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SVG <svg> Element

Last Updated : 02 Jun, 2022
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SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphic. It can be used to make graphics and animations like in HTML canvas.

SVG graphics are supported by the <svg> element in HTML. SVG graphics feature a container in which we can create a variety of shapes such as boxes, pathways, text, graphic images, and circles.


<svg width="x" height="y"> shape_tags... </svg>


  •  viewBox attribute indicates the center of the coordinate on which the elements of the image are positioned.
  • stroke attribute represents the color to be used to paint the outline of the shape.
  • fill attribute denotes the color to be used to paint the element.
  • stroke-width represents the width of the color to use for the shape.
  • rgb(x,y,z):  This is a triplet of red, green, and blue (RGB) values to define how much of each primary color is used to generate the desired color.
  • width & height in the rectangle represents the height and width of the rectangle.
  • baseProfile attribute represents the minimum SVG language profile that the author deems necessary to correctly render content..
  • contentScriptType attribute specifies a default scripting language for the given document fragment on the <svg> element.
  • contentStyleType attribute represents the style sheet language for the given document fragment.
  • preserveAspectRatio attribute denotes how an element with a viewBox providing a given aspect ratio must fit into a viewport with a different aspect ratio.
  • version attribute is used to indicate the specification of a document type SVG.
  • viewBox attribute denotes the dimension of an SVG viewport.

Example 1: Making a circle with an outline of green and fill colored black.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <svg viewBox="0 0 300 100" stroke="green" 
        fill="dark green">
        <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" />

cx represents the width of the circle and cy represents the height of the circle, and r represents the radius of the circle.

        <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40"/>



Example 2: Making a rectangle with an outline of dark green and fill colored light green.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <svg width="400" height="100">
        <rect width="400" height="100" 
            style="fill:rgb(20, 204, 20);
                stroke-width:10;stroke:rgb(14, 180, 89)"/>



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