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Introduction To Grammar in Theory of Computation

Last Updated : 28 Dec, 2024
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In the context of the Theory of Computation, grammar refers to a formal system that defines how strings in a language are structured. It plays a crucial role in determining the syntactic correctness of languages and serves as a foundation for parsing and interpreting programming languages, natural languages, and various formal systems. This article provides an in-depth look at the types of grammars, their components, and the derivation of strings from grammars.

What is Grammar in Computation?

Grammar is a formal system that defines a set of rules for generating valid strings within a language. It serves as a blueprint for constructing syntactically correct sentences or meaningful sequences in a formal language.

Grammar is basically composed of two basic elements:

  • Terminal Symbols: Terminal symbols are those that are the components of the sentences generated using grammar and are represented using small case letters like a, b, c, etc.
  • Non-Terminal Symbols: Non-terminal symbols are those symbols that take part in the generation of the sentence but are not the component of the sentence. Non-Terminal Symbols are also called Auxiliary Symbols and Variables. These symbols are represented using a capital letters like A, B, C, etc.

Representation of Grammar

Any Grammar can be represented by 4 tuples – <N, T, P, S>

  • N – Finite Non-Empty Set of Non-Terminal Symbols.
  • T – Finite Set of Terminal Symbols.
  • P – Finite Non-Empty Set of Production Rules.
  • S – Start Symbol (Symbol from where we start producing our sentences or strings).

Production Rules

A production or production rule in computer science is a rewrite rule specifying a symbol substitution that can be recursively performed to generate new symbol sequences. It is of the form α->  β where  α is a Non-Terminal Symbol which can be replaced by β which is a string of Terminal Symbols or Non-Terminal Symbols.

Example-1: Consider Grammar G1 = <N, T, P, S>

T = {a,b}    #Set of terminal symbols
P = {A->Aa,A->Ab,A->a,A->b,A-> [Tex]\epsilon[/Tex]}    #Set of all production rules
S = {A}    #Start Symbol

As the start symbol is S then we can produce Aa, Ab, a,b,[Tex]\epsilon     [/Tex]which can further produce strings where A can be replaced by the Strings mentioned in the production rules and hence this grammar can be used to produce strings of the form (a+b)*.

Derivation of Strings

A->a    #using production rule 3
A->Aa    #using production rule 1
Aa->ba    #using production rule 4
A->Aa    #using production rule 1
Aa->AAa    #using production rule 1
AAa->bAa    #using production rule 4
bAa->ba    #using production rule 5

Example-2: Consider Grammar G2 = <N, T, P, S>

N = {A}   #Set of non-terminals Symbols
T = {a}    #Set of terminal symbols
P = {A->Aa, A->AAa, A->a, A->[Tex]\epsilon[/Tex]}    #Set of all production rules
S = {A}   #Start Symbol

As the start symbol is S then we can produce Aa, AAa, a,[Tex]\epsilon      [/Tex]which can further produce strings where A can be replaced by the Strings mentioned in the production rules and hence this grammar can be used to produce strings of form (a)*.

Derivation of Strings

A->a    #using production rule 3
A->Aa    #using production rule 1
Aa->aa    #using production rule 3
A->Aa    #using production rule 1
Aa->AAa    #using production rule 1
AAa->Aa    #using production rule 4
Aa->aa    #using production rule 3

Equivalent Grammars

Two grammars are said to be equivalent if they generate the same language. For instance, if Grammar 1 and Grammar 2 both generate strings of the form (𝑎+𝑏)∗, they are considered equivalent.

Types of Grammars

There are several types of Grammar. We classify them on the basis mentioned below.

  • Type of Production Rules: The form and complexity of the production rules define the grammar type, such as context-free, context-sensitive, regular, or unrestricted grammars.
  • Number of Derivation Trees: The number of ways a string can be derived from the grammar. Ambiguous grammars have multiple derivation trees for the same string.
  • Number of Strings: The size and nature of the language generated by the grammar.

Types of Grammar


Grammar is the foundation of understanding languages in computation. It provides a structured way of generating strings that belongs to a specific language. From programming languages to natural language processing, formal grammars are critical in ensuring that the sentences (or strings) formed are syntactically correct.

Introduction To Grammar in Theory of Computation – FAQs

What is the role of grammar in compiler design?

Grammar helps define the syntax of programming languages, making it crucial for the parsing stage in compiler design, where the source code is analyzed for syntactical correctness.

What is the difference between terminal and non-terminal symbols?

Terminal symbols form the actual strings in the language, while non-terminal symbols are placeholders used during the derivation process but do not appear in the final string.

What is an ambiguous grammar?

An ambiguous grammar allows for more than one parse tree for the same string, meaning the string can be derived in multiple ways.

What are the types of grammars in the Chomsky hierarchy?

The Chomsky hierarchy classifies grammars into four types: regular grammars, context-free grammars, context-sensitive grammars, and unrestricted grammars.

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