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Novartis, Hyderabad On Campus Placement-Interview Experience

Last Updated : 22 Aug, 2018
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Company: Novartis Healthcare, Hyderabad
Job Profile: Associate for Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and IoT
Purpose: On-Campus Placements
Number of Rounds Conducted: 5

Round 1: Online Test

Novartis Healthcare, Hyderabad visited our campus and a total of ~800 students from CSE, IT, EEE and ECE appeared for the online test which comprised of Technical, Aptitude and English questions. The test comprised of 55 MCQ to be solved in 60 minutes. Specifically, there were some MCQs from Blockchain. 46 students out of the 800 were shortlisted for the next round.

Round 2: Group Discussion

The 46 shortlisted students were divided into 4 groups and every group was given a different topic to discuss. My group’s topic was “Is e-commerce a sustainable business model?”.
22 students were shortlisted for the next round out of the 46.

Round 3: 1st Technical Face2Face Interview

Two interviewers were interviewing one student at a time.The questions asked were mostly from the projects, research papers(if any) from the resume. In-depth knowledge of the projects done was needed.Some questions from DBMS, OS, Networks and Dynamic Programming can be expected. Most of their interest was in the projects in Blockchain, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and IoT.

P.S: They did not go out of my resume as they were very much impressed by my projects and research papers on Blockchain, Machine Learning, IoT and Image Processing. I was not asked any question from OS, DBMS, Networks or Dynamic Programming.

Round 4: 2nd Technical Face2Face Interview

Four interviewers were interviewing one student at a time. Every interviewer worked in different domains i.e. Blockchain, ML, HR and Management respectively. It was kind of a stress+technical+managerial interview. Some scenarios were given and I had to answer within a minute. This interview was not taken for all the 22 students.

Round 5: HR Interview
The HR asked me about my family background, family members, dad’s profession, why not go for MS or MBA?, why Novartis?, why did I choose VIT for undergraduation?, would I be comfortable in relocating to Hyderabad?, internship experiences, what is work-life balance for me?, etc.

Finally, 5 students were selected and I was among them.
It was a great interview experience and the interviewers were very friendly.

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