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Python BeautifulSoup – find all class

Last Updated : 26 Nov, 2020
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Prerequisite:- Requests , BeautifulSoup

The task is to write a program to find all the classes for a given Website URL. In Beautiful Soup there is no in-built method to find all classes.

Module needed:

  • bs4: Beautiful Soup(bs4) is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files. This module does not come built-in with Python. To install this type the below command in the terminal.
pip install bs4

  • requests:  Requests allows you to send HTTP/1.1 requests extremely easily. This module also does not come built-in with Python. To install this type the below command in the terminal.
pip install requests

Methods #1: Finding the class in a given HTML document.


  • Create an HTML doc.
  • Import module.
  • Parse the content into BeautifulSoup.
  • Iterate the data by class name.



# html code
html_doc = """<html><head><title>Welcome  to geeksforgeeks</title></head>
<p class="title"><b>Geeks</b></p>
<p class="body">geeksforgeeks a computer science portal for geeks
# import module
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# parse html content
soup = BeautifulSoup( html_doc , 'html.parser')
# Finding by class name
soup.find( class_ = "body" )


<p class="body">geeksforgeeks a computer science portal for geeks


Methods #2: Below is the program to find all class in a URL.


  • Import module
  • Make requests instance and pass into URL
  • Pass the requests into a Beautifulsoup() function
  • Then we will iterate all tags and fetch class name



# Import Module
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
# Website URL
# class list set
class_list = set()
# Page content from Website URL
page = requests.get( URL )
# parse html content
soup = BeautifulSoup( page.content , 'html.parser')
# get all tags
tags = { for tag in soup.find_all()}
# iterate all tags
for tag in tags:
    # find all element of tag
    for i in soup.find_all( tag ):
        # if tag has attribute of class
        if i.has_attr( "class" ):
            if len( i['class'] ) != 0:
                class_list.add(" ".join( i['class']))
print( class_list )


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