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International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Last Updated: 22 Sep, 2023


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International Day of Persons with Disabilities is annually observed on 3 December throughout the world with the main motive to promote well-being and good life for the people who have been living with some kind of disabilities. The day holds its importance as it is dedicated to those people who have been part of the society and contributing to it despite the challenges faced by them, it is here to draw the attention of the society which considers itself as able to the difficulties faced by this section of society. 

Why is the ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’ Celebrated?

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated to promote the well-being of disabled people and remind the general population about their right to be treated as equals. The day highlights the significance of providing equal opportunities to persons with disabilities so they can grow socially, financially, and professionally and be equal participants in society.

The day is observed to discuss the issues and problems faced by disabled people which include lack of equal opportunities in the professional sector, similar education to others, and a more significant life with poor health and ill-being. Hence, the day makes us aware of these issues and sheds light on the responsibilities a society needs to fulfill toward these people.

It is aimed to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities at every level of society and development and also to increase awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of political, social, economic, and cultural life. According to the United Nations (UN), the world population is over more than 7.9 billion people, and approximately 15 percent of the world’s population, live with some form of disability and 80 percent of these people live in developing countries. These disabilities are severe enough to limit their participation with their families and communities, it also shows that disability is part of being human. 

The Theme for the ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’

In 2021, the theme adopted for the day was “Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-Covid-19 world”. The theme was announced by United Nations to highlight the problems faced by disabled people during the period of pandemics.

In 2020, the theme for the day was “Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible, and sustainable post-Covid-19 World”

Background of the ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’

The date December 3 was decided to be globally observed as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by the UN General Assembly Resolution in 1992. It was aimed to spread awareness regards to the social, political, cultural as well as financial issues faced by people with disabilities.

Along with that, later in 2006, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRDP) was adopted that protect the rights and the well-being of people with disabilities. It is an advance made to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


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