites part.

Step 3: Now in this step we will copy our web application folder to this absolute path /var/www 

# change directory to parent folder where 
# you have stored the web application folder
sudo cp -r test /var/www

Step 4: Now we will point our domain name to the server where we will host this application. i.e. we need to add the IP address of your server to the DNS settings. Let’s suppose your server IP address is and your domain name is, then your domain name should point to your server IP address. 

For that we need to also do some settings in server, we need to create a file, we will use vim for that

Firstly, change your directory to var/www/ then use the vim commands:

# Change your directory 
cd var/www

# Vim command for new file
sudo vi /etc/hosts

Now you will see a file with similar contents as shown in the picture

you need to add your IP address here in starting and your domain name after it, you can use the below image for reference.

Step 5: As on a remote server, we need to add our web application folder to that server. For that, we need to change the permission of our web application folder. (your folder name of the web application can differ)

# Change directory to /var/www/test
cd /var/www/test

# Change permission for your folder
sudo chmod -R 777 *

# Secure copy your files to web server
# (Your IP address of server will be different)
# (eg: scp -r * root@x.x.x.x:var/www/FOLDER_NAME)
scp -r *

So our files have securely been copied to the server.

Step 6: So now, we will configure our Nginx Server to serve our website, let’s, first of all, see the Nginx folder 

# Change directory 
cd /etc/nginx

# See Contents of it 

Here we should be interested in 2 directories, sites-available and sites-enabled.

sites-available: It contains all the individual config files possible for your all static files.

sites-enabled: It contains the link to config files that Nginx will read and run.

So we need to create a config file in sites-available and a symbolic link in sites-enabled for Nginx.

Firstly, we will create a new file and add the following contents to it.

# Command to create and open a new file 
sudo vim sites-available/test

# Now add the following contents to it
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::] default_server;
root /var/www/test;
index index.html;
location / {
try_files $url $url/ =404;

Here we have opened socket 80 and your application port for default_server, we have told nginx where our web application files are. Location of our Index page, and if you get some wrong URL then through a 404 error.

Step 7: Now let us add this file to the sites-enabled folder in Nginx

# Command to add file to sites-enabled folder
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/test /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/test

Amazing! Now we have one main issue, as earlier we had our Nginx server running, and we configured to open port 80 in our web application, and Nginx is also trying to open its default page using port 80. Hence we need to move that default files to somewhere else to avoid conflict.

# I generally move it to home directory 
sudo mv /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default /home/yashtewatia/default

# Restart Nginx service
sudo systemctl restart nginx

So we have restarted our nginx server! Now you can go to your IP address to view the contents in the browser or you can use the curl command for the same in terminal like,

# or we can give the IP address here of our server

Hence we have deployed our web files using Nginx Server.

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