The is_executable() function in PHP is an inbuilt function which is used to check whether the specified file is an executable file or not. The name of the file is sent as a parameter to the is_executable() function and it returns True if the file is an executable file else it returns False.
bool is_executable($file)
Parameters Used:
The is_executable() function in PHP accepts one parameter.
- $file: It is a mandatory parameter which specifies the file.
Return Value:
It returns True if the file is an executable file else it returns false.
- An E_WARNING is emitted on failure.
- The result of this function are cached and therefore the clearstatcache() function is used to clear the cache.
- is_executable() function returns false for non-existent files.
Below programs illustrate the is_executable() function.
Program 1:
$myfile = "gfg.exe" ;
if ( is_executable ( $myfile ))
echo ( "$myfile: executable!" );
echo ( "$myfile: not executable!" );
gfg.exe is executable!
Program 2
$permissions = fileperms ( "gfg.exe" );
$permvalue = sprintf( "%o" , $permissions );
if ( is_executable ( "gfg.exe" ))
echo ( "Executable file and File "
"Permissions are : $permvalue" );
echo ( "Not Executable file and File "
"Permissions are : $permvalue" );
Executable file and File Permissions are : 0644