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PHP Ds\Vector Functions Complete Reference

Last Updated : 25 Jan, 2023
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A Vector Data Structure is used to store the sequence of values in a contiguous memory buffer which grows and shrinks automatically. The vector data structure mapped the index value to its index buffer and the growth factor isn’t bound to a specific multiple or exponent. It is the efficient Data Structure in PHP 7 to provide the alternative of an array. 

Requirements: PHP 7 is required for both extension and the compatibility polyfill.

Installation: The easiest way to install data structure by using PECL extension.

pecl install ds


public Ds\Vector:: Function

Example: Below programs illustrate the Ds\Vector::find() Function in PHP:


// Declare a Vector elements
$vector = new \Ds\Vector([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
// Display the vector elements
// Use find() function to find
// the index value of element


object(Ds\Vector)#1 (5) {

The complete list of data structure DS\Vector are given below:




allocate()  It provides the custom size of the vector to allocate space.
apply()  Update all values in the array by applying the callback function to each value of the vector.
capacity()  Return the current capacity of the vector.
clear()  Clear the vector elements by removing all the elements from
__construct()  Create a new instance.
contains()  Check the vector contains given value or not.
copy()  Create a copy of given vector
count()  Count the number of elements in the vector.
filter()  Filter out the only elements which satisfy the condition defined in the callback function.
find()  Find the index of the element in the vector.
first()  Find the first element in the vector.
get()  Return the element at the given index.
insert()  Insert the element into the vector at the given index.
isEmpty()  Check the vector is empty or not.
join()  Separator provided as the argument.
jsonSerialize()  Return the element which can be converted to JSON.
last()  Return the last element of the vector.
map()  Return the result of a callback after applying to each value in the vector.
merge()  Merge all the elements to the vector.
pop()  Remove the last element of a vector and return it.
push()  Add elements to the end of the vector.
reduce()  Reduce the vector to a single value by applying operations in the callback function.
remove()  Remove and return a value by index.
reverse()  Reverse the vector elements in-place.
rotate()  Rotate the array elements by a given number of rotation. Rotations also happen in-place.
set()  Set the value in the vector at the given index.
shift()  Remove the first element from the vector and return it.
slice()  Return the sub-vector of the given vector.
sort()  Sort the elements of vector in-place.
sorted()  This is used to sort the elements of the vector by creating a copy of the original vector.
sum()  Returns the sum of all the elements of the vector.
toArray()  All the elements of the vector are copied to the array.
unshift()  This  is used to adds elements to the front of vector.

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