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How to Install php-devel on MacOS?

Last Updated : 13 Nov, 2022
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PHP is an open-foundation programming language that is frequently hired for server-side (backend) scripting and web development. Adopt a supplier. Equivalence On a server, PHP can be installed to run scripts. It functions in the backend instead of the browser as it is server-side rather than client-side oblique. It all of it well with HTML, creating it an inordinate choice for web development. It’s a well-liked option for newbies because it’s also between the humblest web programming languages to study. However, it’s also very proficient and suitable for cultured website features. Several programs and websites utilize PHP and its numerous extensions. In this article, we will show you how to install PHP-devel on MacOS.

Installing php-devel on MacOS

Step 1: Installation of Homebrew. When it comes to Mac OS software installation, Homebrew is the only package manager we need. It can connect to any software or application you require and even install thorough versions. Run the below command in your terminal:



Step 2: Then comes the installation of PHP with Homebrew. To install PHP, we must issue the following command. Then you have to run the following command.



Step 3: Switching PHP with Homebrew on macOS. We can easily edit them using the link grab now that we have fixed versions. Check PHP’s most recent version first. To check the PHP version follow this. To unlink the version of PHP follow this.



Step 4: Php -v is immobile screening the incorrect version. If you are facing some issues to upgrade from 7.4 to 8.0 I reserved seeing 7.4 when running php -v. Eliminate the ancient stroke in your .zshrc file to inject this automatically.



To remove the line of PHP.



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