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What is NDMA and its Functions

Last Updated : 03 Nov, 2022
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The NDMA celebrated its 18th anniversary on 28th September 2022 in New Delhi. The theme of this year’s founding anniversary is “Volunteerism in Disaster Management”. Disaster Management is important for competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, State PSC, Banking, and others. This topic needs to be read in detail by every aspirant for upcoming exams.

National Disaster Management Authority: An Introduction

  • NDMA is India’s supreme statutory body for disaster management.
  • NDMA was officially incorporated on September 27, 2006, by the Disaster Management Act, of 2005.
  • The Prime Minister is the chairman and has nine other members. One of the nine members is appointed Vice-Chairman.
  • The Disaster Management Act also creates National Disaster Management Agencies (SDMAs) under the direction of their respective Prime Ministers and District Disaster Management Departments (DDMAs) co-chaired by a Chair under the direction of a District Collector/District Magistrate. were established. of local organizations.      
  • The primary responsibility for disaster management lies with the respective state governments. However, national disaster management policies are creating a favorable environment for all. H. Center, State, District.

What led to the development of NDMA?

  • Recognizing the importance of disaster management as a national priority, the Government of India established the High Power Commission (HPC) in August 1999 to make recommendations on disaster management plans and proposals after the Gujarat earthquake (2001).  established a national commission to carry out effective mitigation mechanisms.
  • For the first time, the 10th Five-Year Plan document also included a detailed chapter on disaster management. The 12th Finance Committee was also tasked with reviewing financial measures for disaster management.
  • On 23 December 2005, the Government of India enacted the Disaster Management Act, providing for the creation of his NDMA, headed by the Prime Minister, and State Disaster Management Agencies (SDMAs), headed by their respective Chief Ministers, to create a holistic and integrated framework in implementing disaster countermeasures.

What is the institutional framework for disaster management in India?

  • The primary responsibility for disaster management lies with the respective state governments. However, national policies on disaster management create a favorable environment for all. H. Center, State, District.
  • The 2009 National Policy on Disaster Management was prepared by the 2005 Disaster Management Act. Provide a framework/timetable for holistic disaster response. According to the provisions of the law, civil protection agencies are established at three levels: national, state and district.
  • The National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) has been established under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister and a Secretary to the National Executive Committee (NEC) has been established to assist the NDMA in carrying out its duties. 
  • At the state level, the National Disaster Management Agency was created, chaired by the Chief Minister, and supported by the State Executive Board.
  • At the regional level, a district disaster management agency was established. Establish disaster management policies, plans, and guidelines to ensure a timely and effective response to disasters and long-term disaster risk reduction.
  • India has also signed the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) which sets goals for disaster management.

Main Purpose:

To promote and implement a holistic and integrated approach to disaster management in India. Build a safer and more resilient India through a holistic, proactive, technology-driven, and sustainable development strategy that involves all stakeholders and also promotes a culture of prevention, preparedness, and mitigation.     

What are the major functions and responsibilities of NDMA:

  • Establish policies and guidelines for disaster management functions.
  • Approve the national plan.
  • Approves the plans made by any ministry or department of the Government of India through the National Plan.
  • Establishes guidelines for state agencies to follow when developing state plans.
  • It establishes guidelines for the various ministries and departments of the Government of India to follow and integrates measures into development plans and projects to prevent or mitigate disaster impacts. 
  • To manage the implementation and enforcement of disaster management policies and plans.
  • Recommend funding for mitigation.
  • Provision of such assistance to other countries affected by major disasters as determined by the central government.
  • Take other disaster prevention or mitigation measures or prepare and build capacity to deal with imminent disaster situations or disasters deemed necessary.

Volunteer activities in disaster management:

  • Given the importance of the frontline response to disasters, volunteers should develop certain basic disaster management skills so that they can respond in an informed and timely manner and assist affected authorities in their rescue and relief efforts. It is important to train to
  • Aapda Mitra Scheme: The program was created by The NDMA to train disaster relief volunteers in flood-prone areas of India.
    More than 5,500 volunteers were trained as part of the pilot program.
  • “Sewa, Samarpan, Paropkar” is the true identity of Aapda Mitra. No matter how much disaster strikes and how swift government agencies are, volunteers from affected communities are usually the first to act. External help will take time to reach affected people. This time delay is very important for saving lives and livelihoods. 
  • The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) conducts community awareness programs to build community capacity in disaster management.
  • NDRF also runs the School Safety Program (SSP), which provides basic training for school children and teachers to help them evacuate during an earthquake.
  • From time to time, NDMA conducts awareness campaigns on various disasters through electronic and print media, including social media. These campaigns include dos and don’ts, audiovisual films, and messages about pre-, during-, and post-disaster preparedness.
  • Examples of Kerala floods in 2018: A team of 30 volunteers, made up of journalists, lawyers, fishermen, and IT staff, is responsible for multiple tasks, including providing food, managing the district disaster management agency’s rescue operations center, handling emergency calls, and coordinating multiple helicopter rescue operations are managed by the Air Force and NDRF.

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