alignContent | It is used to align the items of a flexible container | |
alignItems | Return the default alignment of items in a flexible container. | |
alignSelf | Return the alignment for a selected item inside a flexible container | |
animation | To animate transitions from one CSS style to another CSS style | |
animationDelay | Returns the delay after which the animation should start. | |
animationDirection | Return the animation direction. | |
animationDuration | To set the time interval to complete one cycle of an animation. | |
animationFillMode | The animation is not playing or when an animation is finished or when there is a delay in animation | |
animationIterationCount | Return how many times an animation should be played. | |
animationName | Returns a name for @keyframes animation. | |
animationTimingFunction | The time of transition between the styles to make transitions smooth. | |
animationPlayState | It is used to specify whether an animation is running or paused. | |
background | Return the background of an element. | |
backgroundAttachment | Return whether the background image should be fixed or scroll with the content. | |
backgroundColor | Return the background-color of an element. | |
backgroundImage | Return the background image of an element. | |
backgroundPosition | Return position of the background-image in an element. | |
backgroundRepeat | HTML DOM is used to set or return the CSS | |
backgroundClip | Return the painting area of the background. | |
backgroundOrigin | The background image is relative to in position. | |
backgroundSize | Return the size of the background image. | |
backfaceVisibility | Element visible or invisible when the element is not facing the screen. | |
border | It is used to sets or returns the style of an element’s border. | |
borderBottomStyle | Returns the three different border-bottom property such as border-bottom-width,etc. | |
borderBottomColor | Return the color of bottom border of an element. | |
borderBottomLeftRadius | Return the radius of the border of the bottom-left corner. | |
borderBottomRightRadius | Set the style of the radius of the bottom-right corner of its border. | |
borderBottom | Return the style of the bottom border of an element. | |
borderBottomWidth | Return the width of bottom border of an element. | |
borderCollapse | Returns the border of the table collapsed into a single border or not. | |
borderColor | Specifies the color of the element’s border. | |
borderImage | It is used for setting the borderImageSource, borderImageSlice,etc. | |
borderImageOutset | The border, image is to be painted is called the border-image space. | |
borderImageRepeat | Return the borderImageRepeat property. | |
borderImageSlice | Specify the value of this property in terms of percentage, number or global values. | |
borderImageSource | Return the image to be used instead of the styles given by the border-style property. | |
borderImageWidth | Return the width of the border image. | |
borderLeft | It is used to set or returns the three different | |
borderLeftColor | Get the color to left border of element. | |
borderLeftStyle | Set or return the left border style of an element. | |
borderLeftWidth | Return the width of the left border of an element. | |
borderRadius | Return the four different borderRadius | |
borderRight | Returns the three different border-right property | |
borderRightColor | Return the style of right border of an element. | |
borderRightWidth | Return the width of the right border of an element. | |
borderSpacing | Return the spacing between the cells in a table. | |
borderStyle | Return the border style of an element. | |
borderTop | Returns the three different border-top property | |
borderTopColor | Get the color of top border of element. | |
borderTopLeftRadius | Return the radius of the top left border of an element. | |
borderTopRightRadius | Return the radius of the top right border of an element. | |
borderTopStyle | Return the top border style of an element. | |
borderTopWidth | Return the width of the top border of an element. | |
borderWidth | Return the width of the border element. | |
boxShadow | Return the drop-shadow of an element. | |
boxSizing | It is used when fitting elements into their desired position by automatically calculating their dimensions. | |
captionSide | Return the position of the caption in a table. | |
clear | Get the position of the specific element relative to floating objects. | |
clip | Return the visible part of a positioned element. | |
color | Return the color of the text. | |
columnCount | That defines the number of columns an element should be divided into. | |
columnFill | Specifies how to fill a column(balanced or not). | |
columnGap | Specifies the gap between the columns. | |
columnRule | Sets the width, style, and color of the rule between columns. | |
columnRuleColor | Specifies the color of the rule between columns. | |
columnRuleStyle | Determine the style of rule between columns. | |
columnRuleWidth | Determine the width of the rule between the columns. | |
columns | Set the width of the column & column count. | |
columnSpan | Specify how many columns an element should span across. | |
counterIncrement | The counter should be incremented on each occurrence of a selector. | |
counterReset | It is used with the counterincrement property and the content property. | |
cursor | Return the type of cursor to display for the mouse pointer. | |
direction | Return the text direction of an element. | |
display | Return the display type of an element. | |
emptyCells | It is used to display borders and background for the empty cells. | |
filter | It is used to add visual effects or filter effects to images. | |
flex | Returns the length of the item, relative to rest of flexible items inside the same container. | |
flexBasis | Return the initial length of a flexible item | |
flexDirection | Return the main-axis direction of the flexible items. | |
flexFlow | It is used to specify the value for two different properties | |
flexGrow | An item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. | |
flexShrink | Set how the specific item can be shrink in relation to the remaining flexible items within the container. | |
flexWrap | It is used to determine whether the flexible items should wrap or not. | |
cssFloat | Returns the horizontal alignment of element. | |
font | It is used to change the element’s font properties. | |
fontFamily | Return a list of Font-Family names and generic-family names for text in an element. | |
fontSize | Get the font size of characters in a word should appear. | |
fontStyle | Get font style of an element dynamically. | |
fontVariant | It s used to set the font in capital letters. | |
fontWeight | Return how thick or thin characters in a word should appear. | |
fontSizeAdjust | The font size if the first choice of font is not available. | |
height | It is used to set or get height of an element dynamically. | |
isolation | Whether an element must necessarily create a new stacking context. | |
justifyContent | It is used to align the items horizontally when they are not able to use all the available space. | |
left | It is used for setting or returning the left position of a positioned element. | |
letterSpacing | It is used to set the space between the characters. | |
lineHeight | It is used for setting or returning the distance between lines in a text. | |
listSytle | It is used to set up to three Properties | |
listStyleImage | Return an image as the list-item icon. | |
listStylePosition | Returns the position of the list-item marker. | |
listStyleType | It is used for setting or returning the list-item marker type. | |
margin | Returns the margin of an element. | |
marginBottom | Return the bottom margin of an element. | |
marginLeft | Get the left margin of an element. | |
marginRight | Return the right margin of an element. | |
marginTop | Return the top margin of an element. | |
maxHeight | Return the maximum height of an element. | |
maxWidth | Return the maximum width of an element. | |
minHeight | Return the minimum height of an element. | |
minWidth | Return the minimum width of an element. | |
objectFit | Return how an image or video element is resized to fit it’s container. | |
objectPosition | Return how an image or video would be positioned in their own content box. | |
opacity | It is used to set opacity level for an element. | |
order | The order of a flexible element relative to the rest of the flexible elements | |
orphans | The minimum number of lines in a paragraph split on the old page. | |
outline | Return all outline properties in one declaration. | |
outlineColor | Returns the color of the outline around an Element. | |
outlineOffset | It is used for offsetting an outline and draw it beyond the border edge. | |
outlineStyle | Return the style of the outline around an element. | |
outlineWidth | Return the width of the outline around an element. | |
overflow | It is used to specify the behavior of the content when it overflows the element box. | |
overflowX | Specify the behavior of the content when it overflows an element’s left and right edges. | |
overflowY | Specify the behavior of the content when it overflows an element’s top and bottom edges | |
padding | It is used for setting or returning the padding of an element | |
paddingBottom | It is used for setting or returning the bottom padding of an element. | |
paddingLeft | It is used for setting or returning the left padding of an element. | |
paddingRight | It is used for setting or returning the right padding of an element. | |
paddingTop | It is used for setting or returning the top padding of an element. | |
pageBreakAfter | Returning the page-break behavior after an element in printing or print preview. | |
pageBreakBefore | Return the page-break-before characteristics before the specified element in HTML document. | |
pageBreakInside | Returning the page-break behavior inside an element in printing or print preview. | |
perspective | It is used to determine how far an element is placed from the Z plane. | |
perspectiveOrigin | It is used to describe the exact position of a 3D element based on the x and y-axis. | |
position | Returns the type of positioning method used by the element. | |
quotes | It is used to represent the HTML < q > element. | |
resize | It is used to specify whether an element is resizable in height and width by the user. | |
right | Return the right position of a positioned element including padding, scrollbar, border, and margin. | |
tableLayout | Return how a table and its cells, rows, and columns should be laid out. | |
tabSize | Return the length of the space used in place of the tab character. | |
textAlign | It is pretty much similar to the text-align property in the CSS. | |
textAlignLast | set the alignment of the last line of the text. | |
textDecoration | It is used to set one or more decorations for a text. | |
textDecorationColor | Set the color of the text-decoration like underlines, overlines, etc. | |
textDecorationLine | It is used to set the decoration for a line | |
textDecorationStyle | It is used to set the line. | |
textIndent | It is used for indentation of the first line in each block of text. | |
textOverflow | It is used to specify the behavior of the text when it overflows the containing element box. | |
textShadow | It is used to set the shadow effects for text. | |
textTransform | Return the capitalization of text. | |
top | Return the top position of a positioned element including padding, scrollbar,etc. | |
transform | It is used to transform the object. The transform property allows to rotate, scale, move, etc. | |
transformOrigin | This position is described using co-ordinate geometry using x-axis and y-axis. | |
transformStyle | Return, the different ways nested elements use for their rendering in 3D space. | |
transition | It is used to change the appearance of any DIV element. | |
transitionproperty | Set the name of the CSS property for the transition effect. | |
transitionDuration | Return the length of time(in seconds or milliseconds) to complete the transition effect. | |
transitionTimingFunction | Allows a transition effect to change speed over its duration. | |
transitionDelay | Time in seconds or milliseconds when execution of transition starts. | |
unicodeBidi | It is used with direction property to determine how multi-directional text is displayed. | |
userSelect | Return whether the text can be selected by the user or not. | |
verticalAlign | Return the vertical alignment of the content in an element. | |
visibility | It is used to set the visibility for an element. | |
width | Return the width of an element which can be block-level elements or elements with fixed position. | |
wordBreak | Return the word-break property. | |
wordSpacing | It is used to set the spacing between words | |
wordWrap | Return whether long words should be broken to wrap around to the next line. | |
zIndex | Return the stack order of a positioned element. | |