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What is a Cell in Excel?

Last Updated: 04 Jun, 2024


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MS-EXCEL is a part of Microsoft Office suite software. It is an electronic spreadsheet with multiple rows and columns, used for organizing data and performing different calculations. A spreadsheet takes the shape of a table, consisting of rows and columns. A cell is created at the intersection point where rows and columns meet, forming a rectangular box. In this article, we are going to discuss every point about Cell in Excel.

What is Cell in Excel?

The basic data storage unit in a spreadsheet is referred to as a cell. In a spreadsheet(Excel), it is the point where a row and a column meet. The address of a cell is the combination of the row number and column letter (e.g., A1, B2, C3) this helps with visual data organization and representation, you can also perform changes to the font style, size, colour, borders, and background colour of the cell.

Example Image of a Cell

The above image example is of a Cell with row = 3 ,column = B and Address of the cell which is B3. There are different kinds of data that can be contained in each cell some of them includes:

  • Text: This contains strings, it is composed of characters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Numbers: This contains numerical data and perform mathematical calculations as well.
  • Boolean values : We can add values which are either TRUE or FALSE.
  • We can perform operations using Formulas that perform calculations using the data in other cells.

How to Identify Cell Numbers?

A Cell number is referred to as cell references, usually identified by their column letter and row number. For example, "B3" refers to the cell in column B and row 3. In a Spreadsheets, cells are automatically labelled with their references. You can see the reference in the "Name Box" which is located near the top left corner of the sheet. To see the reference simply click on a cell and it will get displayed in the Name Box.

Cell Number
"Name Box" present in the top left corner which shows the reference of the cell

How to Enter Data into the Cell ?

  • Click on the cell where you want to enter data.
  • Type the data directly into the cell.
  • Press "Enter" to move to the next row or "Tab" to move to the next column.
Data in Excel
Entering data in a cell

How to Select Multiple Cells ?

  • Drag to Select: Click and hold the left mouse button on any cell, then drag the cursor till any cell you want.
  • Shift + Click: Click on any cell you want, hold on the "Shift" key, and then click on any cell of your desired range, this will help you select multiple cell.
Multiple Cell
Hold the "Shift " button and click the last desired cell range

How to Cut, Copy, and Paste the cell's data?

  • Cut: You can just right-click and choose "Cut" option that appears in the drop down menu or Click "Ctrl + X" to cut the cell.
  • Copy: You can just right-click and choose "Copy" option that appears in the drop down menu or Click "Ctrl + C" to copy the cell.
  • Paste: Just right-click and choose "Paste" option that appears in the drop down menu or Click "Ctrl + V" and paste the data in the desired cell.
Copy, Cut, Paste
Copy, Cut , Paste option appears after right-click any cell

How to Increase the Size of Cell?

You can increase the size of the cell column wise and row wise, to change the size of column called it Column width and to change the row size we called it as Row height.

  • Column Width: To increase the column width perform any of the two methods,
    • Hover over the boundary line between two column headers (e.g., between F and G as shown in the fig. below) until you see a double-headed arrow, after the double-headed arrow appears, click and drag it, to adjust the column width .
Increase Size of Cell
Double-headed arrow in the column header appears and adjustment is done
  • You can also right-click on a row header and choose "Resize row" and enter the specific size you want.
Size of cell
Right Click on the column header and go to "Resize the Column" to make changes
  • Row Height: To increase the row height perform any of the two methods,
    • Hover over the boundary line between two row numbers (e.g., between 2 and 3 as shown in the figure below) until you see a double-headed arrow, after the double-headed arrow appears, click and drag it, to adjust the row height .
Row Height
Double-headed arrow in the row header appears and adjustment is done
  • You can also right-click on a column header and then choose "Resize column" and enter the specific size of your choice.
Column Size
Right Click on the row header and go to "Resize the Row" to make changes

Ms-Excel shortcuts

  • Ctrl+N: To open a new workbook.
  • Ctrl+O: To open a saved workbook.
  • Ctrl+S: To save a workbook.
  • Ctrl+C: To copy the selected cells.
  • Ctrl+V: To paste the copied cells.
  • Ctrl+X: To cut the selected cells.
  • Ctrl+W: To close the workbook.
  • Delete: To remove all the contents from the cell.
  • Ctrl+P: To print the workbook.
  • Ctrl+Z: To undo.

Frequently Asked Question on Cell - FAQs

What is the function of cell(s) ?

The main function of cell(s) is that it enters data in the spreadsheet and helps to store, format and change data efficiently.

What kind of data can be stored in a cell ?

Cell can stored various kind of data like : Numbers , String , Date , Time , Formulas , Boolean Values, links, etc.

How to find the reference of a cell ?

To find the reference of any cell, you can first click on any cell in the spreadsheet ,then it will give you an address of a cell which is a combination of row and column (E.g. : B3, A5, C4), next you can see the reference in the "Name Box" which is located near the top left corner of the sheet simply click on a cell and it will get displayed in the Name Box.

How to format a cell ?

Click on any cell you want to format, then right click on it and select "Format Cells." from the drop down menu. This allows you to change the number format, font style, size, colour, borders, and background colour of the cell.


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How to Insert a Picture in a Cell in MS Excel?

Every day in business or any other field lots of information are there that are required to store for future use. For anyone, it is very difficult to remember that information for a long time. Earlier data and information are stored in a form of a register, file, or by paperwork but finding it may be difficult for us. It takes a lot of time. To resolve this issue Microsoft brings a software called MS Excel. Microsoft Excel is a software that allows users to store or analyze the data in a proper systematic manner. It uses spreadsheets to organize numbers and data with formulas and functions. MS Excel has a collection of columns and rows that form a table. Generally, alphabetical letters are assigned to columns, and numbers are usually assigned to rows. The point where a column and a row meet is called a cell. Generally, it is used to keep records, data in various fields of business. Features of MS Excel Auto calculate- This helps you to calculate a group of data and it automatically shows the result in the status area. You can also create your own formulas.Shared- You can share your data file over a network.Templates- It gives us a variety of elegantly designed templates for you
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How to Sum Numbers With Commas in a Single Excel Cell?

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How to VLOOKUP to Return Multiple Values in One Cell in Excel?

Almost everyone works with lots of data ranging from medium to high volume datasets, and extracting information from such a sheet can become easier, with little to advanced knowledge of excel. Excel is widely used to perform simple to complex data analysis. It is a great tool for generating meaningful & insightful reports for quick decision-making. So, out of hundreds of functions available in Excel, the chosen one for today's article is the most common & popular "VLOOKUP". VLookup Fetching the relevant value from a table or a range by row is made possible with VLOOKUP. For the benefit of all, let's quickly describe VLOOKUP with the syntax given below. It returns one value from the first match in the same row. = VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,range_lookup) VLOOKUP SyntaxVLOOKUP to Return Multiple Values in One Cell in Excel Below given screenshot shows that VLOOKUP returns only one value but, there are multiple entries for the same person. The goal here is to return all the items sold by one person in one cell. There are various options however, let's look at 2 methods to achieve the goal: Method 1: Using "VLOOKUP" with some workaround and a few more
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How to Create Dynamic Range Based on Cell Value in Excel VBA?

Dynamic ranges in excel VBA provide us with the flexibility to define ranges beyond the specific values. The dynamic range enables the program to perform transformation and data management steps with ease without the worry of changing the range of the data set. The dynamic range in excel VBA promotes code reusability and does not make the programming logic to be redundant. By utilizing the range object and cells object, the dynamic ranges in Excel VBA can be defined and created. There are many ways in which dynamic ranges can be created. Following are the methods listed below: Variable initialization to the range and cell object.Create a Dynamic range passed as the value in another excel cell. The following examples help in illustrating the above methods, Variable Initialization to Range and Cell Object With the change in the size of the data, it would be useful if the range object that is used to refer to the ranges can be modified. The following code helps in counting the last row and column in an excel as shown below Sub test() Dim EndR As Integer Dim lastCl1 As Integer Sheet2.Activate EndR = Sheet2.Range("A1").End(xlUp).Row lastCl1 = Sheet2.Range("XFD1").End(xlToLeft).Column Ms
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Relative, Absolute and Mixed Cell Reference in Excel

Understanding how cell references in Excel work is a cornerstone of effective spreadsheet use. Whether you’re building formulas that auto-adjust to changes, locking a specific cell, or creating dynamic worksheets, the types of cell references—relative, absolute, and mixed—play a vital role. This guide will break down each type of cell reference, show you how to switch between them using tools like the Excel F4 shortcut and provide practical examples to help you apply them effectively in your formulas. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how these references enhance accuracy and flexibility in your Excel tasks.Table of ContentWhat is a Cell Reference in ExcelTypes of Cell Reference in Excel1. Relative Cell Reference 2. Absolute Cell Reference 3. Mixed Cell Reference Other Useful Ways to Use Cell References and AddressesHow to Switch between Different Cell ReferencesCell References Across WorksheetsWhat is a Cell Reference in ExcelA cell reference (or cell address) is a combination of a column letter and a row number that identifies a specific cell in a worksheet. These references are essential for formulas and functions, allowing you to retrieve, calculate, or manipulat
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Excel Relative and Absolute Cell References

When working with formulas in Excel, it's crucial to understand the difference between relative and absolute cell references. These two types of cell references behave differently when copied or filled into other cells. Relative cell references change based on their position when a formula is copied to another cell, making them highly useful for repetitive calculations across different rows or columns. Absolute cell references, on the other hand, remain constant regardless of where they are copied, ensuring that a specific cell reference does not change. By mastering both relative and absolute references, you can enhance your Excel skills, making your data management and formula application more efficient. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, knowing how to use these references correctly is essential for accurate and effective spreadsheet work. Table of Content What is a Cell Reference in Excel?Types of Cell References in ExcelRelative Reference in ExcelAbsolute Reference in ExcelHow to Use Excel's Relative Reference - Example How to Use Absolute Reference: ExampleHow to use Cell References with Multiple Worksheets in ExcelDifference Between Absolute and Relative cell
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Mixed Cell References in MS Excel

Cell: The row and column in Excel together make a cell. We input the value/data(s) in cells of a spreadsheet. There are three types of values that can be entered into the cell. NumbersAlphabeticFormulas Cell reference ​​​​​​is the address or name of a cell or a range of cell is known as Cell reference. It is the combination of column name and row number. It helps the software to identify the cell from where the data/value is to be used in the formula. We can reference the cell of other worksheets and also of other programs. Referencing the cell of other worksheets is known as External referencing.Referencing the cell of other programs is known as Remote referencing. There are two types of cell references in Excel: Relative reference.Absolute reference.Mixed Reference Mixed Reference is a type of Absolute reference in which either the column is made constant or the row is made constant. When we make any column or row constant then the column name or row number does not change as we copy the formula to other cell(s). The mixed reference is designated by a dollar sign($) in front of the row or column. For example: $F1: In this the column F is constant.F$1: In this the row 1 is cons
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How to Put Count and Percentage in One Cell in Excel?

In the real world, sometimes the user would like to present two or more values in a single cell. For eg in the sales report, we might need sales and the respective %share in the same cell. So in this article, we will learn how to display count and percentage in the same cell with the help of an example. In the below, sample data, have given sales data in $ and market share in Percentages. We need to add a column to show both Sales $ (Share %) in a cell as in (Img2). Sample Data: Sample DataOutput: Expected OutputSo to do this task, we use the following methods: 1. CONCAT() Function: CONCAT function is an Excel built-in function and allows to join 2 or more text/strings. Or we can say it joins two or more cells in a single content. This function must contain at least one text as an argument and if any of the arguments in the function is invalid then it will return an error. Syntax: CONCAT(text1, [text2],…)Example: When we execute CONCAT("geeks", "-", "for", "-", "geeks") we get geeks-for-geeks as a output. 2. TEXT() function: The TEXT function is also an Excel built-in function and returns a text with a specified format. It is useful when you want to combine text or symbols or when
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How to Delete All Rows Below Certain Row or Active Cell in Excel

Excel is a powerful data management tool that can be used to store, analyze, and create reports on large data. It is generally used by accounting professionals to analyze financial data but can be used by anyone to manage large data. Data is entered into the rows and columns. Read the article given below to learn about 'How to delete all rows or active cells in MS Excel.'Delete All Rows Below Certain Row or Active Cell in ExcelTable of Content How to Delete all rows below a certain row in Excel4 Easy Methods to Delete all Rows below Certain Rows in ExcelHow to Delete Sheet Row Option in MS Excel How to Delete Rows below a Certain Row With a Mouse Click How to Delete all Rows below Certain Rows Using the AfterName BoxHow to Delete All Rows Below a Certain Row in ExcelIf you have values in 10 rows and want to delete data after the 7th row in Excel, follow the steps below to accomplish this task.Data ValuesAfter deleting data after the 7th row,Delete 7th row4 Easy Methods to Delete all Rows below Certain Rows in ExcelMethod 1: Delete sheet rows option.Method 2: With a Mouse Click to delete all rows below a Certain Row.Method 3: Use the name box.Method 4: Delete Rows in Excel Using the
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How to Set Variable to Cell Value in Excel VBA?

Adding data to the worksheet is often done and it is essential to learn how to set variable to cell value in excel VBA. There can be instances when you want to add the same data to your worksheet. This task could easily be achieved with the help of Excel VBA variables. You can assign your cell values with variables. Let's learn how to set variables to cell values in Excel VBA. Declaring Variables in VBA Before learning the assignment of variables, one needs to know what are variables and why they are used? Like any other programming language, VBA has variables. Variables are the containers to store data in them. There are some rules for storing data in them. Rules for naming Variables The variable name cannot start with a number.While naming the variables you cannot have space between the names which means a space character (' ') is prohibited.The length of the variable name should be less than Two-hundred and fifty-five (255) characters. Implicit and Explicit Declaration In Excel VBA, variables can be classified into 2 categories implicit and explicit, Implicit Declaration The implicit declaration declares a variable of data type variant. When we create variables implicitly, we ne
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