Amazon India Delivers Xbox Controller With A Deadly Surprise: A Spectacled Cobra

(Last Updated On: June 20, 2024)

Key Highlights

  • A Bengaluru couple found a live snake stuck to the packaging tape
  • They reportedly faced a two-hour wait on Amazon’s customer service line
  • Amazon has apologized for the incident and promised to investigate

In an unusual turn of events, a couple from Bengaluru, India, experienced a harrowing incident after ordering an Xbox controller from Amazon India. Along with their expected delivery, they received an unexpected and dangerous surprise — a live snake. Also Read | UK Man Takes Apple To Court After Wife Discovers Deleted Messages With Sex Worker

The Unexpected Delivery

Tanvi, the Reddit user who shared her alarming experience, detailed that they had placed an order for an Xbox controller on June 16. As promised, the delivery arrived promptly on June 18. However, what came along with the controller shocked the couple and posed a significant threat to their safety.

Encounter With A Spectacled Cobra

Amazon delivers snake

Upon opening the package, the couple discovered a snake stuck to the packaging tape. They identified it as a Spectacled Cobra, a venomous snake species native to the region. Fortunately, the snake was contained and did not harm anyone during this unsettling discovery.

Customer Service Ordeal

Tanvi further expressed distress over the handling of the situation by Amazon’s customer service. Despite the imminent danger posed by the venomous snake, she recounted being put on hold for approximately two hours before any assistance was provided. While they eventually received a full refund for their purchase, the psychological toll of the incident remained a concern.

Amazon’s Response

In response to the incident, Amazon India acknowledged the issue and expressed regret over the inconvenience caused to the customers. They assured that they would investigate the matter further to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. This incident has raised questions about the safety protocols and quality control measures in Amazon’s delivery process.

Public Reaction And Safety Concerns

The incident has sparked widespread concern among customers regarding the safety and reliability of online shopping platforms. Many have voiced their apprehensions about potential risks involved in receiving packages, especially when dealing with live animals, let alone a venomous snake.

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While Amazon India is known for its extensive range of products and efficient delivery services, this incident serves as a stark reminder of the unexpected challenges that can arise. Customers rely on such platforms not only for convenience but also for their safety and security. As investigations continue into how such a mistake occurred, it underscores the importance of stringent quality checks and thorough inspections in the logistics chain of e-commerce giants like Amazon.

While Tanvi and her partner were fortunate to escape unharmed from their encounter with a Spectacled Cobra, the incident highlights the need for enhanced diligence in ensuring that every aspect of the delivery process is meticulously managed to avoid such alarming mishaps in the future.

About Shweta Srivastava

Say hello to Shweta, a tech fan who's hooked on keeping up with all things tech. When she's not exploring the latest gadgets, she's diving into a good book, clicking photos as an amateur photographer, or enjoying classic movies and music. With her love for both tech and creativity, Shweta adds her own touch to tech news in a way that's easy to understand and enjoy.

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