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Training data vs Testing data

Last Updated : 29 Nov, 2023
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There are two key types of data used for machine learning training and testing data. They each have a specific function to perform when building and evaluating machine learning models. Machine learning algorithms are used to learn from data in datasets. They discover patterns and gain knowledge. make choices, and examine those decisions.

In this article, we will discuss the Difference between training and Testing Data, Why do we need training and Testing Data, and How training and testing data work.

What is Training data?

Testing data is used to determine the performance of the trained model, whereas training data is used to train the machine learning model. Training data is the power that supplies the model in machine learning, it is larger than testing data. Because more data helps to more effective predictive models. When a machine learning algorithm receives data from our records, it recognizes patterns and creates a decision-making model.

Algorithms allow a company's past experience to be used to make decisions. It analyzes all previous cases and their results and, using this data creates models to score and predict the outcome of current cases. The more data ML models have access to, the more reliable their predictions get over time.

What is Testing Data?

You will need unknown information to test your machine learning model after it was created (using your training data). This data is known as testing data, and it may be used to assess the progress and efficiency of your algorithms' training as well as to modify or optimize them for better results.

  • Showing the original set of data.
  • Be large enough to produce reliable projections

This dataset needs to be "unseen" and recent. This is because the training data was already "learned" by your model. You can decide if it is operating successfully or when it need more training data to fulfill your standards by observing how it performs on fresh test data. Test data provides as a last, real check if an unknown dataset was correctly trained by the machine learning algorithm.

Difference between Training data and Testing data


Training Data

Testing Data


The machine-learning model is trained using training data. The more training data a model has, the more accurate predictions it can make.

Testing data is used to evaluate the model's performance.


By using the training data, the model can gain knowledge and become more accurate in its predictions.

Until evaluation, the testing data is not exposed to the model. This guarantees that the model cannot learn the testing data by heart and produce flawless forecasts.


This training data distribution should be similar to the distribution of actual data that the model will use.

The distribution of the testing data and the data from the real world differs greatly.


To stop overfitting, training data is utilized.

By making predictions on the testing data and comparing them to the actual labels, the performance of the model is assessed.


Typically larger

Typically smaller

Why do we need Training data and Testing data

Training data teaches a machine learning model how to behave, whereas testing data assesses how well the model has learned.

  • Training Data: The machine learning model is taught how to generate predictions or perform a specific task using training data. Since it is usually identified, every data point's output from the model is known. In order to provide predictions, the model must first learn to recognize patterns in the data. Training data can be compared to a student's textbook when learning a new subject. The learner learns by reading the text and completing the tasks, and the book offers all the knowledge they require.
  • Testing Data: The performance of the machine learning model is measured using testing data. Usually, it is labeled and distinct from the training set. This indicates that for every data point, the model's result is unknown. On the testing data, the model's accuracy in predicting outcomes is assessed. Testing data is comparable to the exam a student takes to determine how well-versed in a subject they are. The test asks questions that the student must respond to, and the test results are used to gauge the student's comprehension.

Why is it important to use separate training and testing data?

To avoid overfitting, it essential to use separate training and testing data. When a machine learning model learns the training data too well, it becomes hard to generalize to new data. This may happen if the training data is insufficient or not representative of the real-world data on which the model will be used.

We can confirm that the model is learning the fundamental patterns and relationships in the data and not simply memorizing the training data by using separate training and testing sets. This will assist the model in making more accurate predictions based on new data.

How Training and Testing Data Work?

Algorithms which examine your training dataset, classify the inputs and outputs, and then analyze it again are used to build machine learning models.

When an algorithm is sufficiently trained, it will effectively memorize all of the inputs and outputs in a training dataset; however, this presents an issue when it is required to evaluate data from other sources, such as real-world consumers.

The training data collection procedure consists of three steps:

  • Feed - Providing data to a model.
  • Define - The model converts training data into text vectors (numbers corresponding to data features).
  • Test - Lastly, you put your model to the test by feeding it test data (unseen data).

When training is complete, then you’re good to use the 20% of data you saved from your actual dataset (without labeled outcomes, if leveraging supervised learning) to test the model. This is where the model is fine-tuned to make sure it works the way we want it to. 

The entire process (training and testing) is conducted in a matter of seconds, so you don’t have to worry about fine-tuning. However, we always say that it’s always good to know what’s happening behind the scenes so it’s not a black box. 

How Training and Testing Data Used in Automation Tools?

It makes sense that test automation technologies include data from both training and testing. This will raise the tests' correctness and dependability. The test automation tool is trained on the particular application or system under test using training data. This aids in the tool's learning of the application's intended behavior and helps it detect any potential flaws. Test automation tool performance is assessed using testing data. This makes it more likely that the tool will detect errors and won't overfit the training set.

The following are brief examples of how test automation technologies use training and testing data:

  • The test automation tool learns how to communicate with the application or system it is testing using training data. It should be both large enough to enable the tool to recognize patterns in the behavior of the application and representative of the real world.
  • Test automation tool performance is assessed using testing data. It ought to be unlabeled and distinct from the training set. This guarantees that the instrument can detect errors in fresh data and is balanced with the training set.
  • You may create more accurate and dependable test automation tools by using training and testing data.


In conclusion Testing and Training data have specific function to perform when building and evaluating in datasets. By testing and training data it helps to provide knowledge , make choice and predict the right decisions.

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