Healing Circle Transformative Community

Do you have physical discomfort or pain? Something like a joint problem that you ‘know can’t be fixed’ without surgery? That you’ve resigned yourself to ‘living with,’ but hate the fact that you can’t do anything to change it?

Do you have physical issues like sinus, like asthma, where you ‘know’ it’s unlikely to get better by itself, where you’ve resigned yourself to taking meds to help you cope?

Perhaps you feel miserable – low and down and you wish you could recapture the old you, who bounced back easily, who coped with all the demands of a busy life, of family, of friends, of demanding colleagues at work? Take a look at what Susan said, after months of working in my Healing Circle Transformative Community, and how she felt about finding her symptoms shifting and easing!

What's the Healing Circle Transformative Community all about?



Are you sick and tired of not enough money? Always feeling like money is tight, there’s not enough – ? It makes you anxious when you actually allow yourself to think about it (but generally you’re in ‘avoidance mode’ because it’s all too tricky)? Do you resonate with the feeling that money is just.too.hard?

Lack of abundance, familial and generational money story rewritten in the Transformative Global Healing Circle Community!

 I have always been surrounded with money issues from being a child, parents never having enough money to feed us, pay bills, clothe us and living day to day life was just really hard, and I really thought this is my life until 2017 when I came across positive mindset, law of attraction, and life starting to look up.

My life changed for the better when I was able to work for myself, however something inside was crying out for that little bit more but I was stuck with not knowing why! I knew then I needed help so starting looking for mentor/coach/facilitator no idea how but then, Gen, when we crossed paths I knew you was meant to be in my life and by God I was right!

I was very sceptic in the beginning how Emotion Code and Body Code worked, but I wanted the change so much in my life that I went with it, not knowing about all the emotional blockages that I have carried regarding money issues from being a child now into my 50’s. We have been remotely working on my “limiting beliefs around not having money” I would panic when I lost clients thinking I wouldn’t have enough money to meet my monthly outgoings but working with you Gen you got me to a place where I was comfortable and relaxed around money. Life got easier and I kept noticing my changes around my “limiting beliefs with money” and how much calmer everything had become, I wouldn’t panic anymore and life was on the up knowing that every week you would be working on me in the background.

Gen, I will never forget this date for as long as I live 11/1/2024…… was the day when everything that we had been working on had finally be set free and it was the day my life changed forever! You always hear about manifestations but this just blew my mind, never saw it coming, it was the day I was gifted £140,000.00 I think we can finally say Gen that you have most definitely released my money blocks! I am now mortgage free, with no financial worries in which you should know I cried with happiness when I paid it all off that day!!!!

Gen “YOU” are outstanding in all that you do, and the knowledge that you have with past/present…. trauma/chaos/blocks in everyday life that no-one could ever figure out or resolve is just phenomenal! I am forever truly grateful for having you in my life it has been an amazing journey and this is only the beginning!!!!!!! I have always classed you as my mentor and you are one truly amazing, kind, loving lady I cannot  highly recommend you enough. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Truly Grateful
Mary xx


Are you sick and tired of health conditions you feel you have no control over? And do you resonate with feelings of Lack of Control when you think about that dreadful boss or colleague you work with, who makes your life miserable, rachets up your anxiety levels and makes you dread having to go to work each day?

Narrowed spinal canal, asthma, sinusitis in the Healing Circle Transformative Community


We have worked on so many issues. I have a narrowed spinal canal at my neck with bone spurs on it and this causes restrictions in my neck movement, we did some amazing sessions and I have much less restriction of movement in my neck now, amazing result.

Next we worked on asthma and sinusitis using the healing circle again. Wow after having suffered for years the result and relief was amazing.

I started slimming world and so asked Gen to work with me on reducing my wine intake and sticking to the diet. I quickly lost half a stone in a matter of weeks.

My final sessions were on the overwhelming negativity I was feeling due to a difficult work colleague. Again the results were amazing and I was able to let go of some of that negativity.

Susan Musson, Newcastle upon Tyne


Are you sick and tired of your same-old, same-old behaviours? Like - eating the 'wrong foods', knowing you're eating the 'wrong foods', but not being able to stop? Endless snacking? Buying the 'wrong foods' in the supermarket and 'having' to eat them, even though you know they're no good for you? Well - maybe you can stop!

Linda’s ‘endless TV snacking’ resolved by the Healing Circle Transformative Community


I joined the Healing Circle in May 2020, I wanted help with my evening snacking issues, which were very much out of control, with me some evenings eating 6-8 packets of crisps and often a full packet of biscuits without a second thought.

After each session Gen would send me a report and I would let Gen have feedback so we could both keep track on my progress.

Here’s what I had to say & the great progress that I made.

Week 1: “I certainly haven’t had any evening munchies since we started this process so long may it continue, I will keep you informed”.

Week 2: “Thank you so much, I always find these reports so interesting, I had a small blip at the beginning of the week, I’m putting it down to hormones, I ate a whole bar of chocolate in one sitting, however, I have not been eating the bags and bags of crisps as I was before, despite the fact that they are in the house and available, I just feel satisfied once I have had dinner”.

Week 3: “This evening I found myself putting back the second KitKat that I had taken to have with my cup of tea, when I realised I hadn’t exactly enjoyed the first one, now if I could just perfect not picking the first one up in the first place, then I will have truly cracked this, lol”.

Week 4: “Gen, this has been an amazing help, on my most recent shopping trip I didn’t buy any biscuits or sweets and my evenings are no longer spent snacking on packets and packets of crisps, to be honest I don’t find myself thinking about food.  I would say I have a severity level now of 1 or 2, whereas when I first asked you it was a 9-10, so as ever you have worked miracles, truly miracles, this really has been a fab result and I can’t thank you enough.”

Linda Hewick – Harrogate

Do your children have behavioural issues, or problems that you just don’t know how to help them cope with? Maybe your child is afraid of the dark, or is afraid of being in certain rooms by themselves – maybe s/he has some kind of sibling rivalry and your life often feels stressed and unhappy because of it? Have a look at to Nicole’s testimonial to see how the Healing Circle Transformative Community helped her son gain confidence and happiness!


Charlie never knew we were ‘working with him’ – because Nicole as his guardian was able to give me her permission for his remote healing. Consequently, he never had the impression that ‘there was something wrong with him, that needed ‘fixing.’’

Charlie’s fear of being alone – helped by the Healing Circle Transformative Community


I initially asked Gen to help my 8 yo Charlie with his fear of being alone. Over each of the 4 healing circle sessions, I’ve enjoyed watching his confidence gradually grow, and to see him construct new beliefs about what he is capable of. However, I’ve also noticed that he is generally just a happier little boy: less defiant, and more smiley and positive. The change in his mood has meant our family is more connected, and less fraught with tension and arguments. Thank you so much Gen!

Nicole W

Have you often wished that you could afford ongoing energy healing? Well, now you can!

Welcome to my Healing Circle Transformative Community – where you get a deep, ongoing, drip feed of energy healing every single week!

What is the Healing Circle Transformative Community?

You join an amazing group of people who are all walking their healing journeys at the same time as you are walking yours – you become part of a Healing Circle Transformative Community and you can share – if you want to – your healing experiences in our private FB group. You can ask questions of me and of the community and get my impressions of your healing through my weekly debriefings done as FB lives.

I invite you to join others from around the world who are already experiencing fabulous results from the remote, anonymous, distance, weekly drip-feed of ongoing healing which is helping them with all sorts of different symptoms and seeing them overcome their pain, whatever that looks like to them.

Come with us now – join us in this Healing Circle Transformative Community journey – start finally moving from chaos to calm, from pain to peace. Join us! I hope I see you soon!

What can we work on in the Healing Circle Transformative Community?

Things we have worked with in the Healing Circle Transformative Community are:


‘Anger’ or ‘temper’ issues

Bladder incontinence

Digestive issues – acid reflux / indigestion / heartburn

Can’t stop eating / snacking, even when full

Weight issues – over- or under-eating


Erectile dysfunction

Feeling unworthy

Pain – hip / neck / back

‘Addicted’ (to food, sex, drugs, alcohol, sugar …)

Emotional or physical conflict with others

Bowel incontinence or IBS

Hard to find love / stay in meaningful relationships

Lack of financial abundance

Sleep issues – can’t fall asleep / wake up too early

Feeling meh

Dreadful and disturbing dreams

Lack of Confidence

Asthma, allergies

What’s included in the Healing Circle Transformative Community

  • Remote distance energy healing on your individual choice of topic, every week, in a group setting
  • Complete anonymity within the group regarding what you have asked Gen for help with
  • A report sent to you after every session, so you can see what we released
  • Automatic membership of an exclusive FaceBook group where you can choose to engage with other like-minded people who are walking their own healing journey, parallel with yours. If you choose, you can compare notes, witness the journeys of others, have others witness yours
  • Live or some reflection relevant to the healing, every week within the group where Gen shares thoughts and impressions relevant to the healing session done the day before
  • The option to ‘swap out’ monthly blocks of healing with family members or friends
  • The option to leave the community at any time by cancelling your subscription – please see Terms and Conditions
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