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HTML Attributes

Last Updated : 27 Nov, 2024
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HTML Attributes are special words used within the opening tag of an HTML element. They provide additional information about HTML elements. HTML attributes are used to configure and adjust the element’s behavior, appearance, or functionality in a variety of ways.

Each attribute has a name and a value, formatted as name=”value”. Attributes tell the browser how to render the element or how it should behave during user interactions.


<tagname attribute_name = “attribute_value”> content… </tagname>

Code Example of Using HTML Attributes

This HTML code demonstrates the use of the src attribute within the <img> tag to display an image.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>HTML img src Attribute</title>

    <img src=


In this example:

  • Tag : <img>
  • Attribute : src
  • Value of Attribute : ""
  • Purpose : The <img> tag is used for embedding images in an HTML page. The src attribute within the <img> tag specifies the path to the image file you wish to display. This attribute is crucial as it directs the browser to the image’s location on the internet or a local directory.

Components of Attribute

An HTML attribute consists of two primary components:

1. attribute_name: This is the name of the attribute, which specifies what kind of additional information or property you are defining for the element. Common attribute names include href, src, class, id, etc.

2. attribute_value: The value is assigned to the attribute to define the specific setting or behavior. It is always placed in quotes.

Types of HTML Attributes

HTML attributes can be broadly categorized based on their function and the type of elements they modify. For example –

Global Attributes

These attributes can be used with any HTML element (though their effects might vary based on the element):

classGroups elements and allows styling.
styleInline CSS styles.
srcSpecifies the source of various resources, such as image URLs for the img element, video URLs for the video element, and audio URLs for the audio element.
contenteditableDetermines whether the content within the element is editable.
roleSpecifies the element’s accessibility role.
tabindexDetermines the order of focus during keyboard navigation.
idAssigns a unique identifier to an element, allowing targeting with CSS or JavaScript.
hrefDefines the hyperlink destination within the a element, enabling navigation.
altProvides alternative text for images, essential for accessibility and SEO.
titleCreates a tooltip that appears when a user hovers over the element.
langSpecifies the language of the element’s content, aiding with translation and accessibility.

Some other main types of HTML attributes are:

  • Event Attributes – These define the actions to be taken on specific browser events.
  • Input Attributes – Specific to input elements within <form> tags.
  • Image Attributes – Specific to the <img> element for handling images.
  • Link Attributes – Specific to linking elements like <a> and <link> .
  • Table Attributes – Used with table elements like <table> , <th> , <tr> , and <td> .
  • Style Attributes – Define styles directly on an element.
  • Media Attributes – Related to media elements like <audio> and <video> .
  • Accessibility Attributes – Help improve accessibility, such as alt for images and aria-* attributes.
  • Meta Attributes – Used with meta elements to specify metadata like charset .

Common HTML Attributes

Let’s take look at some of the most commonly used HTML attributes:

1. HTML alt Attribute

The alt attribute in HTML provides alternative text for an image if the image cannot be displayed. It improves accessibility and provides context for screen readers.

Example: This example explains the HTML alt Attributes to specify the name of the file when the image is not loaded properly.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>HTML img alt Attribute</title>


    <!--If the image is not found or the img field 
     is left blank the alt value gets displayed-->

    <img src=
         alt="The Logo"><br>
    <img src="" 
         alt="Since the src value is blank,the alt value is displayed">


2. HTML width and height Attribute

The width and height Attribute is used to adjust the width and height of an image(in pixels).

Example: This example explains the HTML width & height Attributes to specify the different sizes of the images.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <title>Width and Height</title>

    <img src=


3. HTML id Attribute

The id attribute in HTML assigns a unique identifier to an element, allowing it to be targeted by CSS and JavaScript for styling and manipulation purposes.

Example: This example explains the HTML id Attribute to specify the unique value for the specific element.

<!DOCTYPE html>

        #geeks {
            color: green;

    <h1 id="geeks">Welcome to GeeksforGeeks</h1>


4. HTML title Attribute

The title attribute is used to explain an element by hovering the mouse over it. The behavior differs with various elements but generally, the value is displayed while loading or hovering the mouse pointer over it.

Example: This example explains the HTML title Attributes to specify the metadata for the element by hovering the mouse over it.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>HTML title Attribute</title>

    <h3 title="Hello GeeksforGeeks">
        Hover to see the effect


5. HTML href Attribute

The href attribute in HTML, used with the <a> tag, specifies a link destination. Clicking the linked text navigates to this address. Adding `target=”_blank”` opens it in a new tab.

Example: This example explains the HTML href Attributes specify the link address of the file.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>link Attribute</title>

    <a href="">
        Click to open in the same tab
    <a href="" 
        Click to open in a different tab


6. HTML style Attribute

The style attribute is used to provide various CSS effects to the HTML elements such as increasing font-size, changing font-family, coloring, etc.

Example: This example explains the HTML style Attributes to specify the style properties for the HTML element.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>style Attribute</title>

    <h2 style="font-family:Chaparral Pro Light;">
          Hello GeeksforGeeks.
    <h3 style="font-size:20px;">
          Hello GeeksforGeeks.
    <h2 style="color:#8CCEF9;">
          Hello GeeksforGeeks.
    <h2 style="text-align:center;">
          Hello GeeksforGeeks.


7. HTML lang attribute

The language is declared with the lang attribute. Declaring a language can be important for accessibility applications and search engines.

Example: This example explains the HTML lang Attributes that specify the language of the HTML page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content=
              "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>lang attribute</title>
        body {
            text-align: center;

        h1 {
            color: green;

        .lang-info {
            font-style: italic;

    <h2>lang attribute</h2>

    <p lang="en">
        A computer science portal for geeks

    <p lang="fr" class="lang-info">
        A computer science portal for geeks

    <p lang="es" class="lang-info">
        A computer science portal for geeks


Important Points About HTML Attributes

1. Always Use Lowercase Attributes:

You can use either uppercase or lowercase letters for defining attributes. For example, both alt and ALT in an <img> tag are valid. However, it is recommended to use lowercase attributes as per W3C guidelines for consistency and better readability.

2. Always Quote Attribute Values:

The HTML standard does not require quotes around attribute values in certain situations. However, W3C recommends always using quotes for attribute values, and quotes are mandatory for stricter document types like XHTML. Using quotes helps avoid errors, especially when the attribute value contains spaces or special characters.

3. Declare Quote as an Attribute Value:

You can use either single (') or double (") quotes for attribute values in HTML, but it is essential to be consistent throughout your document. If the attribute value contains a double quote, then use single quotes to enclose it, and vice versa.For simplicity, it is a good practice to consistently use double quotes, as it aligns with the convention used in many HTML examples and tutorials.


<input type="text" placeholder='Enter your "username" here'>

In this example, the attribute value itself contains double quotes ("username"), so the entire value is enclosed within single quotes to avoid confusion.

4. Boolean Attributes Should Be Written Without Values:

Boolean attributes do not require a value. If the attribute is present, it is considered true. For example, the checked attribute of an <input> element is correctly written as:


<input type="checkbox" checked>

Writing checked="checked" also works, but it is redundant. Simply including the attribute is enough to represent a true state.

5. Proper Attribute Order for Readability:

Although HTML does not enforce an order for attributes, following a consistent order improves readability and maintainability. It is common practice to order attributes like this: idclass, other global attributes, specific attributes, and finally, event attributes.


<button id="btn1" class="button-class" type="submit" onclick="handleClick()">Submit</button>

6. Avoid Deprecated Attributes:

Certain HTML attributes, such as alignbgcolor, and border, are considered deprecated. It is better to use CSS for styling instead of outdated attributes.

Example (Avoid deprecated attribute):

<p style="text-align: center;">This text is centered.</p>

Instead of using the align attribute, use the style attribute or a CSS class to achieve the same effect

Summing up!

Understanding HTML attributes is essential for creating well-structured and accessible web pages. By using these attributes effectively, you can enhance user experience and optimize your content for search engines.

Please refer to the HTML Attributes Complete Reference for all the attributes in detail.

HTML Attributes – FAQs

What is an HTML attribute?

An HTML attribute provides additional information about an HTML element. Attributes are always included in the opening tag and usually come in name/value pairs like name=”value”.

What are some common HTML attributes?

Some common attributes include id, class, src, href, alt, title, style, and data-*.

What is the id attribute used for?

The id attribute is used to uniquely identify an HTML element. Example: <div id=”header”>.

What is the class attribute used for?

The class attribute is used to define one or more class names for an element, allowing CSS and JavaScript to select and manipulate groups of elements. Example: <p class=”intro”>.

How is the src attribute used?

The src attribute specifies the URL of an image, script, or other external resource. Example: <img src=”image.jpg” alt=”Description”>.

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