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How to Unzip Files on Android?

Last Updated : 17 Oct, 2024
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Unzipping files on your Android device can be essential for accessing compressed documents, images, or apps. With various methods available, it’s easy to extract zip files directly on your smartphone or tablet. Whether you’re downloading files from the internet or receiving them via email, knowing how to unzip these files can enhance your productivity and improve your file management experience. In this guide, we’ll explore different ways to unzip files on Android, including the best apps and built-in features to help you get started.

What is the Purpose of a Zip File?

Zipped files are nothing but compressed files containing more than one file. Its purpose is to minimize its actual size making it easier to share over the internet. Zip Files mostly use extensions like “.zip” or “.ZIP”. It is ideal for sharing multiple related files.

Why Do We Need to Unzip Files?

Zipped files are used when we need to export multiple files at a time without losing it in between. The zipped file uses lossless data compression techniques. Hence, unzipping zipped files is essential to extract content from the zipped files. As explained earlier, Zipped contains more than one file, which facilitates quick and easy sharing over the Internet.

How to Unzip Files on Android?

Below are the 2 best approaches that we can implement while unzipping files on Android.

  • Method 1: Using Google Files Application
  • Method 2: Using the ZArchiver Application

Let’s go through both methods for Unzipping the files on Android.

Method 1: Use Google Files Application to Open Zipped Files on Android

Step 1: Tap the Google files icon it looks blue in color and is a rectangle with red, yellow, and green. If you don’t have Google files you can download them for free from the google Google Play Store. When you open the app the first time then tap the Allow button to give the app permission to run the app when you need to tap the switch next to ‘Allow all files access’.


Step 2: Now, tap “Browse” 


Step 3: Now, simply tap on the Search button to identify the zip files that you want to unzip and tap the zip files

  • Now, you will get a pop-up once you tap the zip file


Step 4: Select the zip file and tap the Extract button to unzip the file.


Step 5: Tap the Done button When the extract is complete (we can extract all types of files like image, World, or Docs)

Note: To delete the .zip folder after you extracted everything, mark the checkbox “Delete ZIP file” and hit DONE


Method 2: Use ZArchiver Application to Open Zipped Files on Android

ZArchiver is a compression tool for Android this application allows users to create and extract files this application is including Zip, RAR, 7Z, TAR, ISO, and other app is also encrypt and password-password-protect files for added security.

Step 1:  This process will be initiated once you’ve downloaded the ZArchiver on Android from the Play Store.

Step 2: Now, simply tap on the ZArchiver application to initiate the procedure. 


Step 3: Now, tap on the search button for the search zip file 


Step 4: Tap on the zip file to unzip the desired files.


Step 5: You will now see a POPUP to view, extract test & compress the file. Simply tap on Extract Button to unzip the desired files.


Step 6: Before you finish the extract process, the location for unzipping needs to be selected. 


Congratulations! You’ve successfully unzipped the file by using this app. 


By using dedicated apps or the built-in file manager, you can easily extract compressed files and enjoy the content within them. Whether you’re dealing with large downloads or sharing files, knowing how to unzip files on your Android device will save you time and effort. With the methods outlined in this guide, you’re now equipped to handle zip files seamlessly on your Android smartphone or tablet.

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How to Unzip Files on Android – FAQs

How do I unzip files on my Android phone?

You can unzip files on your Android phone using file management apps like WinZip, RAR, or the built-in file manager. Simply locate the zip file, select it, and choose the option to extract or unzip.

What happens when you open zipped a file?

To open a zipped file you need to extract its data i.e unzipping it. When you tap on Extract button, You create a new folder with the same name. However, It remains in its compressed (zipped) form as well.

What are some popular Unzip software Android?

While some Android devices come with built-in functionality to unzip files, third-party apps like ZArchiver or WinRAR can offer more features and better support for different file types.

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