How To Install Splunk on Linux
Last Updated :
06 May, 2024
Splunk is a software that helps organizations work with large amounts of data. The latest version has new abilities. It can search data faster and use less memory. This makes it easier to look at and understand the data. Splunk can now store old data in the cloud. This frees up space on the local machine for data that is used more often. The new version also has better ways to categorize events and support for AWS services. These new features give users more tools to manage and analyze their data. Splunk can be installed on different operating systems, including Linux. Linux is a popular choice for system administrators.
This guide will show you how to install Splunk on a Linux machine. Let's get started.
How To Install Splunk on Linux
Download the Splunk Installation Package
Step 1: Go to the official website of Splunk or click on the link below to redirect to the website and follow the procedure below.
Link :
Splunk Official WebsiteStep 2: Fill the form and then click on the Create Your Account.
Create your AccountStep 3: On the next page click on the Downloads Page.
Click on Downloads PageStep 4: After that choose Splunk Enterprise version and click on Get My Free Trial to Download.
Select Splunk EnterpriseStep 5: Click on the Linux Tab and then choose the .tgz Download Option for the Linux.
Download .tgz file from the Linux TabStep 6: Great, you can Clearly see that our Download has been started.

Installation of Splunk for the First Time
Step 1 : Locate the File
To install Splunk, go to the folder where you downloaded the file. Usually, the file is in the Downloads folder. Open the terminal and change to the Downloads folder. Use the below command.
Command :
cd Downloads
Output :
Locate the file in Downloads DirectoryStep 2 : Extract the file
Now we've to extract the file in order to install it to do that use the below command. The '/opt' directory is a standard location on Linux systems for installing optional software packages
Command :
sudo tar xvzf splunk-9.2.1-78803f08aabb-Linux-x86_64.tgz -C /opt
Output :
Extracting the Splunk Server .tgz fileStep 3 : Change the Directory
After extracting the Splunk installation files, we need to change to the specific directory where the program files are located. We can do this by using the following command.
Command :
cd /opt/splunk/bin
Output :
Changing the Directory to Program filesStep 4 : Accept the License & Create Username and Password
After changing to the Splunk program directory, we need to accept the license agreement to start the Splunk server. We can do this by running the following command. After running this command, Splunk will prompt you to enter a username and password. You can choose any username and password you prefer. This username and password will be used to log into the Splunk web interface later.
Command :
sudo ./splunk start --accept-license
Output :
Creating Username and PasswordStep 5 : Access Splunk server in Browser
After setting up the username and password, you will see a web address displayed in the terminal output. This is the address you need to access the Splunk server through a web browser.
Copy the Splunk Server Web Address
Paste the Web Address into the BrowserStep 6 : Sign in to the Splunk Server
On the Splunk login page, you will see fields to enter your username and password. Enter the same username and password that you set in Step 4 when you ran the command to start the Splunk server.
Sign In using the Username and Password
Splunk Server
That's it! You have now successfully signed in to the Splunk server using the web interface. After signing in, you will be able to access the Splunk dashboard and start exploring its various features for searching, analyzing, and visualizing your data.
Install Splunk on Linux - FAQs
What is Splunk?
Splunk is a software that helps organizations collect, search, and analyze large amounts of data from various sources, such as logs, applications, and systems.
Why would I want to install Splunk on Linux?
Many system administrators and IT professionals prefer to use Linux for its stability, security, and wide range of available tools and utilities. Installing Splunk on Linux allows them to leverage the power of Splunk while working within their preferred operating system environment.
Do I need to pay for Splunk?
Splunk offers both a free version and paid versions with additional features and support. The free version, called Splunk Free, is suitable for small-scale deployments and personal use, while the paid versions (Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud) are designed for larger-scale deployments and organizations.
How much disk space do I need to install Splunk?
The disk space required for Splunk depends on the amount of data you plan to index and store. As a general guideline, Splunk recommends allocating at least 300 MB of disk space for the installation files and additional space for indexed data, which can grow quickly depending on your data volume.
Can I access the Splunk web interface from other machines?
Yes, you can access the Splunk web interface from other machines on the same network. Instead of using 'localhost' in the web address, you'll need to replace it with the IP address or hostname of the machine where you installed Splunk.
Getting Splunk up and running on your Linux machine is not too difficult. After downloading the Splunk file, you extract it and use some basic terminal commands to start the Splunk server. Splunk will then give you a web address to access its interface through your browser. Just create a username and password when asked, open that web address, and sign in with your new credentials. With those straightforward steps completed, you now have Splunk installed and ready to use for collecting and analyzing data on your Linux system.
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