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MongoDB Remove() Method – db.Collection.remove()

Last Updated : 14 Feb, 2025
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The MongoDB remove() method allows users to remove documents from a collection based on specific criteria. It is a powerful tool in MongoDB that enables both single and bulk document deletion, offering flexibility in managing your database. It supports various options like removing only one document and specifying a write concern

In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of the MongoDB remove() method, covering its syntax, examples, and best practices to help us use it effectively in your projects

MongoDB remove()

The remove() method in MongoDB is used to delete documents from a collection. It can remove a single document or multiple documents that match the given query condition. By passing an empty query document ({}), we can remove all documents from the collection. However, it’s important to note that MongoDB’s remove() method has been deprecated in newer versions, and you should prefer using the deleteOne() or deleteMany() methods for future-proof applications.

Key Features of MongoDB remove()

  • Remove One or More Documents: You can remove either a single document or multiple documents matching your query.
  • Control Over Write Concern: By specifying a write concern, you can control how MongoDB acknowledges the deletion.
  • Collation Support: MongoDB remove() supports collation, allowing users to specify string comparison rules during deletion.
  • Transactional Support: You can use the remove() method within multi-document transactions.





    justOne: <boolean>,

    writeConcern: <document>,

    collation: <document>



  • query: The condition or criteria to match the documents for deletion. If an empty document {} is provided, all documents in the collection are removed.
  • justOne: (Optional) If set to true, only the first matching document is removed. The default is false, which removes all matching documents.
  • writeConcern: (Optional) Specifies the level of acknowledgment requested from MongoDB for write operations. This can be used to adjust the write concern if you want more control over the operation’s durability and safety.
  • collation: (Optional) Allows the specification of language-specific rules for string comparison, such as case sensitivity and accent marks.

Return Value

The remove() method returns a result object containing information about the operation status, including the number of documents deleted.

Examples of MongoDB remove()

In these examples, we demonstrate how to use the remove() method on a MongoDB collection. The student collection in the gfg database contains student records, each with fields like name and age. We’ll show different scenarios, including removing documents based on specific conditions or clearing all documents from the collection.

In the following examples, we are working with:

  • Database: gfg
  • Collections: student
  • Document: Three documents contains name and the age of the students

Example 1: Remove All Documents that Match a Condition

To remove all documents that match a specific condition, pass a query to the remove() method. Here, we remove all the documents from the student collection where the name is “Akshay”.


db.student.remove({name: "Akshay"})


Example 2: Remove All Documents from a Collection

To delete all documents from a collection, we can pass an empty document ({}) as the query. Here, we remove all the documents from the student collection by passing empty document(i.e., {}) in the remove() method.




Example 3: Remove a Single Document that Matches a Condition

If we want to remove only one document that matches the query criteria, set the justOne option to true. Here, two documents matched the specified condition, but we only want to remove one document, so we set the value of justOne option to true.


db.student.remove({age:{$eq:18}}, true)



Best Practices for Using MongoDB remove()

  1. Use Specific Query Criteria: Always be specific with your query to avoid accidentally deleting important data.
  2. Use deleteMany() or deleteOne() for Clarity: MongoDB’s remove() is deprecated. Use deleteOne() or deleteMany() for better control and clarity in your code.
  3. Test Deletions in Development: Before performing deletions in production, test your queries in a development environment to ensure they work as expected.
  4. Backup Your Data: Always back up your data before performing delete operations, especially in a production environment.
  5. Avoid Using in Capped Collections: MongoDB does not allow the remove() method on capped collections.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with MongoDB remove()

Issue 1: Removing Documents from Capped Collections

MongoDB does not allow the remove() method to operate on capped collections. Use the deleteOne() or deleteMany() methods instead.

Issue 2: Network and Connectivity Issues

Ensure that your MongoDB instance is running and that you have network connectivity to your database when attempting to perform delete operations.

Issue 3: Permissions and Access Control

If you encounter issues with permission, ensure that the user has appropriate roles to perform the remove() operation.


The remove() method in MongoDB provides a flexible and efficient way to delete documents from a collection based on specified criteria. While it has been deprecated in favor of deleteOne() and deleteMany(), it remains an essential method for managing data in legacy systems. Always ensure that you understand the potential impact of deletion operations and use appropriate precautions when deleting data.


Can the remove() method delete all documents in a collection?

Yes, by passing an empty document ({}) as the query parameter, the remove() method can delete all documents in a collection.

Is it possible to remove only one document using remove()?

Yes, by setting the justOne option to true, the remove() method can be used to delete only one document that matches the specified criteria.

Can remove() be used inside a transaction?

Yes, the remove() method can be used inside a multi-document transaction.

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