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JavaScript for…in loop not working – Object property is not defined Error

Last Updated : 07 Nov, 2022
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A for…in loop is a special loop in JavaScript that enumerates all the keys (object property names) of an object. With each new iteration, a new property string is assigned to the loop variable.


Uncaught ReferenceError: Object property is not defined

If we try to compare this loop variable with a non-string variable a ReferenceError is generated which can be solved simply by using a variable in string format while comparing it with the for…in loop variable. This error can happen in two ways discussed below:


Example 1: Comparing the for…in loop variable with the non-string variable 

Here we have created an object ‘GeeksforGeeks’. We used for…in the loop to look for a property named ‘about’  and log it to the console. But here the about is not in string format, Hence we will get a Reference Error in this code.


    // A GeeksforGeeks object
    const GeeksforGeeks = {
        about: "Computer Science portal for geeks",
        problems_count: 2690,
        used_by: ['Professionals', 'Students'],
        used_for: ['DSA Practice', ' Articles & Editorials']
    for (key in GeeksforGeeks) {
        if (key === about) {
            // ReferenceError:'about' is not defined
            console.log(`GeeksforGeeks is a 


ReferenceError: about is not defined

Solution: In the above example, simply converting ‘about‘ to the string will remove the Reference Error from the code.


    // A GeeksforGeeks object
    const GeeksforGeeks = {
        about: "Computer Science portal for geeks",
        problems_count: 2690,
        used_by: ['Professionals', 'Students'],
        used_for: ['DSA Practice', ' Articles & Editorials']
    for (key in GeeksforGeeks) {
        if (key === "about") {
            // Used string to compare with
            // loop variable
            console.log(`GeeksforGeeks is 
                a ${GeeksforGeeks[key]}.`)



Example 2: Non-string arguments to the function

This error can also happen if we passed non-string arguments to the function, which later will be used in comparison with the loop variable. In the below code, we used the non-string argument ‘used_for’ while calling the function ‘fun’. 


    // A GeeksforGeeks object
    const GeeksforGeeks = {
        Desc: "Computer Science portal for geeks",
        Problems_count: 2690,
        used_by: ['Professionals', 'Students'],
        used_for: ['DSA Practice', ' Articles & Editorials']
    // Call the gfg method
    fun(GeeksforGeeks, used_for)
    // A method to console info about GeeksforGeeks
    function fun(obj, uses) {
        for (key in obj) {
            if (key === uses) {
                console.log(`GeeksforGeeks is 
                    used for ${obj[uses]}.`)


ReferenceError: used_for is nor defined

Solution: Passing the argument ‘used_for’ in string format while calling the function ‘fun’ will solve the Error.


    // A GeeksforGeeks object
    const GeeksforGeeks = {
        Desc: "Computer Science portal for geeks",
        Problems_count: 2690,
        used_by: ['Professionals', 'Students'],
        used_for: ['DSA Practice', ' Articles & Editorials']
    // Call the gfg method
    fun(GeeksforGeeks, "used_for")
    // A method to console info about GeeksforGeeks
    function fun(obj, uses) {
        for (key in obj) {
            if (key === uses) {
                console.log(`GeeksforGeeks is 
                    used for ${obj[uses]}.`)



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