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Read Data Using XLSX Package in R

Last Updated : 22 Apr, 2023
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R is a powerful programming language used for data analysis and manipulation. The XLSX package in R is an excellent tool for reading and writing Excel files. This package allows R users to work with data stored in Excel spreadsheets directly in their R environment.

In this article, we will walk you through how to read data using the XLSX package in R.


Before we can use the XLSX package, we first need to install it. This can be done using the following command:



Once installed, we can then load the package into our R environment using the following command:



Reading Data

Now that we have installed and loaded the XLSX package, we can start reading data from Excel files. To read data from an Excel file, we need to specify the file path and sheet name in our R code. For example, suppose we have an Excel file called “example.xlsx” with a sheet called “data”. We can read this data into R using the following code:


# Specify file path and sheet name
file_path <- "example.xlsx"
sheet_name <- "data"
# Read data from Excel file
data <- read.xlsx(file_path, sheetName = sheet_name)

In the above code, we first specified the file path and sheet name using the ‘file_path‘ and ‘sheet_name’ variables. We then used the ‘read.xlsx’ function to read the data from the Excel file into R and stored it in the ‘data’ variable.

By default, the ‘read.xlsx’ function reads all the data in the sheet, including any column headers. If the Excel file has multiple sheets, we can specify which sheet to read by changing the ‘sheetName’ argument.

If we want to read only specific columns from the Excel file, we can specify the column numbers or names using the ‘colIndex‘ or ‘colNames’ arguments, respectively. For example, suppose we only want to read columns A and C from the “data” sheet in our Excel file. We can do this using the following code:


# Specify file path and sheet name
file_path <- "example.xlsx"
sheet_name <- "data"
# Read specific columns from Excel file
data <- read.xlsx(file_path, sheetName = sheet_name, colIndex = c(1, 3))

In the above code, we specified the ‘colIndex’ argument to only read the first and third columns of the sheet.


The XLSX package in R is a powerful tool for reading and writing Excel files. In this article, we walked you through how to read data from an Excel file using the ‘read.xlsx‘ function. By specifying the file path, sheet name, and column indexes or names, we can read specific data from an Excel file into our R environment.


Suppose we have an Excel file called “example.xlsx” with the following data in the “data” sheet:


We can read this data into R using the following code:


# Specify file path and sheet name
file_path <- "example.xlsx"
sheet_name <- "data"
# Read data from Excel file
data <- read.xlsx(file_path, sheetName = sheet_name)
# View data

The output of this code would be:

  Name Age Gender Occupation
1 John  30   Male   Engineer
2 Jane  25 Female    Teacher
3 Michael 40   Male     Lawyer

This output shows the data read from the “data” sheet of the “example.xlsx” file. The ‘print’ function displays the data in a table format with column headers and row numbers. We can now work with this data in R as needed.

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