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Node.js HTTP2 Complete Reference

Last Updated : 23 Feb, 2023
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HTTP2 module is used to provide an implementation of the HTTP2 protocol. It reduces overheads by compressing the server request headers.



// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// close event method
const http2 = require('http2');
const fs = require('fs');
// Private key and public certificate for access
const options = {
key: fs.readFileSync('private-key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('public-cert.pem'),
// Creating and initializing server
// by using http2.createServer() method
const server = http2.createServer(options);
server.on('stream', (stream, requestHeaders) => {
    ':status': 200,
    'content-type': 'text/plain'
stream.write('hello ');
// Getting session object
// by using session method
const http2session = stream.session;
// Getting alpnProtocol of this session
// by using alpnProtocol method
const alpnProtocol = http2session.alpnProtocol;
stream.end("session protocol : " + alpnProtocol);
// Handling 'close' event
http2session.on('close',() => {
    console.log("session is closed");
// Stopping the server
// by using the close() method
server.close(() => {
    console.log("server destroyed");
// Creating and initializing client
// by using tls.connect() method
const client = http2.connect(
const req = client.request({
':method': 'GET', ':path': '/' });
req.on('response', (responseHeaders) => {
console.log("status : "
+ responseHeaders[":status"]);
req.on('data', (data) => {
console.log('Received: %s ',
req.on('end', () => {
client.close(() => {
    console.log("client destroyed");


status : 200
Received: hello
Received: local window size : 65535
client localSettings
server localSettings

The Complete List of HTTP2 module are listed below:

Class: Http2Session

Class: Http2Session Event


timeout  There is no activity on the Http2Session after the configured number of milliseconds.
NClose The ‘close’ Event in the http2 server is emitted when the Http2Session has been destroyed.

Class: Http2Session Methods


state() Return miscellaneous information about the current state of the Http2Session.
socket() It is an inbuilt application programming interface of class http2session
remoteSettings() Get a prototype-less object describing the current remote settings of this Http2Session.
destroyed() Check if the session is destroyed or not.
type() Return the type of session instance used in the peer
encrypted() Check if the Http2Session is connected with a TLSSocket or not.
localSettings() Get the prototype-less object describing the current local settings of this Http2Session.
pendingSettingsAck() Indicate whether the Http2Session is currently waiting for an acknowledgment of a sent SETTINGS frame.
close() close this particular session.
closed() Check if this Http2Session instance has been closed or not.
alpnProtocol() Get the alp protocol property associated with this http2session object.
unref() Return instance of the socket object associated with this session object.
destroy() Destroy this particular session.
connecting() Check if this Http2Session instance is still connecting or not.
ping() Sends a PING frame to the connected HTTP/2 peer.
setTimeout() Set the duration for a time after which a particular action will take place.

Class: ClientHttp2Session

Class: ClientHttp2Session Methods 


request() Return the object of ClientHttp2Stream.

Class: Http2Stream

Class: Http2Stream Event


Timeout There is no activity on the Http2Stream after the configured number of milliseconds.
 close The ‘close’ Event in http2 server is emitted when the Http2Stream has been destroyed.

Class: Http2Stream Methods


state() Get miscellaneous information about the current state of the Http2Stream.
priority() Update the priority for this Http2Stream instance.
setTimeout() Set the duration for a time after which a particular action will take place.
id() Return numeric stream identifier of this Http2Stream.
closed() Return true if the stream is closed other wise false.
endAfterHeaders() Return true if END_STREAM flag was set in the request or response HEADERS frame received.
pending() Check if Http2Stream instance has been assigned a numeric stream identifier or not.
destroyed() Return true if the stream is destroyed otherwise false.
session() Get a reference to the Http2Session instance that owns this Http2Stream.
close() Close the Http2Stream instance.
rstCode() Set to the RST_STREAM error code reported when the Http2Stream is destroyed.
sentHeaders() Get the object containing the outbound headers sent to this Http2Stream.
sentInfoHeaders() Get the object containing the outbound headers sent to this Http2Stream.

Class: ServerHttp2Stream

Class: ServerHttp2Stream Method


additionalHeaders() Send an additional informational HEADERS frame to the connected HTTP/2 peer.
headersSent() Check if the header were sent or not.
pushAllowed() Check if the header were sent or not
respond() This is used to sent the response header of the particular stream to its client.

Class: http2.Http2ServerRequest

Class: http2.Http2ServerRequest Properties


aborted  Check if the particular server request is aborted or not.

Class: http2.Http2ServerRequest Event


close  The ‘close’ Event in the http2 server is emitted when an underlying Http2Stream was closed.

Class: http2.Http2ServerRequest Method


url() Get the Request URL string. This contains only the URL that is present in the actual HTTP request.
httpVersion() Get the HTTP version either associated with server or client.
headers() Get the request/response headers object.
rawHeaders() Get the raw request/response headers to list exactly as they were received.
destroy() This is used to destroy the request.
authority() Get the string representation of the request authority pseudo-header field.
complete() Check whether this request has been completed, aborted, or destroyed or not.
method() Get the string representation of the request .
scheme() Get the request scheme pseudo-header field indicating the scheme portion of the target URL.
.rawTrailers() Get the raw request/response trailer keys and values exactly as they were received.
socket() Get a Proxy object that acts as a net.Socket (or tls.TLSSocket).

Class: http2.Http2ServerResponse

Class: http2.Http2ServerResponse Properties


headersSent  Check if headers were sent or not.

Class: http2.Http2ServerResponse Event


close  The ‘close’ Event in the http2 server is emitted when an underlying Http2Stream was closed.
finish The ‘finish’ event in the http2 server is emitted when the last segment of the response headers and body have been sent.

Class: http2.Http2ServerResponse Method


setHeader() Set the header name and the particular value of that data header.
setTimeout() Set the duration for a time after which a particular action will take place.
stream() Get the object of HTTP stream backing this response.
statusMessage() Return an empty string because it is not supported by HTTP/2 (RFC 7540
writableEnded() Check if the response.end() has been called or not.
write() Send the chunk of the response body to the client.
writeHead() Send the response header to the request.
sendDate() Check if the Date header is automatically generated and sent in the response or not.
socket() Get a Proxy object that acts as a net.Socket.
statusCode() Show the different status of data header during the transaction.
getHeaderNames() Return an array containing the unique names of the current outgoing headers.
removeHeader() Remove a header that has been queued for implicit sending.
hasHeader() Check if the header identified by name is currently set in the outgoing headers or not.
getHeaders() Return a shallow copy of the current outgoing headers.
end() Send the signal that all the response header and body have been sent.
finished() Check whether the response has completed or not.
getHeader() Read out a header that has already been queued but not sent to the client.


http2.constants  Properties


constants  Provide the error codes for particular errors.

http2 Methods:

http2 Methods


getPackedSettings() Provide an object containing the serialized representation of the given HTTP/2
connect() Return a ClientHttp2Session instance.
getUnpackedSettings() Provide an HTTP/2 Settings Object containing the deserialized settings
getDefaultSettings() Provide an object containing the default settings for an Http2Session instance.
createServer() Create a net.Server object.
prompt.get() This function is used for I/O operations.
aborted() Check if ‘aborted’ event is emitted or not.
bufferSize() Get the number of characters currently buffered to be written.

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