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How to Install Python Pandas on macOS?

Last Updated : 10 May, 2024
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In this article, we will learn how to install Pandas in Python on macOS using Terminal. Pandas is a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis. In particular, it offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series.

2 Easy Ways to Install Python Pandas on macOS

Here in this section,, we are going to describe two methods to install Python Panda on macOS. So go through the below installation process and find the best process to set up Python Panda on macOS.

Method 1: Using pip to Install Pandas Package

Follow the below steps to install the Pandas package on macOS using pip:

Step 1: Install the latest Python3 in macOS

Step 2: Check if pip3 and python3 are correctly installed.

python3 --version
pip3 --version


Step 3: Upgrade your pip to avoid errors during installation.

pip3 install --upgrade pip


Step 4: Enter the following command to install Pandas using pip3.

pip3 install pandas


Method 2: Using to Install Pandas 

Follow the below steps to install the Pandas package on macOS using the file:

Step 1: Download the latest source package of Pandas for python3 from here.

curl > pandas.tar.gz

Step 2: Extract the downloaded package using the following command.

tar -xzvf pandas.tar.gz

Step 3: Go inside the folder and Enter the following command to install the package.

Note: You must have developer tools for XCode macOS installed in your system

cd pandas-1.3.3
python3 install

Verifying Pandas Installation on macOS:

Make the following import in your python terminal to verify if the installation has been done properly:

import pandas


If there is any error while importing the module then is not installed properly.


In conclusion, these were the 2 Easy ways to install Python Pandas on macOS is straightforward. You can use either pip or method. With pip, ensure Python3 is installed, then upgrade pip and install Pandas using pip3 install pandas. Alternatively, with, download the Pandas source package, extract it, navigate into the folder, and install Pandas using python3 install.

Install Python Pandas on macOS : FAQs

How to install Pandas in Mac?

  • Using pip:
  1. Install Python3 on macOS.
  2. Check if pip3 and python3 are installed.
  3. Upgrade pip with pip3 install –upgrade pip.
  4. Install Pandas with pip3 install pandas.
  • Using
  1. Download the latest Pandas source package for Python3.
  2. Extract the package: tar -xzvf pandas.tar.gz.
  3. Navigate into the extracted folder.
  4. Install Pandas with python3 install.

How do I install pandas in Python?

To install Pandas in Python, you can use pip or method. With pip, run pip install pandas. Using, download the source package, extract it, and run python install.

How to install Python in macOS using terminal?

Installing Python in macOS via terminal involves downloading the installer from the official Python website, running the installer, and ensuring that Python is added to PATH. After installation, you can check Python version using python3 –version and pip version using pip3 –version.

How to install pandas on Mac VS Code?

To install Pandas in VS Code on Mac, ensure Python is installed on your system. Open VS Code, create or open a Python file, and if prompted, select the Python interpreter. Then, use the terminal within VS Code to install Pandas using pip with pip install pandas.

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