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HTML <menuitem> tag

Last Updated : 26 Aug, 2024
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The HTML <menuitem> tag is used to define command or menu that the user can utilize from the popup item. this tag is not supported in HTML5. This tag is support Global Attributes in HTML and Event Attributes in HTML.


<menuitem label="" icon="" type> </menuitem>


  • checked: this attribute defines that the menu item is checked when the page loads, works on the radio and checkbox type.
  • default: This attribute marks the menu item as a default command.
  • disabled: This attribute disabled the menu or command.
  • icon: This attribute defines the menu icon by using url.
  • label: This attribute is required which defines the name of the command or menu.
  • radiogroup: This attribute defines the group of command.
  • type: This attribute defines the type of command or menu is it radio, checkbox or anything else.

Below example illustrate the HTML <menuitem> tag: 


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>HTML &lt;menuitem&gt; Tag</title>
        h1 {
            color: green;

        <h2>HTML &lt;menuitem&gt; tag</h2>
        <div style="background:green; border:2px solid black; padding: 10px;" 
            <p>A Computer Science Portal for Geeks</p>

            <menu type="context" id="geeks">
                <menu label="Share on...">
                    <menuitem label="Twitter"
'//' + window.location.href);">
                    <menuitem label="Pinterest"
'' + window.location.href);">
                <menuitem label="Email This Page" 
                          onclick="window.location='mailto:?body=' + window.location.href;">

        <p>A Computer Science Portal for Geeks</p>
        <p>Right-click on the green div to see the menuitem</p>



Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by <menuitem> tag are listed below: 

  • Mozilla Firefox

HTML <menuitem> tag – FAQs

What are the different type attributes available for the <menuitem> tag?

The <menuitem> tag supports three types:

  • command: Represents a generic command.
  • checkbox: Represents a menu item that can be checked or unchecked.
  • radio: Represents a menu item that can be selected as part of a group.

What attributes can be used with the <menuitem> tag?

Common attributes include:

  • label: Specifies the label text for the menu item.
  • icon: Defines an icon that can appear alongside the menu item.
  • checked: Specifies the default state for checkbox or radio menu items.
  • disabled: Disables the menu item, preventing user interaction.

What is a good alternative to the <menuitem> tag?

A more reliable alternative involves using standard HTML elements like <button>, <ul>, and <li>, combined with JavaScript to create custom context menus. This approach offers better browser compatibility and flexibility.

How does the <menuitem> tag work within a <menu> element?

The <menu> tag is used as a container for one or more <menuitem> elements. However, since both tags are deprecated, it is recommended to create custom menus using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Can I style the <menuitem> tag with CSS?

While the <menuitem> tag can technically be styled using CSS, it’s not practical given its lack of browser support. Developers should instead focus on styling custom HTML-based menus.

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