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Spellings: Verbal Ability Questions and Answers

Last Updated : 18 Apr, 2023
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Spelling Correction is an important topic that needs to be practiced well for the verbal ability section of the competitive exams. 

Following is the practice set of questions for spelling correction. It is quite an easy topic if you have correct knowledge of English Vocabulary. It is a scoring topic for examinations which will help in clearing the English section of the competitive exams. Spelling Correction usually holds a major section of verbal ability exam. 

Sample Questions on Spelling Correction

Directions (1-10): Following are the questions having the group of words. You have to choose the correctly spelt word.

Question 1.

a) Millennium
b) Millinium
c) Milennium
d) Millenium
e) Mllenum

Answer: Option a

The correct spelling from the group of words is the millennium. The meaning of the word is a period of 1000 years. 

Question 2. 

a) Hierarchy
b) Hieraarchy
c) Hieriarchy
d) Hierache
e) Herarchy

Answer: Option a

The correct spelling from the group of words is hierarchy. The meaning of the word is that has many levels from the lowest to the highest.

Question 3. 

a) Atheist
b) Athest
c) Athist
d) Atheit
e) Aheist

Answer: Option a

The correct spelling for the word is atheist. Someone who does not believe in gods is an atheist.

Question 4. 

a) Priveledge
b) Privilidge
c) Privilege
d) priviledge
e) Privlege

Answer: Option c

The correct spelling for the word is privilege. The meaning of this word is a special right or advantage that only one person or group has.

Question 5.

a) Playrite
b) Playright
c) Playwrite
d) Playwright
e) Plaright

Answer: Option d

The correct spelling for the word is playwright. The meaning of the word is a person who writes plays for the theatre, television or radio.

Question 6. 

a) Exaggearate
b) Exaggerate
c) Exagjerate
d) Exajerate
e) Exajjerate

Answer: Option b

The correct spelling for the word is exaggerate. The meaning of the word is to make someone or something larger or smaller or nothing.

Question 7.

a) Compitend
b) Competent
c) Compitent
d) Compentent
e) Comptent

Answer: Option b

The correct spelling for the word is Competent. The meaning of the word is having the skill or ability to do something.

Question 8. 

a) Inconvenice
b) Inconvenience
c) Inconvinence
d) Inconvenince
e) None of the above

Answer: Option b

The correct spelling for the word is inconvenience. The meaning of the word is trouble or difficulty. 

Question 9. 

a) Enterpeneur
b) Entrepreneur
c) Entreprneeur
d) Enterpeneur
e) Entreprenuer

Answer: Option b

The correct spelling for the word is entrepreneur. The meaning of the word is a person who makes money by starting or running a business.

Question 10. 

a) Acquatance
b) Acquaintence
c) Acquaintance
d) Acquantance
e) Aquantaince

Answer: Option c

The correct spelling for the word is Acquaintance. The meaning of the word is person that you know is not a close friend.

Directions (11-20) : Here in the following Questions group of words is given. We have to pick the correctly spelt word

Question 11. 

a) Efficient
b) Treatmeant
c) Beterment
d) Benficial
e) Employd

Answer: Option a

The correctly spelt word is Efficient. The meaning of the word is able to work well without any mistake or wasting time and energy. The other words with correct spelling and meaning are:

Treatment: The use of medicine or medical care, the way you behave with anyone

Betterment: The improvement of something

Beneficial: Resulting in good, favorable and advantageous

Employed: Working person

Question 12. 

a) Pneumnoia
b) Diarrhea
c) Xeonphobia
d) Amensia
e) Dimensia

Answer: Option b

The correctly spelt word is Diarrhea. This is a disease which can be defined as: an illness that causes you to get rid of waste material (faeces) from your body very often and in a more liquid form than usual.

Xenophobia: dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

Amnesia: a partial or total loss of memory.

Dementia: the impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interferes with doing everyday activities.

Question 13. 

a) Humorous
b) Ganerous
c) Pupolous
d) Maretorious
e) Treachours

Answer: Option a

The correctly spelt word is Humorous. The meaning of the word is full or characterized by that quality which appeals to a sense of ludicrous or absurdly congrous. 

The other words with correct spelling and meaning are:

Generous: Happy to give more money

Populous: Having a large population

Meritorious: Deserving great praise or reward

Treacherous: Dangerous, Although seeming safe

Question 14. 

a) Faithfuly
b) Sincerely
c) Truely
d) Affectionatly
e) Corectly

Answer: Option b

The correctly spelt word is sincerely. The meaning of sincerely is answering or replying in a truthful way. The other words with correct spelling and meaning are:

Faithfully: Remaining true to one’s promise

Truly: Really, Completely

Affectionately: Feeling or showing some affection or warm regard

Correctly: To do it right

Question 15. 

a) Judicious
b) Cancious
c) Dilicous
d) Gracous
e) Obnoxous

Answer: Option a

The correctly spelt word is Judicious. The meaning of the word is sensible and carefully considered. The other words with correct spelling and meaning are:

Conscious: aware of and responding to one’s surrounding

Delicious: Having a pleasant taste or smell

Gracious: Kind, Polite and generous

Obnoxious: Extremely unpleasant

Question 16. 

a) Friming
b) Burnning
c) Running
d) Fryng
e) Thirng

Answer: Option c

The correctly spelt word is running. The meaning of the word is something which is in movable fast state.

Firming: Make more solid or resilient

Burning: Make more solid or resilient

Frying: Cook in hot food or oil

Thring: To push ahead

Question 17. 

a) Simpal
b) Bannar
c) Pattren
d) Modern
e) Santize

Answer: Option d

The correctly spelt word is Modern. Modern meaning is of present or recent times.

Simple: Easy to understand

Banner: A long piece of cloth

Sanitize: To remove parts of something that could be considered unpleasant

Question 18. 

a) Asspersion
b) Voluptuous
c) Voguei
d) Equestrain
e) Geneeration

Answer: Option b

The correctly spelt word is Voluptuous. The meaning of the word is curvaceous and sexually attractive.

Aspersion: An attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something

Vogue: Prevailing fashion or style at a particular time

Equestrian: Connected with horse riding

Generation: All the people in a family

Question 19. 

a) Swelte
b) Filpant
c) Licentious
d) Purle
e) Docle

Answer: Option c

The correctly spelt word is Licentious. The meaning of the word will be showing a complete lack of moral discipline and standards.

Svelte: Thin in an attractive way

Flippant: Not serious about things that are important

Puerile: Childishly 

Dolce: Swiftly or softly

Question 20. 

a)  Grief
b) Breif
c) Recieve
d) Diceive
e) Reviv

Answer: Option a

The correctly spelt word is Grief. The meaning of the word will be Great sadness.

Brief: Of short duration

Receive: Tog et or accept something that somebody gives or sends to you

Deceive: Try to make somebody believe something that is not true

Revive: to restore to consciousness or life 

Directions ( 21-30 ): Choose the incorrectly spelt word among all the given options.

Question 21. 

a) Acquaintance
b) Maneouvre
c) Erroneously
d) Demurrage
e) Exaggerate

Answer: Option b

Maneouvre is the wrongly spelt word. The correct spelling of the word is Manoeuvre. The meaning of the word is a movement that needs care or skill. The meaning of other words are:

Acquaintance: A person we know but is not a close friend

Erroneously: False

Exaggerate: To make something seems larger

Demurrage: Demurrage is the charge paid by the owner of a chartered ship to load or discharge the ship

Question 22.

a) Strategy
b) Strenth
c) Strictly 
d) Stretch
e) Staunch

Answer: Option b

The incorrectly spelt word is strenth. The correct spelling will be : Strength. The meaning of the word will be: the quality of being physically strong. The other meaning of the words will be: 

Strategy: A plan that you use in order to achieve something

Strictly: Rigorously

Stretch: To pull something that becomes wider

Staunch: Supporting something or somebody

Question 23.

a) Rushed
b) Routine
c) Rubbish
d) Runer
e) Grudge

Answer: Option d

The incorrectly spelt word will be Runer. The correct spelling of the word will be Runner. The meaning is runner required in place of running in a cricket match. The other words meaning are: 

Rushed: To move or do something with great speed

Routine: A sequence of actions regularly followed

Rubbish: A waste product to be discarded

Grudge: A persistent feeling of ill will

Question 24. 

a) Apparent 
b) Plesant
c) Different
d) Independent
e) Occult

Answer: Option b

The incorrectly spelt word is plesant. The correct spelling of the word is pleasant. The meaning of the word is being happy or satisfied. The other words meaning are: 

Apparent: That seems to be real or true but may not be

Different: Something not same

Independent: Free not controlled by any other

Occult: Hide, Conceal

Question 25. 

a) Exceeding
b) Succeeding
c) Proceeding
d) Preceeding
e) Notifying

Answer: Option d

The incorrectly spelt word is Preceeding. The correct spelling will be: Preceding. The meaning of the word will be: To come before somebody or something.

Exceeding: To be more than a particular number or amount

Succeeding: To manage or achieve something

Proceeding: To continue doing something

Notifying: To inform somebody of something

Question 26. 

a) Occasion
b) Accountant
c) Neccessary
d) Accident
e) Doubt

Answer: Option c

The incorrectly spelt word is Neccessary. The correct spelling will be: Necessary. The meaning of the word is: That is needed for a purpose or a reason.

Occasion: A particular time when something happens

Accountant: A person whose job is to keep official accounts

Accident: Mishappening

Doubt: Feeling of uncertanity

Question 27. 

a) Importance
b) Insistance
c) Appearance
d) Tolerance
e) Distance

Answer: Option b

The incorrectly spelt word is Insistance. The correct spelling will be: Instance. The meaning of the word will be: An example or case.

Importance: The quality of being important

Appearance: The way somebody looks or seems

Tolerance: The capacity or endure hardship

Distance: The amount of space between two

Question 28. 

a) Periphery
b) Advurtise
c) Courteous
d) Indefinite
e) Curious

Answer: Option b

The incorrectly spelt word is Advurtise. The correct spelling of the word is: Advertise. The meaning of the word is to advertise in newspaper.

Periphery: The putter edge of a particular area

Courteous: The meaning of courteous is polite

Indefinite: Not fixed or clear

Curious: Wanting to know or learn something

Question 29. 

a) Sincere
b) Grievance
c) Liesure
d) Seize
e) Tense

Answer: Option c

The incorrectly spelt word is Liesure. The correct spelling of the word is Leisure. Leisure means free time. The meaning of other words are:

Sincere: Really meaning or believing what you say

Grievance: Something we think is not valid and we have to complain about

Seize: To take hold of something suddenly and firmly

Tense: Not able to work or relax

Question 30.

a) Dismiss
b) Dispel
c) Disservice
d) Discribe
e) Disrespect

Answer: Option d

The incorrectly spelt word is Discribe. The correct spelling of the word is Describe. The meaning of Describe will be to represent or elaborate

Th meaning of other words is:

Dismiss: To direct to disperse

Dispel: Vanish

Disservice: Faulty service, inadequate service

Disrespect: A lack of respect for somebody or something

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