Program for Armstrong Numbers
Last Updated :
02 Jul, 2024
Given a number x, determine whether the given number is Armstrong’s number or not.
A positive integer of n digits is called an Armstrong number of order n (order is the number of digits) if
abcd... = pow(a,n) + pow(b,n) + pow(c,n) + pow(d,n) + ....
Output: Yes
153 is an Armstrong number.
1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 = 153
Input: 120
Output: No
120 is not a Armstrong number.
1*1*1 + 2*2*2 + 0*0*0 = 9
Input: 1253
Output: No
1253 is not a Armstrong Number
1*1*1*1 + 2*2*2*2 + 5*5*5*5 + 3*3*3*3 = 723
Input: 1634
Output: Yes
1*1*1*1 + 6*6*6*6 + 3*3*3*3 + 4*4*4*4 = 1634
Naive Approach
The idea is to first count the number of digits (or find the order).
- Let the number of digits be n.
- For every digit r in input number x, compute rn.
- If the sum of all such values is equal to x, then return true, else false.
Below is the program to check whether the number is an Armstrong number or not:
// C++ program to determine whether
// the number is Armstrong number or not
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate x raised
// to the power y
int power(int x, unsigned int y)
if (y == 0)
return 1;
if (y % 2 == 0)
return power(x, y / 2) * power(x, y / 2);
return x * power(x, y / 2) * power(x, y / 2);
/* Function to calculate order of the number */
int order(int x)
int n = 0;
while (x) {
x = x / 10;
return n;
// Function to check whether the given
// number is Armstrong number or not
bool isArmstrong(int x)
// Calling order function
int n = order(x);
int temp = x, sum = 0;
while (temp) {
int r = temp % 10;
sum += power(r, n);
temp = temp / 10;
// If satisfies Armstrong condition
return (sum == x);
// Driver Code
int main()
int x = 153;
cout << boolalpha << isArmstrong(x) << endl;
x = 1253;
cout << boolalpha << isArmstrong(x) << endl;
return 0;
// C program to find Armstrong number
#include <stdio.h>
// Function to calculate x raised to
// the power y
int power(int x, unsigned int y)
if (y == 0)
return 1;
if (y % 2 == 0)
return power(x, y / 2) * power(x, y / 2);
return x * power(x, y / 2) * power(x, y / 2);
// Function to calculate order of the number
int order(int x)
int n = 0;
while (x) {
x = x / 10;
return n;
// Function to check whether the
// given number is Armstrong number or not
int isArmstrong(int x)
// Calling order function
int n = order(x);
int temp = x, sum = 0;
while (temp) {
int r = temp % 10;
sum += power(r, n);
temp = temp / 10;
// If satisfies Armstrong condition
if (sum == x)
return 1;
return 0;
// Driver Code
int main()
int x = 153;
if (isArmstrong(x) == 1)
x = 1253;
if (isArmstrong(x) == 1)
return 0;
// Java program to determine whether
// the number is Armstrong number or not
public class Armstrong {
// Function to calculate x raised
// to the power y
int power(int x, long y)
if (y == 0)
return 1;
if (y % 2 == 0)
return power(x, y / 2) * power(x, y / 2);
return x * power(x, y / 2) * power(x, y / 2);
// Function to calculate order of the number
int order(int x)
int n = 0;
while (x != 0) {
x = x / 10;
return n;
// Function to check whether the given
// number is Armstrong number or not
boolean isArmstrong(int x)
// Calling order function
int n = order(x);
int temp = x, sum = 0;
while (temp != 0) {
int r = temp % 10;
sum = sum + power(r, n);
temp = temp / 10;
// If satisfies Armstrong condition
return (sum == x);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
Armstrong ob = new Armstrong();
int x = 153;
x = 1253;
# Python program to determine whether the number is
# Armstrong number or not
# Function to calculate x raised to the power y
def power(x, y):
if y == 0:
return 1
if y % 2 == 0:
return power(x, y/2)*power(x, y/2)
return x*power(x, y/2)*power(x, y/2)
# Function to calculate order of the number
def order(x):
# variable to store of the number
n = 0
while (x != 0):
n = n+1
x = x/10
return n
# Function to check whether the given number is
# Armstrong number or not
def isArmstrong(x):
n = order(x)
temp = x
sum1 = 0
while (temp != 0):
r = temp % 10
sum1 = sum1 + power(r, n)
temp = temp/10
# If condition satisfies
return (sum1 == x)
# Driver Program
x = 153
x = 1253
# python3 >= 3.6 for typehint support
# This example avoids the complexity of ordering
# through type conversions & string manipulation
def isArmstrong(val: int) -> bool:
"""val will be tested to see if its an Armstrong number.
val {int} -- positive integer only.
bool -- true is /false isn't
# break the int into its respective digits
parts = [int(_) for _ in str(val)]
# begin test.
counter = 0
for _ in parts:
counter += _**3
return (counter == val)
# Check Armstrong number
// C# program to determine whether the
// number is Armstrong number or not
using System;
public class GFG {
// Function to calculate x raised
// to the power y
int power(int x, long y)
if (y == 0)
return 1;
if (y % 2 == 0)
return power(x, y / 2) * power(x, y / 2);
return x * power(x, y / 2) * power(x, y / 2);
// Function to calculate
// order of the number
int order(int x)
int n = 0;
while (x != 0) {
x = x / 10;
return n;
// Function to check whether the
// given number is Armstrong number
// or not
bool isArmstrong(int x)
// Calling order function
int n = order(x);
int temp = x, sum = 0;
while (temp != 0) {
int r = temp % 10;
sum = sum + power(r, n);
temp = temp / 10;
// If satisfies Armstrong condition
return (sum == x);
// Driver Code
public static void Main()
GFG ob = new GFG();
int x = 153;
x = 1253;
// This code is contributed by Nitin Mittal.
// JavaScript program to determine whether the
// number is Armstrong number or not
// Function to calculate x raised
// to the power y
function power(x, y)
if( y == 0)
return 1;
if (y % 2 == 0)
return power(x, parseInt(y / 2, 10)) *
power(x, parseInt(y / 2, 10));
return x * power(x, parseInt(y / 2, 10)) *
power(x, parseInt(y / 2, 10));
// Function to calculate
// order of the number
function order(x)
let n = 0;
while (x != 0)
x = parseInt(x / 10, 10);
return n;
// Function to check whether the
// given number is Armstrong number
// or not
function isArmstrong(x)
// Calling order function
let n = order(x);
let temp = x, sum = 0;
while (temp != 0)
let r = temp % 10;
sum = sum + power(r, n);
temp = parseInt(temp / 10, 10);
// If satisfies Armstrong condition
return (sum == x);
let x = 153;
document.write("True" + "</br>");
document.write("False" + "</br>");
x = 1253;
Find nth Armstrong Number
Input: 9
Output: 9
Input: 10
Output: 153
Below is the program to find the nth Armstrong number:
// C++ Program to find
// Nth Armstrong Number
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find Nth Armstrong Number
int NthArmstrong(int n)
int count = 0;
// upper limit from integer
for (int i = 1; i <= INT_MAX; i++) {
int num = i, rem, digit = 0, sum = 0;
// Copy the value for num in num
num = i;
// Find total digits in num
digit = (int)log10(num) + 1;
// Calculate sum of power of digits
while (num > 0) {
rem = num % 10;
sum = sum + pow(rem, digit);
num = num / 10;
// Check for Armstrong number
if (i == sum)
if (count == n)
return i;
// Driver Code
int main()
int n = 12;
cout << NthArmstrong(n);
return 0;
// This Code is Contributed by 'jaingyayak'
// C Program to find
// Nth Armstrong Number
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Function to find Nth Armstrong Number
int NthArmstrong(int n)
int count = 0;
// upper limit from integer
for (int i = 1; i <= INT_MAX; i++) {
int num = i, rem, digit = 0, sum = 0;
// Copy the value for num in num
num = i;
// Find total digits in num
digit = (int)log10(num) + 1;
// Calculate sum of power of digits
while (num > 0) {
rem = num % 10;
sum = sum + pow(rem, digit);
num = num / 10;
// Check for Armstrong number
if (i == sum)
if (count == n)
return i;
// Driver Code
int main()
int n = 12;
printf("%d", NthArmstrong(n));
return 0;
// This Code is Contributed by 'sathiyamoorthics19'
// Java Program to find
// Nth Armstrong Number
import java.lang.Math;
class GFG {
// Function to find Nth Armstrong Number
static int NthArmstrong(int n)
int count = 0;
// upper limit from integer
for (int i = 1; i <= Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) {
int num = i, rem, digit = 0, sum = 0;
// Copy the value for num in num
num = i;
// Find total digits in num
digit = (int)Math.log10(num) + 1;
// Calculate sum of power of digits
while (num > 0) {
rem = num % 10;
sum = sum + (int)Math.pow(rem, digit);
num = num / 10;
// Check for Armstrong number
if (i == sum)
if (count == n)
return i;
return n;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
int n = 12;
// This code is contributed by Code_Mech.
# Python3 Program to find Nth Armstrong Number
import math
import sys
# Function to find Nth Armstrong Number
def NthArmstrong(n):
count = 0
# upper limit from integer
for i in range(1, sys.maxsize):
num = i
rem = 0
digit = 0
sum = 0
# Copy the value for num in num
num = i
# Find total digits in num
digit = int(math.log10(num) + 1)
# Calculate sum of power of digits
while(num > 0):
rem = num % 10
sum = sum + pow(rem, digit)
num = num // 10
# Check for Armstrong number
if(i == sum):
count += 1
if(count == n):
return i
# Driver Code
n = 12
# This code is contributed by chandan_jnu
// C# Program to find
// Nth Armstrong Number
using System;
class GFG {
// Function to find Nth Armstrong Number
static int NthArmstrong(int n)
int count = 0;
// upper limit from integer
for (int i = 1; i <= int.MaxValue; i++) {
int num = i, rem, digit = 0, sum = 0;
// Copy the value for num in num
num = i;
// Find total digits in num
digit = (int)Math.Log10(num) + 1;
// Calculate sum of power of digits
while (num > 0) {
rem = num % 10;
sum = sum + (int)Math.Pow(rem, digit);
num = num / 10;
// Check for Armstrong number
if (i == sum)
if (count == n)
return i;
return n;
// Driver Code
public static void Main()
int n = 12;
// This code is contributed by Code_Mech.
// Javascript program to find Nth Armstrong Number
// Function to find Nth Armstrong Number
function NthArmstrong(n)
let count = 0;
// Upper limit from integer
for(let i = 1; i <= Number.MAX_VALUE; i++)
let num = i, rem, digit = 0, sum = 0;
// Copy the value for num in num
num = i;
// Find total digits in num
digit = parseInt(Math.log10(num), 10) + 1;
// Calculate sum of power of digits
while(num > 0)
rem = num % 10;
sum = sum + Math.pow(rem, digit);
num = parseInt(num / 10, 10);
// Check for Armstrong number
if (i == sum)
if (count == n)
return i;
return n;
// Driver code
let n = 12;
// This code is contributed by rameshtravel07
// PHP Program to find
// Nth Armstrong Number
// Function to find
// Nth Armstrong Number
function NthArmstrong($n)
$count = 0;
// upper limit
// from integer
for($i = 1;
$i <= PHP_INT_MAX; $i++)
$num = $i;
$digit = 0;
$sum = 0;
// Copy the value
// for num in num
$num = $i;
// Find total
// digits in num
$digit = (int) log10($num) + 1;
// Calculate sum of
// power of digits
while($num > 0)
$rem = $num % 10;
$sum = $sum + pow($rem,
$num = (int)$num / 10;
// Check for
// Armstrong number
if($i == $sum)
if($count == $n)
return $i;
// Driver Code
$n = 12;
echo NthArmstrong($n);
// This Code is Contributed
// by akt_mit
Time complexity: O(log n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Using Numeric Strings
When considering the number as a string we can access any digit we want and perform operations. Below is the program to implement the above approach:
// C++ program to check whether the
// number is Armstrong number or not
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
string armstrong(int n)
string number = to_string(n);
n = number.length();
long long output = 0;
for (char i : number)
output = output + (long)pow((i - '0'), n);
if (output == stoll(number))
return ("True");
return ("False");
// Driver Code
int main()
cout << armstrong(153) << endl;
cout << armstrong(1253) << endl;
// This code is contributed by phasing17
// Java program to check whether the
// number is Armstrong number or not
public class armstrongNumber {
public void isArmstrong(String n)
char[] s = n.toCharArray();
int size = s.length;
int sum = 0;
for (char num : s) {
int temp = 1;
int i
= Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(num));
for (int j = 0; j <= size - 1; j++) {
temp *= i;
sum += temp;
if (sum == Integer.parseInt(n)) {
else {
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
armstrongNumber am = new armstrongNumber();
def armstrong(n):
number = str(n)
n = len(number)
output = 0
for i in number:
output = output+int(i)**n
if output == int(number):
using System;
public class armstrongNumber {
public void isArmstrong(String n)
char[] s = n.ToCharArray();
int size = s.Length;
int sum = 0;
foreach(char num in s)
int temp = 1;
int i = Int32.Parse(char.ToString(num));
for (int j = 0; j <= size - 1; j++) {
temp *= i;
sum += temp;
if (sum == Int32.Parse(n)) {
else {
public static void Main(String[] args)
armstrongNumber am = new armstrongNumber();
// This code is contributed by umadevi9616
function armstrong(n){
let number = new String(n)
n = number.length
let output = 0
for(let i of number)
output = output + parseInt(i)**n
if (output == parseInt(number))
return("True" + "<br>")
return("False" + "<br>")
// This code is contributed by _saurabh_jaiswal.
Time Complexity: O(n).
Auxiliary Space: O(1).
Find all Armstrong Numbers in a Range
Below is the program to find all Armstrong numbers in a given range:
// C++ program to find all Armstrong numbers
// in a given range
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void isArmstrong(int left, int right)
for (int i = left; i <= right; i++) {
int sum = 0;
int temp = i;
while (temp > 0) {
// Finding the lastdigit
int lastdigit = temp % 10;
// Finding the sum
sum += pow(lastdigit, 3);
temp /= 10;
// Condition to print the number if
// it is armstrong number
if (sum == i) {
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
// Driver code
int main()
int left = 5, right = 1000;
isArmstrong(left, right);
return 0;
// This code is contributed by 525tamannacse11
// Java program to find all Armstrong numbers
// in a given range
// Importing necessary libraries
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void isArmstrong(int left, int right)
for (int i = left; i <= right; i++) {
int sum = 0;
int temp = i;
while (temp > 0) {
// Finding the last digit
int lastdigit = temp % 10;
// Finding the sum
sum += Math.pow(lastdigit, 3);
temp /= 10;
// Condition to print the number if it
// is an Armstrong number
if (sum == i) {
System.out.print(i + " ");
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
int left = 5, right = 1000;
isArmstrong(left, right);
def armstrong(n):
number = str(n)
n = len(number)
output = 0
for i in number:
output = output+int(i)**n
if output == int(number):
arm_list = []
nums = range(10, 1000)
for i in nums:
if armstrong(i):
using System;
class MainClass {
static void isArmstrong(int left, int right)
for (int i = left; i <= right; i++) {
int sum = 0;
int temp = i;
while (temp > 0) {
// finding the lastdigit
int lastdigit = temp % 10;
// finding the sum
sum += (int)Math.Pow(lastdigit, 3);
temp /= 10;
/* Condition to print the number if it is
* armstrong number */
if (sum == i) {
Console.Write(i + " ");
public static void Main(string[] args)
int left = 5, right = 1000;
isArmstrong(left, right);
// JavaScript code to implement the approach
function isArmstrong(left, right) {
for (let i = left; i <= right; i++) {
let sum = 0;
let temp = i;
while (temp > 0) {
// finding the lastdigit
let lastdigit = temp % 10;
// finding the sum
sum += Math.pow(lastdigit, 3);
temp = Math.floor(temp / 10);
/* Condition to print the number if it is armstrong number */
if (sum === i) {
process.stdout.write(i + " ");
// Driver code
let left = 5,
right = 1000;
isArmstrong(left, right);
// This code is contributed by phasing17
This article is contributed by Rahul Agrawal .