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How to Insert Image in SQLite using Python?

Last Updated : 16 May, 2021
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In this article, we will discuss how to insert images in SQLite using sqlite3 module in Python.


1. Set the connection to the SQLite database using Python code.

sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect('SQLite_Retrieving_data.db')
cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()

2. We need to define an INSERT query for inserting the BLOB data into the table.  

sqlite_insert_blob_query = """ INSERT INTO Student
                                 (name, img) VALUES (?, ?)"""

3. Converting human-readable file into binary data by calling this convertToBinaryData() function, and storing it empPhoto variable,

empPhoto = convertToBinaryData(photo)

4. Once the file converted into binary format, now let’s convert data into tuple format,

data_tuple = (name, empPhoto)

5. Use cursor.execute() to execute a SELECT query in Python.  

cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()
cursor.execute(sqlite_insert_blob_query, data_tuple)

6. Use sqliteConnection.commit() for saving the changes we made.  


7. Create a function that converts Human Readable data into the binary format for storing it into database.  

def convertToBinaryData(filename):

  # Convert binary format to images or files data
  with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
      blobData =
  return blobData

8. Close the cursor connection and MySQL database.

if sqliteConnection:
    print("the sqlite connection is closed")

Below is the implementation.


import sqlite3
# Function for Convert Binary Data 
# to Human Readable Format
def convertToBinaryData(filename):
    # Convert binary format to images 
    # or files data
    with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
        blobData =
    return blobData
def insertBLOB(name, photo):
        # Using connect method for establishing
        # a connection
        sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect('SQLite_Retrieving_data.db')
        cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()
        print("Connected to SQLite")
        # insert query
        sqlite_insert_blob_query = """ INSERT INTO Student
                                  (name, img) VALUES (?, ?)"""
        # Converting human readable file into 
        # binary data
        empPhoto = convertToBinaryData(photo)
        # Convert data into tuple format
        data_tuple = (name, empPhoto)
        # using cursor object executing our query
        cursor.execute(sqlite_insert_blob_query, data_tuple)
        print("Image and file inserted successfully as a BLOB into a table")
    except sqlite3.Error as error:
        print("Failed to insert blob data into sqlite table", error)
        if sqliteConnection:
            print("the sqlite connection is closed")
insertBLOB("Smith", "D:\Internship Tasks\GFG\images\One.png")
insertBLOB("David", "D:\Internship Tasks\GFG\images\person.png")


Output for above Python Program

Let’s check output in the database using SELECT query with proper format commands,

Output inside database

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