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Printing all solutions in N-Queen Problem

Last Updated : 01 Oct, 2024
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Given an integer n, the task is to find all distinct solutions to the n-queens problem, where n queens are placed on an n×n chessboard such that no two queens can attack each other.

Each solution is a unique configuration of n queens, represented as a permutation of [1,2,3,….,n]. The number at the ith position indicates the row of the queen in the ith column. For example, [3,1,4,2] shows one such layout.


Input: 4
Output: [2, 4, 1, 3 ], [3, 1, 4, 2]
Explaination: These are the 2 possible solutions.

Input: 1
Output: [1]
Explaination: Only one queen can be placed in the single cell available.

Naive Recursive Approach

The most simple way to solve the N-Queens problem is to generate all possible permutations of [1, 2, 3, …, n] and then check if it represents a valid N-Queens configuration. Since each queen has to be in a different row and column, using permutations automatically takes care of those rules. But we still need to check that no two queens are on the same diagonal.

Steps-by-step approach:

  • Generate all possible permutations of [1, 2, 3, …, n] using Use backtracking
  • For each permutation, check if any two queens are placed on the same diagonal.
  • If a permutation is valid during diagonal check, add it to our result.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to check if the current placement is safe
bool isSafe(const vector<int>& board, int currRow,
                                      int currCol) {

    // Check all previously placed queens
    for(int i = 0; i < board.size(); ++i) {
        int placedRow = board[i];

        // Columns are 1-based
        int placedCol = i + 1;

        // Check if the queen is on the same diagonal
        if(abs(placedRow - currRow) == 
                          abs(placedCol - currCol)) {
            return false; // Not safe

    // Safe to place the queen
    return true; 

// Recursive function to generate all possible permutations
void nQueenUtil(int col, int n, vector<int>& board, 
  vector<vector<int>>& result, vector<bool>& visited) {

    // If all queens are placed, add into result
    if(col > n) {

    // Try placing a queen in each row
    // of the current column
    for(int row = 1; row <= n; ++row) {

        // Check if the row is already used
        if(!visited[row]) {
            // Check if it's safe to place the queen
            if(isSafe(board, row, col)) {

                // Mark the row as used
                visited[row] = true; 

                // Place the queen

                // Recur to place the next queen
                nQueenUtil(col + 1, n, board,
                             result, visited);

                // Backtrack: remove the queen
                visited[row] = false; // Unmark row

// Main function to find all distinct 
// result to the n-queens puzzle
vector<vector<int>> nQueen(int n) {
    vector<vector<int>> result; 

    // Current board configuration
    vector<int> board; 

    // Track used rows
    vector<bool> visited(n + 1, false); 

    // Start solving from the first column
    nQueenUtil(1, n, board, result, visited);
    return result; 

int main() {
    int n = 4; 
    vector<vector<int>> result = nQueen(n); 

    for(auto &res : result) {
        cout << "[";
        for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            cout << res[i]; 
            if(i != n - 1) cout << ", "; 
        cout << "]\n";
    return 0;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

class GfG {

    // Check if placement is safe
    static boolean isSafe(List<Integer> board, 
                          int currRow, int currCol) {
        for(int i = 0; i < board.size(); i++) {
            int placedRow = board.get(i);
            int placedCol = i + 1;

            // Check diagonals
            if(Math.abs(placedRow - currRow) == 
               Math.abs(placedCol - currCol)) {
                return false; // Not safe
        return true; // Safe to place

    // Recursive utility to solve
    static void nQueenUtil(int col, int n, 
                           List<Integer> board, 
                           List<List<Integer>> result, 
                           boolean[] visited) {

        // If all queens placed, add to result
        if(col > n) {
            result.add(new ArrayList<>(board));

        // Try each row in column
        for(int row = 1; row <= n; row++) {

            // If row not used
            if(!visited[row]) {

                // Check safety
                if(isSafe(board, row, col)) {

                    // Mark row
                    visited[row] = true;

                    // Place queen

                    // Recur for next column
                    nQueenUtil(col + 1, n, board, 
                              result, visited);

                    // Backtrack
                    visited[row] = false;

    // Main N-Queen solver
    static List<List<Integer>> nQueen(int n) {
        List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Integer> board = new ArrayList<>();
        boolean[] visited = new boolean[n +1];
        nQueenUtil(1, n, board, result, visited);
        return result;

    // Main method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = 4;
        List<List<Integer>> result = nQueen(n);
        for(List<Integer> res : result) {
            for(int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
                if(i != res.size()-1)
                  System.out.print(", ");
# Function to check if placement is safe
def is_safe(board, curr_row, curr_col):
    for i in range(len(board)):
        placed_row = board[i]
        placed_col = i + 1
        # Check diagonals
        if abs(placed_row - curr_row) == \
           abs(placed_col - curr_col):
            return False # Not safe
    return True # Safe to place

# Recursive utility to solve N-Queens
def nqueen_util(col, n, board, result, visited):
    # If all queens placed, add to result
    if col > n:
    # Try each row in column
    for row in range(1, n+1):
        # If row not used
        if not visited[row]:
            # Check safety
            if is_safe(board, row, col):
                # Mark row
                visited[row] = True
                # Place queen
                # Recur for next column
                nqueen_util(col+1, n, board, result, visited)
                # Backtrack
                visited[row] = False

# Main N-Queen solver
def nqueen(n):
    result = []
    board = []
    visited = [False] * (n +1)
    nqueen_util(1, n, board, result, visited)
    return result

# Main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 4
    result = nqueen(n)
    for res in result:
        print("[", end="")
        for i in range(len(res)):
            print(res[i], end="")
            if i != len(res)-1:
                print(", ", end="")
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class GfG {

    // Check if placement is safe
    static bool IsSafe(List<int> board, int currRow,
                       int currCol){
        for (int i = 0; i < board.Count; i++) {
            int placedRow = board[i];
            int placedCol = i + 1;

            // Check diagonals
            if (Math.Abs(placedRow - currRow)
                == Math.Abs(placedCol - currCol)) {
                return false; // Not safe
        return true; // Safe to place

    // Recursive utility to solve
    static void NQueenUtil(int col, int n, List<int> board,
                           List<List<int> > result,
                           bool[] visited){

        // If all queens placed, add to result
        if (col > n) {
            result.Add(new List<int>(board));

        // Try each row in column
        for (int row = 1; row <= n; row++) {

            // If row not used
            if (!visited[row]) {

                // Check safety
                if (IsSafe(board, row, col)) {

                    // Mark row
                    visited[row] = true;

                    // Place queen

                    // Recur for next column
                    NQueenUtil(col + 1, n, board, result,

                    // Backtrack
                    board.RemoveAt(board.Count - 1);
                    visited[row] = false;

    // Main N-Queen solver
    static List<List<int> > NQueen(int n){
        List<List<int> > result = new List<List<int> >();
        List<int> board = new List<int>();
        bool[] visited = new bool[n + 1];
        NQueenUtil(1, n, board, result, visited);
        return result;

    // Main method
    public static void Main(string[] args){
        int n = 4;
        List<List<int> > result = NQueen(n);
        foreach(var res in result)
            for (int i = 0; i < res.Count; i++) {
                if (i != res.Count - 1)
                    Console.Write(", ");
// Function to check if placement is safe
function isSafe(board, currRow, currCol){
    for (let i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
        let placedRow = board[i];
        let placedCol = i + 1;
        // Check diagonals
        if (Math.abs(placedRow - currRow)
            === Math.abs(placedCol - currCol)) {
            return false; // Not safe
    return true; // Safe to place

// Recursive utility to solve N-Queens
function nQueenUtil(col, n, board, result, visited){

    // If all queens placed, add to result
    if (col > n) {
        result.push([...board ]);
    // Try each row in column
    for (let row = 1; row <= n; row++) {
        // If row not used
        if (!visited[row]) {
            // Check safety
            if (isSafe(board, row, col)) {
                // Mark row
                visited[row] = true;
                // Place queen
                // Recur for next column
                nQueenUtil(col + 1, n, board, result,
                // Backtrack
                visited[row] = false;

// Main N-Queen solver
function nQueen(n){
    let result = [];
    let board = [];
    let visited = Array(n + 1).fill(false);
    nQueenUtil(1, n, board, result, visited);
    return result;

// Driver code
let n = 4;
let result = nQueen(n);
result.forEach(res => {
    let str = "[";
    res.forEach((num, idx) => {
        str += num;
        if (idx != res.length - 1)
            str += ", ";
    str += "]";

[2, 4, 1, 3]
[3, 1, 4, 2]

Time Complexity: O(n!×n), n! for generating all permuation and O(n) for checking validation of each permutation.
Auxiliary Space: O(n) for storing each permutation.

Backtracking with Pruning Approach

To optimize the naive approach, we can use backtracking with pruning. Instead of generating all possible permutations, we build the solution incrementally, while doing this we can make sure at each step that the partial solution remains valid. If a conflict is detected then we’ll backtrack immediately, this will result in avoiding unnecessary computations.

This approach significantly reduces the search space and is the standard method for solving the N-Queens problem efficiently.

Step-by-step approach:

  • Start from the first column and try placing a queen in each row.
  • Keep arrays to track which rows are already occupied. Similarly, for tracking major and minor diagonals are already occupied.
  • If a queen placement conflicts with existing queens, skip that row and backtrack the queen to try the next possible row (Prune and backtrack during conflict).
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

 // Utility function for solving the N-Queens
// problem using backtracking.
void nQueenUtil(int j, int n, vector<int> &board,
vector<vector<int>> &result, vector<bool> &rows,
vector<bool> &diag1, vector<bool> &diag2){
  if (j > n){
        // A solution is found
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
        if (!rows[i] && !diag1[i + j] &&
                          !diag2[i - j + n]){

            // Place queen
            rows[i] = diag1[i + j] =
                        diag2[i - j + n] = true;

            // Recurse to the next column
            nQueenUtil(j + 1, n, board, result,
                            rows, diag1, diag2);

            // Remove queen (backtrack)
            rows[i] = diag1[i + j] =
                    diag2[i - j + n] = false;

// Solves the N-Queens problem and returns
// all valid configurations.
vector<vector<int>> nQueen(int n){
    vector<vector<int>> result;
    vector<int> board;

    // Rows occupied
    vector<bool> rows(n + 1, false);

    // Major diagonals (row + j)
    vector<bool> diag1(2 * n, false);

    // Minor diagonals (row - col + n)
    vector<bool> diag2(2 * n, false);

    // Start solving from the first column
    nQueenUtil(1, n, board, result, rows,
                                diag1, diag2);
    return result;

int main(){
    int n = 4;

    vector<vector<int>> result = nQueen(n);

    for (auto &res : result){
        cout << "[";
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
            cout << res[i];
            if (i != n - 1)
                cout << ", ";
        cout << "]\n";
    return 0;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

// Utility class for N-Queens
class GfG {

    // Utility function for solving the N-Queens
    // problem using backtracking.
    static void nQueenUtil(int j, int n,
                    List<Integer> board,
                    List<List<Integer> > result,
                    boolean[] rows, boolean[] diag1,
                    boolean[] diag2){
        if (j > n) {
            // A solution is found
            result.add(new ArrayList<>(board));
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            if (!rows[i] && !diag1[i + j]
                && !diag2[i - j + n]) {
                // Place queen
                rows[i] = diag1[i + j] = diag2[i - j + n]
                    = true;
                // Recurse to next column
                nQueenUtil(j + 1, n, board, result, rows,
                           diag1, diag2);
                // Remove queen (backtrack)
                board.remove(board.size() - 1);
                rows[i] = diag1[i + j] = diag2[i - j + n]
                    = false;

    // Solves the N-Queens problem and returns
    // all valid configurations.
    static List<List<Integer> > nQueen(int n){
        List<List<Integer> > result = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Integer> board = new ArrayList<>();
        boolean[] rows = new boolean[n + 1];
        boolean[] diag1 = new boolean[2 * n + 1];
        boolean[] diag2 = new boolean[2 * n + 1];
        // Start solving from first column
        nQueenUtil(1, n, board, result, rows, diag1, diag2);
        return result;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        int n = 4;
        List<List<Integer> > result = nQueen(n);
        for (List<Integer> res : result) {
            for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
                if (i != res.size() - 1)
                    System.out.print(", ");
# Utility function for solving the N-Queens
# problem using backtracking.
def nQueenUtil(j, n, board, result, 
              rows, diag1, diag2):
    if j > n:
        # A solution is found
    for i in range(1, n +1):
        if not rows[i] and not diag1[i + j] and \
           not diag2[i - j + n]:
            # Place queen
            rows[i] = diag1[i + j] = \
                      diag2[i - j + n] = True
            # Recurse to next column
            nQueenUtil(j +1, n, board, 
                      result, rows, diag1, diag2)
            # Remove queen (backtrack)
            rows[i] = diag1[i + j] = \
                      diag2[i - j + n] = False

# Solves the N-Queens problem and returns
# all valid configurations.
def nQueen(n):
    result = []
    board = []
    rows = [False] * (n +1)
    diag1 = [False] * (2 * n +1)
    diag2 = [False] * (2 * n +1)
    # Start solving from first column
    nQueenUtil(1, n, board, result, 
              rows, diag1, diag2)
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 4
    result = nQueen(n)
    for res in result:
        print("[", end="")
        for i in range(len(res)):
            print(res[i], end="")
            if i != len(res)-1:
                print(", ", end="")
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// Utility class for N-Queens
class GfG {

    // Utility function for solving the N-Queens
    // problem using backtracking.
    public static void NQueenUtil(int j, int n,
                         List<int> board,
                         List<List<int> > result,
                         bool[] rows, bool[] diag1,
                         bool[] diag2){

        if (j > n) {
            // A solution is found
            result.Add(new List<int>(board));
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            if (!rows[i] && !diag1[i + j]
                && !diag2[i - j + n]) {

                // Place queen
                rows[i] = diag1[i + j] = diag2[i - j + n]
                    = true;

                // Recurse to next column
                NQueenUtil(j + 1, n, board, result, rows,
                           diag1, diag2);

                // Remove queen (backtrack)
                board.RemoveAt(board.Count - 1);
                rows[i] = diag1[i + j] = diag2[i - j + n]
                    = false;

    // Solves the N-Queens problem and returns
    // all valid configurations.
    static List<List<int> > NQueen(int n){
        List<List<int> > result = new List<List<int> >();
        List<int> board = new List<int>();
        bool[] rows = new bool[n + 1];
        bool[] diag1 = new bool[2 * n + 1];
        bool[] diag2 = new bool[2 * n + 1];
        // Start solving from first column
        NQueenUtil(1, n, board, result, rows, diag1, diag2);
        return result;

    public static void Main(){
        int n = 4;
        List<List<int> > result = NQueen(n);
        foreach(var res in result)
            for (int i = 0; i < res.Count; i++) {
                if (i != res.Count - 1)
                    Console.Write(", ");
// Utility function for solving the N-Queens
// problem using backtracking.
function nQueenUtil(j, n, board, result,
                            rows, diag1, diag2){
    if (j > n) {
        // A solution is found
        result.push([...board ]);
    for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        if (!rows[i] && !diag1[i + j]
            && !diag2[i - j + n]) {
            // Place queen
            rows[i] = diag1[i + j] = 
                           diag2[i - j + n] = true;
            // Recurse to next column
            nQueenUtil(j + 1, n, board, result,
                        rows, diag1, diag2);
            // Remove queen (backtrack)
            rows[i] = diag1[i + j] = diag2[i - j + n]
                = false;

// Solves the N-Queens problem and returns
// all valid configurations.
function nQueen(n)
    let result = [];
    let board = [];
    let rows = Array(n + 1).fill(false);
    let diag1 = Array(2 * n + 1).fill(false);
    let diag2 = Array(2 * n + 1).fill(false);
    // Start solving from first column
    nQueenUtil(1, n, board, result, rows, diag1, diag2);
    return result;

// Driver code
let n = 4;
let result = nQueen(n);
result.forEach(res => {
    let str = "[";
    res.forEach((num, idx) => {
        str += num;
        if (idx != res.length - 1)
            str += ", ";
    str += "]";

[2, 4, 1, 3]
[3, 1, 4, 2]

Optimized Backtracking Using Bitmasking Approach

To further optimize the backtracking approach, especially for larger values of n, we can use bitmasking to efficiently track occupied rows and diagonals. Bitmasking lets us to use integer to track which rows and diagonals are occupied, making use of fast bitwise operations for quicker calculations.

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