Python 3 – input() function
Last Updated :
17 Nov, 2023
In Python, we use the input() function to take input from the user. Whatever you enter as input, the input function converts it into a string. If you enter an integer value still input() function converts it into a string.
Python input() Function Syntax
Syntax: input(prompt)
- Prompt: (optional) The string that is written to standard output(usually screen) without newline.
Return: String object
How input() Function works in Python?
In this example, we are using input() function to input user data as a string in Python.
name = input ( "What is your name? " )
print ( "Hello, " + name + "!" )
What is your name? GFG
Hello, GFG!
input() Function in Python Examples
Taking input in Python
In this example, we are using the Python input() function to input user data as a string in Python, which takes input from the user and prints it.
string = input ()
print (string)
User Input in Python
In this example, we are taking input from the user and input user data as a string in Python with a prompt and printing it.
name = input ( "Enter your name" )
print ( "Hello" , name)
Enter your name:ankit rai
Hello ankit rai
Convert User Input to a Number
In this example, we are using the Python input() function which takes input from the user in string format converting it into an integer adding 1 to the integer, and printing it.
num = int ( input ( "Enter a number:" ))
add = num + 1
print (add)
Enter a number:15
Take float input in Python
In this example, we are using the Python input() function which takes input from the user in string format converts it into float adds 1 to the float, and prints it.
num = float ( input ( "Enter number " ))
add = num + 1
print (add)
Enter number 5
Python Accept List as a input From User
In this example, we are taking input from the user in string format converting it into a list, and printing it.
li = list ( input ( "Enter number " ))
print (li)
Enter number 12345
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
Take User Input for Tuples and Sets
In this example, we are taking input from the user in string format converting it into a tuple, and printing it.
num = tuple ( input ( "Enter number " ))
print (num)
Enter number 123
('1', '2', '3')
Input with a dictionary comprehension
In this example, we are taking the words separated by space to input user data as a string in Python, and we make a dictionary of the word as the key with their length as the value.
words_str = input ( "Enter a list of words, separated by spaces: " )
words = {word: len (word) for word in words_str.split()}
print (words)
Enter a list of words, separated by spaces: geeks for geeks
{'geeks': 5, 'for': 3}
Also, check:
Start your Python 3 journey with our extensive guide: Python 3 Tutorial
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