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HTML embed Tag

Last Updated : 26 Nov, 2024
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The <embed> tag in HTML is used to embed external content or media files (such as audio, video, or interactive elements like Flash) directly into a webpage.

  • It is a self-closing tag
  • It is often used for embedding files like PDFs, images, or other types of media that require a plugin or external application to display.
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>embed Tag</title>
        q {
            color: #00cc00;
            font-style: italic;

    <p> <q>GeeksforGeeks</q> is loading.</p>
    <embed src="loading2.swf" 



<embed src="URL" type="MIME_type" width="width_value" height="height_value">


Attribute Values



This attribute contains the attribute value in pixels. It is used to specify the height of the embedded content.


It is used to hold the URL. It is used to specify the web address of the embedded content.


The width value is set in pixels. It is used to specify the width of embedded content.


It contains the media_type content. It is used to specify the media type of the embedded content.

embedded PDF and video using <embed> Tag

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <h2>Embed a PDF Document</h2>
    <embed src="example.pdf" type="application/pdf" 
           width="400" height="200" />

    <h2>Embed a Video</h2>
    <embed src="example.mp4" type="video/mp4" 
           width="400" height="200" />


HTML <embed> Tag – FAQs

What file formats can be embedded using the <embed> tag?

Common file formats embedded using the <embed> tag include media files like .mp4, .mp3, .wav, .pdf, and .swf (Flash). It can also embed other types of content depending on browser support and plugins.

How do I specify the size of the embedded content using the <embed> tag?

You can control the width and height of the embedded content using the width and height attributes. Example: <embed src=”example.pdf” width=”600″ height=”400″>.

Is the <embed> tag still relevant, or is it outdated?

The <embed> tag is still relevant in certain scenarios but is often replaced by more modern tags like <video>, <audio>, and <iframe>, which provide better control and compatibility for embedding media.

What is the difference between the <embed> and <iframe> tags?

The <embed> tag is primarily used for embedding interactive content like media files, while <iframe> is used to embed an entire web page or external content within your page, including HTML documents.

Is the <embed> tag self-closing?

Yes, the <embed> tag is self-closing in HTML5. It does not require a closing tag: <embed src=”file.pdf” width=”600″ height=”400″>.

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