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What is Excel?

Last Updated: 16 Apr, 2024
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Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool used by students, professionals, and beginners to organize, analyze, and present data. Its user-friendly design and wide range of features help in creating sheets, entering data, performing calculations, and visualizing information easily.

Introduction to Excel

Microsoft Excel, which is a part of Microsoft Office, assists in managing data through tables, calculations, graphs, and pivot tables. It's crucial for organizing information and performing various analyses, making it a valuable tool for both beginners and professionals alike.

Microsoft Excel, often referred to as Excel, is a spreadsheet editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and iPadOS1. It’s part of the Microsoft 365 suite of software, which also includes Word, PowerPoint, Teams, Outlook, and more.

Excel organizes data in a grid of cells arranged in numbered rows and letter-named columns to facilitate data manipulations like arithmetic operations. It has a wide range of features that make it a powerful tool for data entry, manipulation, and analysis.

Excel Features

Calculation Capabilities: Excel can perform mathematical functions on the data1.

Graphing Tools: It can display data as line graphs, histograms, charts, and even limited three-dimensional graphical displays1.

Pivot Tables: These are tools for data analysis that simplify large data sets1.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA): This is a macro programming language that allows the user to employ a wide variety of numerical methods1.

Excel is used widely in various fields, including business, finance, academia, and more. It’s particularly popular for its ability to perform complex calculations, create graphs and charts, and build pivot tables for data analysis. Whether you’re a student, a data analyst, a business professional, or just someone looking to organize personal data, Excel can be an incredibly useful tool.

Difference Between Excel vs. Google Sheets

Google Sheets and Excel are similar tools, but Google Sheets is free and allows multiple users to edit the document at the same time, promoting seamless collaboration.

What is Excel Used

The possibilities with Excel spreadsheets are vast. Here are just a few examples:

  • Balance sheets
  • Budgets
  • Calendars
  • Data reports
  • Forms
  • Income statements
  • Invoices
  • Mailing lists
  • Planning documents
  • Timesheets
  • To-do lists

These documents can be applied to both your business and personal life, making Excel a versatile tool for organization and calculations.

How to Use Excel

Step 1: Open Excel

Start by opening Microsoft Excel. You can do this by clicking on the Excel icon on your desktop or from the Start menu.

Step 2: Create a New Workbook

Once Excel is open, you can create a new workbook by clicking on File > New > Blank Workbook.

Step 3: Enter Data

Now you can start entering data into the cells. Just click on a cell and start typing.

Step 4: Save Your Workbook

To save your workbook, click on File > Save As, then choose a location, enter a file name, and click Save.

Step 5: Use Formulas

To perform calculations, you can use formulas. For example, to add numbers in cells A1 and A2, you would click on cell A3, type =SUM(A1:A2), and press Enter.

Step 6: Create a Chart

To create a chart, first select the data you want to include in the chart. Then, click on the Insert tab and choose the type of chart you want to create from the Charts group.

Step 7: Filter Data

To filter data, click on the Data tab and then click Filter in the Sort & Filter group. Click the arrow in the column header to choose a filter for the data.

Use Conditional Formatting: To visually analyze data, use conditional formatting. Select the cells you want to format, click on the Home tab, and then click Conditional Formatting in the Styles group. Choose a formatting style from the dropdown menu.

Excel Basics

As you begin your Excel journey, here are some essential commands to learn:

  • How to create a new spreadsheet
  • How to format column or row text and titles
  • How to perform basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) between cells
  • How to add or delete columns, rows, and pages
  • How to sort your data

Once you have mastered the fundamentals, you can delve into different Excel formulas to enhance your data manipulation.

Excel Formulas

In Excel, there are many formulas you can use for working with data. All formulas start with an equal sign (=). To use a formula, start by typing the equal sign in the cell where you want the result to show up.

Basic Formulas in Excel

There are some of the important Excel formula as mentioned below:

1. Add: Use the plus sign (+) to add values from two or more cells.

  • Example =A4+D5

2. Subtract: Use the minus sign (-) to subtract values from two or more cells.

  • Example=A4-D5

3. Multiply: Use the asterisk () to multiply values from two or more cells.

  • Example=A4*D5

4. Divide: Use the forward slash (/) to divide values from two or more cells.

  • Example=A4/D5

5. DATE: Creates a date value based on specified year, month, and day.

  • Example=DATE(2022, 3, 27)

6. IF: Performs a logical test and returns different values based on the test result.

  • Example=IF(A1>B1, "Yes", "No")

7. AVERAGE: Calculates the average of values in a range.

  • Example=AVERAGE(B1:B5)

8. VLOOKUP: Searches for a value in a table and returns a corresponding value from another column.

  • Example=VLOOKUP(A2, Table1, 2, FALSE)

9. INDEX/MATCH: Retrieves a value from a specific row and column intersection in a table.

  • Example=INDEX(Table1, MATCH("Criteria", Column1, 0), 3)

We can use parentheses to create complex formulas that combine these operations.

  • Example: =((A4+C4)/(D5-C5)*3)

Excel Functions

Excel functions are like shortcuts that help you do things faster. For instance, instead of writing a long formula to add numbers, you can use the SUM function to quickly add up a bunch of numbers at once. Let's explore some popular functions:

1. SUM: We can use the SUM function to add up numbers in a range of cells. Just put the range of cells you want to add inside parentheses. For example, to add the values in cells A1 through A17, use the formula =SUM(A1:A17).

2. AVERAGE: The AVERAGE function calculates the average of numbers in a range of cells, similar to how the SUM function adds them up. For instance, to find the average of values in cells A1 through A17, you can use the formula =AVERAGE(A1:A17).

3. IF: Excel's IF function allows you to set conditions for Excel to follow. If a condition is met (true), Excel performs one action, if not (false), it performs another. This helps customize Excel's responses based on specific criteria you define.

4. VLOOKUP: The VLOOKUP function in Excel searches for specific data in your spreadsheet's rows or columns. Its syntax, VLOOKUP(lookup value, table array, column number, approximate match (TRUE) or exact match), helps you find and retrieve information based on what you're looking for.

5. COUNTIF: The VLOOKUP function in Excel searches for specific information in your spreadsheet's rows or columns. It uses the syntax VLOOKUP(lookup value, table array, column number, approximate match (TRUE), or exact match) to find and fetch data based on what you're searching for.


Google Sheets and Excel are both good for working with data. Excel is powerful for advanced tasks and data analysis, while Google Sheets is great for teamwork and collaboration. Choose based on whether you need offline features (Excel) or real time collaboration (Google Sheets) for managing data effectively.


Editing Excel Macros in Excel

Excel Macro is a set of actions that can be recorded, saved, used multiple times. This feature saves us a lot of time when dealing with repetitive tasks and huge data sets. We can always make changes to an existing Macro in Excel. There are two ways to record and run macros: Excel Commands Excel Visual Basic for Applications(VBA).1. Copying a Macro Code We can reuse the existing macro code while creating new Macros. For example, if you have existing macros created using the record function, we can reuse the code to write new macros. To open the code follow the below steps: Select Tools --> Macros --> Visual Basic Editor. Copy code from the existing macros(use Command + C) and paste(use Command + V) in the new macro2. Renaming a Macro Follow the below steps to rename a Macro in Excel: Select Tools --> Macros --> Visual Basic Editor. Select name on the left plane.Edit the name.3. Deleting a Macro Follow the below steps to delete a macro in Excel: Select Tools --> Macros --> Macros... Select the macro to be deleted. Click on the minus(-) symbol at the bottom.Select yes to delete the macro.
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Best Microsoft Excel High-Paying Jobs with Excel Skills in 2024

Are you ready to unlock a world of opportunities with Microsoft Excel? In today’s data-driven job market, mastering Excel is essential for launching a successful career, whether you're a fresher or an experienced professional. In this article, we will cover the high-paying Excel jobs available in 2024, including crucial roles like data analyst, business analyst, and many more. We'll explore the qualifications needed for these positions, along with salary estimations to help you understand your earning potential. Whether you’re looking for Excel jobs for freshers or seasoned professionals, we’ll also dive into options for Excel freelancing jobs and work-from-home jobs in Excel. Equip yourself with the knowledge to excel in your career and take the first step toward a lucrative future! Table of Content Why choose a career in ExcelWhy Excel Skills Are Essential for Your CareerEssential Excel Skills Required to Boost Your Resume Best Microsoft Excel High-Paying JobsFinancial AnalystsData AnalystAdministrative Assistant Accountants Project ManagersManagement ConsultantRetail Store ManagersBusiness Analyst Market Research Analyst Supply Chain AnalystData JournalistsHuman Resources Analys
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Excel VLOOKUP Function - Excel Guide for Beginners

The VLOOKUP function is one of the most widely used tools in Excel for looking up and retrieving data from a table. Whether you’re working with a single sheet or multiple workbooks, VLOOKUP allows you to search for a value in one column and return a related value from another. If you're new to Excel or still getting the hang of formulas, this guide is for you. We will cover everything from the basics of how VLOOKUP works to practical examples that show how to search data across sheets, troubleshoot common issues, and master the VLOOKUP formula for any task. Table of Content VLOOKUP FunctionHow VLOOKUP WorksHow to Use Excel VLOOKUP Function with Example (For Beginners)How to VLOOKUP between two Excel SpreadsheetsHow to VLOOKUP between two WorkbooksCommon Troubleshooting Tips for VLOOKUP Function in ExcelVLOOKUP FunctionVLOOKUP, short for "Vertical Lookup," is a powerful function in Microsoft Excel that is used to search for a specific value in the first column of a table array and return a value in the same row from another column you specify. It's an essential tool for anyone who needs to extract data from large tables based on some key value. Syntax of VLOOKUP FormulaVLOOKUP(looku
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Scenario Manager in Excel

A Scenario Manager is a tool in Excel that works on a set of values that Excel saves and can be change up to 32 cells simultaneously. In this article, we will look at how we can use Scenario Manager in Excel. To do so follow the steps below: Step 1: Formatting data. Step 2: Highlight the data in which we want to change by Scenario Manager. Step 3: Then, click to Data on the Ribbon. In the Forecast group, click What-If Analysis. Step 4: In the resulting menu, click Scenario Manager... Step 5: Then in the box, click Add... Step 6:- In the Add, Scenario box change the Scenario name: and comment. Then select Prevent changes in the Protection, and then click Ok. Step 7:-Then in the Scenario Values box change the cells name. Step 8: Click Show in the Scenario Manager box. After, those cells are changed.
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Excel VBA | count() functions

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the programming language of Excel and other offices. It is an event-driven programming language from Microsoft. With Excel VBA one can automate many tasks in excel and all other office software. It helps in generating reports, preparing various charts, graphs and moreover, it performs calculation using its various functions. Let’s see Count() functions in Excel. COUNT: It allows to count the number of cells that contain numbers in a range. One can use the COUNT function to calculate the total number of entries in an array of numbers. Syntax:=COUNT(value1, value2…) value1: The very first item required to count numbers. value2: It can be specified upto 255 other entries which you want to count. Note: -> Only those arguments are counted that are numbers or text enclosed between quotation marks, as, “2”. -> Arguments like logical values and text representation of numbers that are typed directly are counted. -> Any values that cannot be translated to numbers are ignored. Example: Output: COUNTA: This counts only those range of cells which are not empty. Syntax:=COUNTA(value1, value2…) value1: It is the first argument to be counted. value2: All addi
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How to Sum Diagonal Cells in a range in Excel?

The calculation of matrices is one of the most difficult numerical computation tasks. You may need to add values diagonally in a table when performing mathematical computations. Excel allows you to sum diagonal numbers without having to add the values one by one. We'll go through how to sum cells diagonally down or diagonally up. Example: The image below shows a matrix & we want to add the elements of the diagonal. Diagonal1 is the right diagonal & Diagonal2 is the left diagonal as its top element is on the left. Conditional Formatting (On Matrix or Table) : To do conditional formatting use the following steps :Step 1: Select the Matrix/Table. Then Go to the home tab & select the conditional formatting option. Step 2: Choose New Rule. Step 3: Select: "Use a formula to determine which cells to format" & in the rule description give the format values for the formula. Here we give 1st cell name of the matrix in the formula, i.e., column(B2) - row(B2) (For diagonal) Step 4: Click on the format. Choose the color, fonts, etc, for formatting & then click on OK. Step 6: Click on Ok. You will get your cells formatted. How to Sum Diagonal Cells in a range in Excel? A rang
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How to Group Adjacent Columns or Rows Separately or Independently in Excel?

Excel comes with a range of tools and functions to work with complex spreadsheets easily. There are various options to organize content so that it makes more sense and lets one work effectively. Grouping adjacent rows and columns are one such feature that we can use to organize data effectively in Excel. But there is a catch. What if we want to make a number of independent groups out of adjacent rows or columns and not one? Well, we can do that but not with the normal group function that groups the entire rows or columns into one. Let us learn how we can group adjacent rows or columns independently in Excel. Steps to Group Adjacent Columns or Rows Separately or Independently in Excel Here, we have an excel sheet where we want to make two groups out of these columns, subjects, and marks. Now, let us try grouping the three subjects and the three marks into separate groups by using the Group function of Excel. First, select the three subject columns and go to the group section in the Data tab. A pop-up box will appear and ask if you want to group rows or columns. For this case, we will select columns. Now, when you will click on ok, you will see that a group is formed that you can col
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Advanced Excel - Chart Design

The charts are the visual representation of data in both rows and columns. They are used to analyze the trends and patterns in the datasets. For example, If we want to analyze the sales of different courses for a specific period of time we can easily do this with the help of charts and get the result of queries such as months having a maximum number of sales etc. The following are the uses of charts: Allows visualizing the data graphically.Easy to compare and interpret the data in datasets.Provide easier and more convenient analysis for trends and patterns in data over a period.Advance Chart Advanced charts are used to visualize and analyze consolidated information in a single chart for more than one dataset. For example, if we have more than one dataset, we can use one dataset to create a chart and after that, we can add another dataset also on the same chart while formatting the chart. Examples of Top Advance Charts Following are the examples of top advance charts, Conditional Doughnut Progress Chart Conditional doughnut progress chart display percentage(%) change with conditional colors for different levels of completion of the task. Column Chart with Percentage Change Column ch
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How to Use for Each Loop in Excel VBA?

A For Each loop is used to execute a statement or a set of statements for each element in an array or collection. Syntax: For Each element In group [ statements ] [ Exit For ] [ statements ] Next [ element ] The For...Each...Next statement syntax has the following three parts: PartDescriptionelement Required (Must be mentioned). Variable is used to iterate through the elements of the collection or array. For collections, the element can only be a Variant variable, a generic object variable, or any specific object variable. For arrays, the element can only be a Variant variable.groupRequired(Must be mentioned). Name of an object collection or array (except an array of user-defined types).statementOptional (May or may not be mentioned). One or more statements are executed on each item in the group. There are 4 basic steps to writing a For Each Next Loop in VBA: Declare a variable.Write the For Each Line with the variable and collection references.Add line(s) of code to repeat for each item in the collection.Write the Next line to terminate the loop. The For…Each block is entered if there is at least one element in the group. Upon entering the loop, all the statements in the loop are
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How to Hide Zero Values in Excel

Microsoft Excel enables us to format, organize and calculate data in a spreadsheet. It's a great tool for preparing datasets and it makes those datasets easier for users and analysts to analyze the data. Sometimes these datasets contain zero values that are not required to be seen. Excel provides an easy way to hide those zero values without affecting the data and the datasets. Whenever we have a large dataset, many of the data values in the dataset may be zero and as per requirement, we may need to hide those zero values and leave the cells empty. Let's learn how we can Hide Zero Values In Excel. Hiding Zero Values in ExcelLet's assume we have the following dataset, showing the sales of different courses in different cities. We can see that our dataset contains zero(0) elements that we need to remove. This can be easily done by removing each 0 entry one by one for such a small dataset. But If we have a massive dataset with thousands of entries it became very difficult to remove elements manually. How to Automatically Hide Zero Values In CellsIn this method, we will use the options provided by Excel to hide zero values in the cells. This method hides the zero value within the compl
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